At the seaside of the Hidden Rain Village,

Kisame rested by a rock. He had spent almost no sleep in the past month in the deep sea, and he had lost a lot of weight.

"Thanks for your hard work……"Naruto nodded to Kisame, and accompanied by Orochimaru, he walked to the body.

With trepidation, he unveiled the white cloth.

Although the remains were unrecognizable, the missing left arm, the iconic white hair, and the forehead protector with the word"oil" were proof of the deceased's identity!

Kisame said:"After he sank into the deep sea, his body should have been wrapped in seaweed or something, so he escaped the mouths of fish. However, his body did not completely decay. I don't understand this...

Orochimaru expressed his opinion:"It's probably because of the 'toad oil' in his body. Toad oil contains immortal power, which can delay the decay of the corpse to a great extent."……"

Naruto said:"I would rather believe that the lecherous sage was blessed by the gods! That's why he was able to preserve his body!"

The gods he mentioned are not the so-called people in heaven, but the things that mortals hope to transcend their own will and achieve their wishes!

Naruto said solemnly:"Then let's start……"

Konan wrapped an unconscious man in paper and put him on the ground.

Those were the remnants of Hanzo, who tried to attack Amegakure and were captured. They had been used to resurrect Itachi but failed, and they still couldn't escape the fate of being a living sacrifice!

Orochimaru extracted some of Jiraiya's life substances and drew the ritual of Reincarnation!

Naruto specifically instructed:"Remember... don't give the lustful sage consciousness in the Reincarnation. I want to do that!"

"Got it."

Orochimaru formed seals with both hands, and his long hair fluttered in the wind!

——Ninja Technique: Impure World Reincarnation!

Wow! Dust rolled up on the living sacrifice and turned into Jiraiya's appearance!

Naruto stepped forward quickly, his eyes wide open, and used the power of the Human Path to pull Jiraiya's soul out of the Impure World Reincarnation body!

Yes... Naruto wanted to truly resurrect Jiraiya, not Impure World Reincarnation!

The Reincarnation Technique requires the cost of life [Don't argue about Nagato's chakra. If even death itself becomes cheap, everything will be meaningless. Masashi Kishimoto realized this and optimized the settings later.]

In addition to the Reincarnation Technique, the Reincarnation Technique has another one!

But it requires both the body and the soul!

Jiraiya's body was found, but his soul was nowhere to be found. Therefore, Naruto first let Orochimaru use the Impure World Reincarnation to forcibly summon Jiraiya's soul into the living sacrifice, and then use the Human Path to grab it out!


Naruto's left eye condensed.



Accompanied by purple flames, the Yama statue ignited, opened its mouth wide, and put Jiraiya's body and soul in at the same time.

Naruto murmured:"Captain Yamato's body and soul are also in the Yama statue, and they just happened to be resurrected together!"

Swish, swish, swish, swish...!

The Yama statue chewed with big mouthfuls, and after a while, opened its mouth!

Yamato walked out, he covered his muddled head and said blankly:"Where is this place? I remember that I was attacked by a man wearing Akatsuki clothes and a mask?"

Suddenly, Yamato's eyes fixed on Naruto, who was wearing Akatsuki clothes and a mask!!

He shuddered and formed the seal of"Wood Release: Great Forest Technique"!

Naruto took off his mask and said:"Captain Yamato, it's me, one of us!"

"Naruto! ???"Yamato was stunned.

Rustle, rustle...!

The Yama statue was still chewing. I don't know if it was an illusion, but the Yama statue was synchronized with Naruto's Samsara Eye, as if staring directly at Naruto, the practitioner!

Naruto didn't care about these details at the moment. He clenched his palms and his heart was hanging.

Although the six paths of the Samsara Eye had been revealed long ago, Naruto didn't dare to speculate about the doorway to life and death involved!

The lustful immortal had been dead for so long, his soul had already gone to the Pure Land. I got it by using unorthodox methods. Could there be... something wrong?

In the anxious waiting, the Yama statue finally stopped chewing, and with its mouth opened wide, that familiar figure, wearing wooden clogs, walked out!

"call……"Naruto's heart was finally at ease!

Jiraiya looked at Naruto deeply and wanted to say something,"Uh uh uh……"But his throat could only make obscure sounds!

Realizing that he couldn't speak, Jiraiya frowned, covered his throat, and tried to organize his words, but he couldn't say a complete sentence!


Until, Naruto, with red eyes, hugged Jiraiya in his arms!

"……"Jiraiya slowly raised his palm and gently placed it on Naruto's back. The gentleness in his expression was worth a thousand words!

Three months after Naruto's return, the master and apprentice finally reunited across the boundary of life and death!


The Yama statue disappeared on its own


Orochimaru did a comprehensive physical examination on Jiraiya.

In the heavy rain outside the facility, Orochimaru folded his sleeves and walked to Naruto's side.

Naruto asked,"How is it?"

Orochimaru said,"Except for the 'loss of speech', Jiraiya's body is no different from when he was alive."

Naruto frowned,"Why, is he aphasic? Is it related to the destruction of his throat when he was alive?" Orochimaru shook his head,"It was only the body that was destroyed, not the soul. He shouldn't be injured after being resurrected. I checked his throat and his vocal cords are normal, which proves this point.……"

Naruto's eyes were tangled:"Why is that?"

Orochimaru looked into the distance, unusually serious:"This is just my guess. The way you resurrected Jiraiya went through too many twists and turns, and involved too many taboos. It seriously interfered with the ethics of life and death, so you have to pay the corresponding price.……"

"……"Naruto's eyes were downcast.

At least this is the reason why Jiraiya was in trouble but Yamato was safe and sound.���This made sense. After all, Yamato was not dead in the first place. He deliberately extracted his soul and stored it in the Yama statue in the hell with his body.

After pondering, Naruto said,"If there is a price, it should be borne by me, the instigator, and not by the lecherous sage.……"

Orochimaru's eyes were gloomy."Perhaps, it is a 'warning' from some existence in the dark. If there is a world after death, a pure land of bliss, it is not ruled out that there is such a power.……"

"Naruto-kun, regardless of whether my guess is correct or not, you should use the Hell Resurrection Technique as little as possible, or simply not use it, otherwise there may be unknown consequences.……"

At this point, Orochimaru looked up and sighed,"What happened to Jiraiya this time also reminded me that I should always be in awe of the unknown.……"

Naruto sighed,"It's a blessing that the lecherous sage can come back, I won't ask for more... Orochimaru, I will follow your advice!"


In the dark lair!

Boom boom boom boom...!

Kabuto Yakushi used the Impure World Reincarnation to control Nagato and used the Hell Road!

Swish swish swish...!

The Yama Statue opened its mouth wide, and Uchiha Sasuke walked out safely!

Kabuto Yakushi couldn't help but feel happy:"Hehehe... This feeling of controlling life and death with the Samsara Eye is really addictive!"

Sasuke opened his eyes.

Kabuto Yakushi pushed his glasses and greeted:"Hey, Sasuke, although you have experienced many twists and turns, you are finally here. You should be glad that you made a wise choice!"

The experiences along the way made Sasuke more determined in his choice!

Sasuke said in a deep voice:"Compared to that kind of thing, give me the power to defeat Naruto, defeat Madara, and destroy Konoha!!!!"

Kabuto Yakushi smiled and said:"Okay! You will get everything you want from me! I will let you surpass everything and everyone you want to surpass... especially Naruto!"

Kabuto Yakushi said in his heart: Only in this way can I prove that I, Kabuto Yakushi, have truly surpassed Lord Orochimaru, and then I can prove to the world the meaning of my existence!

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