When Obito returned to the base, he saw the corpses of the White Zetsu and a severed arm left by Sasuke.

A Fei said,"It seems that the tiger is away, and the monkey has become the king.~"

"Humph." Obito leaned over, picked up the broken arm, and said quietly:"At this point, it doesn't matter. My traitorous compatriot is a little wolfdog that can't be fed. It's less of a worry to let him go like this, and I don't expect him to be able to deal with Naruto."

A Fei said:"Is your eye okay?" Obito said in a deep voice:"I'm afraid it won't hold on for much longer……"

Ah Fei asked,"What should we do?"

Obito said,"I have a plan. Let's go. There's no need to stay in this base!"


As the vortex turned, Obito came to a special place in time and space.

There was a cabinet on display. In the drawer of the cabinet, some of the Sharingan that were recovered on the night of the Uchiha clan's extermination were stored!

Obito placed Sasuke's broken arm on the table and walked towards the cabinet.

"In the scroll left by Madara, there is a record of a technique"

"This technique was created by the Second Hokage, Tobirama, and it contains a great ambition of Tobirama that is little known to the public. Therefore, even Konoha's"Book of Seals" does not record the existence of this technique!"

"By using part of the other person's limbs, one can assimilate one's own blood with that of the other person. Although they cannot be completely the same, they can be like brothers!"

"The ultimate purpose of Senju Tobirama developing this technique was to allow Senju to obtain the power of Uchiha without transplanting the Sharingan. However, because it was too dark, it was stopped by the first Hokage and the development was stopped."

"This technique is not perfect, so it can only be used within the same"clan"!"

"Through this technique, I, who am from the same clan as Sasuke but have no direct blood relationship with him, can use the broken arm left by Sasuke to become his blood brother!"


Obito stopped in front of the cabinet and opened a drawer!

"By transplanting the eyes of Sasuke's father, Uchiha Fugaku, which were recovered during the night of the Uchiha clan's extermination, I will have the hope of opening the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan!"

A Fei exclaimed:"So, you already had a plan.……"

After everything was done, Obito transplanted new eyes and bandaged them. The creation of the Eternal Mangekyo was not as simple as transplanting eyes and connecting optic nerves, but required a long time of integration.

Obito smiled and said,"I didn't want to go this far, but things didn't go as I wished. Next, before I can create new eyes, I will stay in this time and space for the time being.""

"Naruto will definitely go further, but now I am looking forward to it. I don't know what his purpose is, but that will not affect my implementation of the Moon Eye Plan. Between him and me, who can decide the future? The battle has just begun.……!"


At night in the Hidden Rain Village, after settling down the resurrected Jiraiya, Naruto also calmed down from the joy of regaining his lost possession.

He asked Konan:"Sister Konan, you said one good news and one bad news before, what is the bad news?"

""Alas." After a moment's pause, Konan told Naruto the information collected by the Rain Village Anbu.


Naruto immediately started to take remedial actions!

Outside the abandoned cave of Akatsuki, he found the bloodstain that had long dried up!

"……"Naruto silently took out his kunai, scraped off the blood, and disappeared into the night.


He returned to Yugakure, bringing with him the three White Zetsu he had captured along the way. He immediately called Orochimaru, and used the collected blood and a White Zetsu to perform the Impure World Reincarnation Technique!

"Uhhhhhhh…Why are you always picking on us, Uzumaki Naruto!!!"

The White Zetsu, who was used as a living sacrifice, screamed, was covered in dust, and turned into a white-skinned boy.

It was none other than Sai, who was killed by Sasuke.

Sai looked calm as usual:"Naruto?……"

Naruto said,"Sai, this is the Impure World Reincarnation Technique. I will respect your wishes. If you don't want to stay in this way, I will let Orochimaru untie it and let your soul return to the Pure Land.……"

Sai raised his cracked palm and said,"This body cannot feel the pulse and the ups and downs of life, but it makes people feel calm.……"

Naruto said:"In other words, are you willing to stay in this way?"

Sai put down his hand:"Danzo is dead, the Root is dead in name only. Although the Fifth Hokage gave me a place to stay, I can feel the ninjas around me are wary of me.……"

Naruto said:"Your body of reincarnation is not suitable for returning to the village. Do you want to stay with me? Our Rain Village Anbu is still lacking a 'captain' who can take on the responsibility. Are you willing to take on the responsibility?"

Sai said:"Naruto... I have never figured out the reason for your transformation."

Naruto said:"If you want to know, I can tell you."

Sai said:"No need, let me find the answer myself.……"

Naruto smiled and said,"Then I'll be happy to teach you from now on!"

Just like that, Sai put on the mask and the forehead protector of Amegakure, and as a reincarnated body, he became the captain of the Amegakure Anbu.

Konan asked Naruto,"Have you been to the place where they fought?"

"I've been there, but Yakushi Kabuto was very careful and removed all traces.

……"Naruto held the railing tightly,"I expected Sasuke to come to Kabuto Yakushi, but the variables that appeared on the way were really beyond my expectation.

Who could have thought that such a big thing would happen while I was sleeping.

" Konan said,"The boy from the Nara clan even thought of a way to defeat Sasuke.

It's really not simple.

" Naruto looked penetratingly and said,"Shikamaru has seen Sasuke's ability with his own eyes.

With his brain and the possibilities of the Ino-Shika-Chou, it's not surprising that he can think of countermeasures.

But Shikamaru is the kind of person who will never act rashly without absolute certainty.

This time, it must be led by others.

Shikamaru can't stop it, nor can he watch his companions die, so he can only let it go.



In the intensive care unit of Konoha Village Hospital.

After Tsunade's treatment, Yamanaka Ino finally escaped from life-threatening danger.

But her burns were too severe, leaving scars on her face and body that could not be healed.

Sakura cried by the bed

"It's okay, Sakura, I completely understand how you felt at that time, so I won't blame you.……"

Ino was lying on the bed, bandaged all over, wearing a ventilator, with her eyes closed, comforting Sakura in a weak voice.

Sakura said:"You really don't blame me? Ino……"

Ino was sympathetic and said,"No, we are all ninjas and we are facing death at any time. It was my own carelessness that caused this. Thank you for using medical ninjutsu to treat me halfway, so that I could survive."……"

Wiping away her tears, Sakura walked to the corridor outside the ward, looking at the gloomy sky. Her green eyes were filled with thoughts:"Is Sasuke-kun... still alive?"

No, what on earth am I thinking about! Sasuke is the enemy of the village, the one who hurt everyone! I can't have any attachment to him anymore!

Sakura shook her head vigorously, trying to throw away those thoughts that made her feel guilty!

But... the more she tried to avoid them, the more those thoughts came out spontaneously, torturing her heart!

"Sakura……"A serious female voice sounded around the corner

"!"Xiaoying looked startled, quickly put away her distracting thoughts, turned around, and said nervously:"Master……"

Tsunade walked up, stared at Sakura, and said in a low voice:"You haven't been home these days to treat the wounded when the village was attacked.……"

""Yes." Sakura nodded, but she was puzzled: Lady Tsunade, why didn't you mention that I went after Sasuke before?

Sigh. Tsunade sighed inwardly and said in a low voice:"Sakura, there is something I have been hiding from you... Your parents, when Sasuke attacked the village, unfortunately... died."

""Eh?" Sakura's expression froze instantly.

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