In the lava field, Baiye drove two One Tomoe Sharingan and explored along the nearby lava field.

What Bai Ye didn't expect was that the number of lava giant crabs here was not particularly large, at least not as many as Bai Ye imagined.

While searching along the way, it would take Bai Ye about an hour on average to encounter a lava giant crab.

After Bai Ye's observation, he discovered that creatures like lava crabs didn't seem to like to move in groups or live together.

Compared to the rest of the group, they seem to prefer to find a remote place to sleep alone.

When Bai Ye came, a molten giant crab exploded under his feet. It was a complete accident within an accident.

However, Bai Ye also understood Lava Cancer's habit of living alone.

After all, this is the first stage of the global martial arts examination.

The strength of the Lava Cancer itself has surpassed most of the candidates taking the Global Martial Arts Examination. If they still lived in groups, then the Global Martial Arts Examination would really be impossible.

Just as Bai Ye continued to scan the picture to brush off monsters, Bai Ye suddenly heard a loud noise coming from beside him.

With the dual blessing of Observation Haki and Sharingan, Bai Ye instantly noticed the source of the sound.

The loud noise was a strange movement coming from directly in front of him.

Out of curiosity, Bai Ye accelerated his speed again and rushed towards the place where the loud noise came from.

What on earth is this thing that can make such a sound like a landmine exploding?

As Bai Ye advanced, he quickly saw the source of the explosion.

Those strange explosions turned out to come from a lava giant crab. For some reason, half of the eight hind legs of the lava giant crab had been broken off.

Judging from its appearance, its hind legs looked like they had been blown off by a bomb. The muscles at the wound were broken, and the carapace was full of gaps and cracks.

In front of the lava giant crab, there was another candidate with blond hair.

Under Baiye's Sharingan vision, one could clearly see that the candidate with blond hair had a special layer of spiritual power condensed on his hands.

Moreover, the hind legs of the lava giant crab opposite him were also stained with this special spiritual power.

Just when Bai Ye was wondering about the opponent's ability, the lava giant crab's hind legs contaminated with special spiritual power exploded again.

The familiar sound of explosions reached Bao Ye's ears again.

When Bai Ye saw this, Jōnin couldn't help showing a little surprise on his face.

This student with blond hair has a somewhat strange ability to awaken.

The lava giant crab experienced another hind limb explosion and only had two hind limbs left. Obviously, the two hind limbs could not support its heavy body at all.

Therefore, at the next moment, its body lost its balance and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the blond examinee touched the lava crab's head with his palm again, and then flexibly pulled away.

Then, the area where the lava giant crab was poked exploded violently again.

After the explosion, a huge hole suddenly appeared in the head of this lava giant crab. This lava giant crab was already dead.

Driving Sharingan in the white night, I saw this scene completely from a distance.

After seeing this with Sharingan, Bai Ye also completely understood the opponent's ability.

Every time this blond examinee touches an object with his hands, he will leave a special amount of spiritual energy in that object.

As long as he is willing, he can mobilize the special spiritual power he left in the animal's body at any time, turning the object he touches into an explosive bomb that explodes instantly.

After understanding the other party's abilities, even Bai Ye couldn't help but smack his tongue slightly.

This ability has an inexplicably familiar feeling.

Good guy, as expected, there are people who have awakened all kinds of abilities.

This blond candidate is a walking demolition genius.

This ability should fall within the scope of the sixth series of abilities, right?

A conservative estimate is that the strength of this ability is at least A level.

Perhaps feeling Bai Ye's gaze, the blond examinee greeted Bai Ye from afar:

"Hey! Friends over there, don't just watch. Do you want to team up with me? If you team up with me, how about I give you a fifth-level spiritual core?"

Hearing this, Bai Ye thought for a moment before choosing to step forward.

The reason why Bai Ye chose to come forward to communicate with the other party was not to form a team with him, but to avoid the place where the other party passed by.

After all, considering the strength of this blond examinee, the possibility of a lava giant crab slipping through the place he passed was still too low.

If you want to kill as many lava crabs as possible, you need to find some places that contain a large number of lava crabs and have not been visited by other candidates.

After seeing Bai Ye's arrival, the blond examinee suddenly showed a faint expression of surprise on his face.

He didn't expect that someone would actually dare to approach him after seeing his abilities with his own eyes.

After all, with his ability, most people would run as far as they can after seeing it.

People with normal brains will understand after seeing his abilities. With the ability of the blond examinee, let alone shaking hands and forming a team with him, even getting close to him would have a psychological impact.

Just imagine, one day you accidentally touch the other person's palm, will you explode directly on the spot, or will you wait until he is in a bad mood to explode?

All in all, this blond candidate's ability is too dangerous.

In addition, he himself has a bit of a blasting habit, and the school he is in is only a small school, and there are no students who can match his strength. In other words, no one in the same school can resist his blasting.

The so-called explosion addiction means that the blond candidate likes to explode things when he has something to do, just like children like to play with firecrackers, explode glass bottles, and explode dog pots during the Chinese New Year.

Moreover, his explosions are much more powerful than firecrackers. They are the kind of giant explosions that can send teammates away accidentally.

In his school, all the students who formed a team with him were basically sent to the emergency room due to bombing, either dead or maimed.

This matter spread from person to person and from person to person, and it slowly spread.

Once his reputation was bad, no one in his entire school would dare to team up with him.

Teaming up with him is too risky.

Although this thing is powerful and has outstanding combat power, it is truly top-notch when it comes to blasting.

But no matter what, compared to grades, one's own life is indeed more important.

As Bai Ye continued to approach, the blond examinee also began to introduce himself to Bai Ye.

"Hello, classmate, my name is Liang Wuying."

“Goodness is the goodness of kindness, and shadow is the shadow of shadow.”

After hearing Liang Wuying's self-introduction, Bai Ye also responded:

"White night, black and white white, black night night."

After hearing Bai Ye's self-introduction, Liang Wuying immediately asked Bai Ye happily:

"Then Bai Ye-san, do you really want to team up with me?"

As Bai Ye got closer and closer to him, Liang Wuying gradually felt Bai Ye's aura.

Although he didn't know what Bai Ye's abilities were, Liang Wuying's intuition told him that this guy named Bai Ye could rank at least one thousand in this year's global martial arts test.

He is a ruthless character whose strength can be compared with his own.

If Bai Ye really had the idea to form a team with him, with the strength of the two of them, it would be easy to get into the top 100 in the global martial arts test.

If their abilities were more consistent, the entire top 100 would still be unknown.

Just when Liang Wuying was organizing his words and wanted to invite Bai Ye to form a team with him, Bai Ye took the lead and spoke:

"Classmate Liang Wuying, I came from that direction. Along the way, I have cleaned up the lava giant crabs around me. If you want to score points, don't go there."

"Brother Wuying, where did you come from? I'll just avoid the trap and let the two of us exchange information to prevent internal friction and achieve a win-win situation."

After hearing Bai Ye's words, Liang Wuying froze on the spot.

Good guy, it turns out that the other party is not here to form a team with me.

Thinking of this, Liang Wuying's expression darkened slightly.

Could it be that he was really a lone star, destined to have no teammates?

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