Bai Ye had just finished reading the information displayed on Lingli's wrist when the ground beneath him began to swell and shake.

After feeling the strange movement under his body, Bai Ye reacted instantly and immediately pulled away from the ground under his feet.

Just after Bai Ye left the ground, a monster as big as a car broke out of the ground.

With the appearance of this monster, flying stones and rocks scattered everywhere, heat waves rolled in, and the momentum was overwhelming.

This monster looks like a crab, with its whole body covered with a dark red carapace. There are a large number of bone spurs growing on the edges of the carapace. Its claws are red and burning with a ball of flame. The carapace of the claws seems to have magma flowing on it.

But compared to ordinary crabs, its size is much larger. Just a pair of large pincers is a full circle larger than the tires of a car.

When the pincers are stretched out and standing upright, its height can even reach more than two meters, and its width is close to four meters. It looks like a steel wall.

Its eight hind legs are thin and pointed, like eight sharp spears.

Even the hard rocky ground under its feet will be dug into deep holes by its eight sharp hind legs.

While seeing the other party's full picture, Bai Ye's system also gave the other party's system information.

【Lava Cancer】

[Spirit Level: 5]

[Killing can obtain killing value: 50]

[A giant monster that lives in the magma land. It stays in the rock formations above the magma all year round. It wears a thick carapace, which is as hard as granite. Its pair of pincers are wrapped around the high temperature. It has amazing strength and can easily crush rocks, but Movement speed is slower and reaction ability is sluggish. 】

After seeing the information about this monster, Bai Ye nodded secretly.

Although the lava crab's aura seemed relatively powerful, Bai Ye had an intuition the moment he saw him.

Although this monster looks very scary, its power should be far less than that of the Sekirei Troll.

Now it seems that it is indeed the case.

The power of the Sekirei Troll is reflected in all aspects. Whether it is speed or strength, the Sekirei Troll can be said to be extremely powerful.

And the most important thing is that when the Sekirei Troll releases an attack, almost its whole body is wrapped with a layer of scorching high-temperature spiritual power.

In comparison, the temperature of this lava giant crab, which is two large pincers, is a bit higher, and its overall strength is still far worse than that of the Sekirei troll.

If this giant lava crab encounters a Sekirei troll, Bai Ye estimates that this big crab won't even be able to walk through for three rounds, and it will be hammered to death by a few sticks from the Sekirei troll.

The first stage of this global martial arts test is simpler than I thought.

Bai Yebian thought so, and he summoned a wooden thorn at random, and exploded the head of this mighty lava giant crab.

The wooden thorn broke out from the rock layer, pierced the carapace of the lower abdomen of the lava giant crab on the spot, and then penetrated through its Tianling Cap.

A wooden thorn directly killed this lava giant crab with a spiritual level as high as five.

The wood thorns he summoned with Wood Style are about as strong as steel.

The carapace, which is as hard as granite, is no longer enough in front of Baiye's Wood Style.

It's just one move, what's there to say?

Ten college entrance examination points are obtained directly.

Maybe for Bai Ye, these lava giant crabs are indeed a bit unsightly.

But for other students taking the global college entrance examination, it is different.

Most candidates who have participated in the Awakening Trial have an average spiritual level of around level three.

The higher ones may reach level four or five.

When they encounter these lava giant crabs alone, most people's first reaction is to run away first.

Only a few candidates can swipe a lava giant crab alone.

Although the spiritual level of these lava giant crabs is as high as level five, fortunately, their movement speed is not particularly fast.

Therefore, after encountering a lava giant crab, it is easy to save your life by running away as soon as possible.

It is worth mentioning that in the Global Martial Arts Examination, there is no explicit prohibition on the behavior of candidates hugging each other to keep warm.

In other words, candidates can form a team to hunt lava crabs together.

No matter which method is used, as long as three lava giant crabs can be hunted within three days, you can successfully advance to the next stage of the global martial arts test.

Therefore, for those candidates with lower spiritual levels, their highest priority goal is not to hunt down the lava crabs, but to find teammates to act with.

As long as they find teammates and hunt down the first lava crab through teamwork, they can quickly increase their strength by relying on the fifth-level spiritual core in the lava crab.

After all, bulky monsters like the Lava Crab are the easiest to hunt through teamwork.

But for Bai Ye, he didn't have so many worries at all.

With his current strength, a direct push would be enough.

He kills as many lava crabs as he sees.

Looking at the lava giant crab in front of him whose head was shot by a wooden thorn, Bai Ye closed his eyes and switched to the bloody Sharingan.

The first time he killed this lava crab, Bai Ye was a little unclear as to where the lava crab's spiritual core was hidden, so he had to use Sharingan to investigate the location of the opponent's spiritual core.

Because whether it is a human or human-like creature, its spiritual core is generally stored around the lower abdomen.

The same goes for goblins.

But this was Bai Ye's first encounter with this giant crab-type monster, and he had no idea how to dig out the opponent's spiritual core.

Fortunately, after Sharingan's spiritual power detection, Bai Ye quickly found the location of the lava giant crab's spiritual core.

It's just a distance down from the center of its skull.

After determining the location of the lava giant crab's spiritual core, Bai Ye lightly jumped onto the lava giant crab's head.

Then Bai Ye made a fist with one hand and punched it hard.

With only the strength of his body, Bai Ye punched a big hole in the thick carapace on the head of the giant lava crab.

Bai Ye reached into it and groped for a moment. After a while, Bai Ye took out a dark red spiritual core that looked like a glass ball.

It is the fifth level spiritual core of the Lava Cancer.

Compared to the huge size of the Lava Crab, the size of the spiritual core in his body is much smaller.

Cai Kankan was only the size of a thumb, dark red all over, a little warm, and exuding a faint smell of sulfur.

Bai Ye wiped the stains on the fifth-level spiritual core with his clothes and put it into his pocket.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Ye drove the Sharingan and continued to look for the lava giant crabs hidden around him.

In Bai Ye's eyes, these lava giant crabs were nothing more than terrifying monsters.

These are obviously fifty kill points and level five spiritual cores buried in the ground waiting to be harvested.

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