"Kill it in one fell swoop, forget it, it's boring!" Chen

Feng waved his hand with disgust, and then put away the [Thunder Domain].

At the same time, a horizontal knife with blood-colored flame patterns was held in the young man's right hand.

"I learned the 'honor student' among your white-clothed ghosts before, and now... Just let me try your group of 'crane tails'!" As

he spoke, Chen Feng's figure turned into a streamer of light, and he rushed straight towards the two mole ghosts in front of him!

Looking at the human being in front of him who was not afraid of himself, one of the mole ghosts with red eyes suddenly roared angrily, and the inky flames all over his body suddenly twisted.

However, Chen Feng turned a blind eye to the mole ghost's rage, and directly brandished the [Blood Flame Knife] in his hand, piercing the mole ghost's heart directly!


After Chen Feng pulled out the horizontal knife, the mole ghost fell straight down with a puff.

The next moment, ink-colored silk threads rose and condensed into a Neidan in front of him.

"Stabbed to death with a single knife, your body can't compare to reggae at all!" Looking

at the inky Neidan suspended in front of him, Chen Feng complained unconsciously.

However, before Chen Feng's words could completely fall, a fist shadow burning with black flames struck towards his temple!

How fast was Chen Feng's reaction?

With the blessing of the white-clothed ghost-level ghost body, the flexibility and reflexes of the young man's body had already reached the peak level!

I saw that Chen Feng's waist bent slightly, and the fist full of Sen Luo's ghost qi fell into the air.

Immediately after, Chen Feng's body directly rotated three hundred and sixty degrees and pasted the owner of the fist shadow.

Then, Chen Feng's left hand suddenly poked out like a swimming dragon and grabbed the other party's head!

Chen Feng shattered his mouth, and then immediately sent out the grip strength that a white-clothed ghost-level ghost creature should have!


next moment, the head of the only remaining mole ghost was crushed by Chen Feng and died!

Black blood mixed with the mole ghost's iron-blue brain, suddenly flew around.

A peculiar smell that was countless times more fishy than rotten eggs drifted into Chen Feng's nasal cavity with the flow of air.

Regarding the disgusting fishy smell around him, Chen Feng turned a deaf ear.

At this moment, he was just pacing back and forth, recovering the three white-level inner pills around him.

Wearing an open black trench coat, in this dim world, the surrounding wind blows and hunts...


"It's time to leave.

After recovering all the Nedan, Chen Feng glanced at the watch on his wrist.

6:15 p.m.

Although with the help of the [Breath Shielding Order], Chen Feng could blend in this No. 4 crater full of powerful ghosts.

But the pressure can only be known after experiencing it firsthand.

After all... In this kind of place, the slightest mistake may attract a large group of evil ghosts.

You know, not all white-clothed ghosts are as chicken as mole ghosts.

So... If conditions permitted, Chen Feng naturally didn't want to stay in this crater for even a second!

Thinking of this, Chen Feng simply rubbed his temples, then turned around and walked towards the slope leaving the bottom of the crater...


The bottom of the crater No. 2.


With the girl's coquettish shout, a pink crescent-shaped arc of light flew out of the [Blood Flame Knife] in the girl's hand, directly slashing the throat of a ghost-level ghost creature opposite.

A milky white inner pill slowly rose into the air.

"Whew! it's finally over!" the girl stretched out her sleeve and wiped the beads of sweat from her forehead, and her lips said lightly.

At the back of the team, the simple-looking Liu Xiao glanced down at the watch on his wrist, and then shouted to everyone:

"Brothers and sisters, it's half past six, it's time to go back to the camp!"

Hearing this, everyone turned around, greeted each other, patted the dust on his body, and followed Liu Xiao towards the location of the tent.

After a while, a bright fire came into everyone's eyes.

"What's that?" Suddenly, the red-haired Shen Tian let out a sigh and pointed towards a black shadow beside the bonfire.

Hearing the news, the other five people all looked in the direction of his finger.

Sure enough.

Next to the campfire, there was a dark shadow, sitting cross-legged with his back to the crowd.

"I don't know... Ghosts?" Wang Hao scratched his head and asked tentatively.

"Not really. Liu Xiao shook his head lightly, squinted his eyes and said.

"Are you 10,000 degrees short-sighted! That's Ah Feng!!" Yousu Qianyu glanced at everyone, and then ran towards the black shadow with an excited face.

Liu Xiao: (・∀・*)

Shen Tianfang: (* ゚ー ゚*)

Zhan Xingye: (⊙o⊙)

Wang Hao: ̄\(°_o)/

̄He Yuchen: Σ(っ °Д °;) Good

guy, is this a woman in love?

In the vast sea of ghosts, look at the back to recognize people?!......

"Ah Feng!" Next to the tent, Su Qianyu waved his white arms and shouted excitedly to the figure next to the bonfire.

Hearing this, the figure slowly turned around, and the beating firelight reflected the young man's handsome face.

It's not Chen Feng, who else could it be?

Looking at Su Qianyu coming towards him, Chen Feng chuckled and slowly got up and beckoned to the other party.

But when Chen Feng saw that Su Qianyu was the only one coming, he asked with some doubts:

"Why are you alone?"

Hearing this, Su Qianyu pouted angrily, and said angrily: "What about the back, you big wood!"

In this regard, Chen Feng had to accompany a smiling face and scratch his neck stupidly.

Not long after, Liu Xiao and his party also returned to the bonfire.

"Brother Feng, you are... It's over?" Liu Xiao looked Chen Feng up and down, a little incredulous.

After hearing this, Chen Feng smiled helplessly and bowed slightly.

"Well, it's all over. As he spoke, Chen Feng took out the [Dimensional Space] in his trouser pocket and took out the Neidan of the three mole ghosts he had killed.

"Brother Feng, what kind of ghost thing is this Inner Dan?" Looking at the three Inner Dan in Chen Feng's hand, Liu Xiao asked curiously.

"Mole ghost. "

Mole ghost, is it the one with the tail of the crane among the ghosts?" Hearing this, He Yuchen, who was wearing black-rimmed glasses, asked.

"Yes, it's the mole ghost, I picked up a leak. Chen Feng laughed and said proudly.

"Brother Feng, all I can say is... Xiao Fei may not be a human, but you are a real dog!" As he spoke, Liu Xiao also gave Chen Feng a thumbs up.

Three mole ghost Neidan for one greedy ghost, this deal, you won't lose money!

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