Naruto used Flying Thunder God to send back the Mizukage Terumi Mei who was stranded in the Hidden Rain Village. At the entrance of the Hidden Mist Village, the two said goodbye.

Terumi Mei said sincerely:"Sir Naruto, thank you so much for your help this time, otherwise the Hidden Mist Village would really experience a catastrophe!"

Naruto said:"Sir Mizukage, I also benefited from the secret scroll of your village. It is mutually beneficial. No need to thank me!"

"The scroll is just a dead object. Only by making it flourish can it be considered to be fully utilized. I don't know what your motive is for leaving Konoha, and I don't care how the ninjas from other villages evaluate you. In the future, Kirigakure is willing to establish long-term exchanges with the Hidden Rain Village, and welcomes Mr. Naruto to visit Kirigakure!"

As he said this, Mei Terumi extended a hand of friendship.

Naruto was smiling under his mask. He came with the purpose of semi-plundering at the beginning, and got what he wanted as he wished, and established friendly exchanges. This result couldn't be better.

Naruto also extended a hand of friendship and shook hands with Mei Terumi!

"I, Uzumaki Naruto, on behalf of Mingxiao, also wish to establish friendly relations with the Hidden Mist Village and Her Excellency Mei Terumi.……"

The reason why she represented Mingxiao instead of Yugakure was that Naruto could be supported by Yugakure, but he was still under the banner of"Pein", and he could not be called the real leader of Yugakure.

However, Terumi Mei did not care about these.

She had seen Naruto's overwhelming strength, and the latter was not an enemy of Kirigakure. As the Kage of a village, what reason did she have not to strive to make an ally?

"Then goodbye, Mr. Mizukage.……"

Whoosh! Naruto turned around and disappeared in the light of Flying Thunder God.

"call……"Mei Terumi watched Naruto leave and stopped smiling.

Because there were still many messes in the village behind her waiting for her to clean up!

The death of Chojuro and Ao, as well as the sacrifice of many elite ninjas directly under the Anbu... will be a heavy blow to Kirigakure!

Naruto returned to the Hidden Rain Village, knowing that he was in danger and could not stop for a moment!

So he found Orochimaru:"Orochimaru, I want to get the 'Wood Release'’!"

Orochimaru's eyes lit up:"Oh? Naruto-kun, have you finally come up with this idea?"

Naruto asked:"Can you do it?" Orochimaru smiled charmingly and said:"That couldn't be easier~, but I have a suggestion, do you want to listen?"

"Tell me what you think……"Naruto listened attentively.

Orochimaru said,"First, unleash your true potential as a member of the Uzumaki clan, so that you can perfectly accommodate Hashirama's cells and other cells.……"

"The first generation of Hokage's cells are extremely aggressive. The evidence is that most of the people who have his cells transplanted will have Hashirama's face on their bodies!"

Naruto asked:"Huh? Isn't there no such thing on Captain Yamato?"

Orochimaru smiled and said:"That's because his first generation cells have been diluted dozens of times, the side effects are very small, and the corresponding power is also very weak……"

Naruto nodded:"I see.……"

Orochimaru continued,"Those who transplanted the cells of the first generation grew a face that was incompatible with the body of the first generation Hokage, full of deformity, which is proof that they were not able to control it perfectly! Not only is the power incomplete, but the consequences are endless.……"

"So that's it……"Naruto looked at him with a long gaze:"So, we must first obtain the true power of the Uzumaki clan."

Naruto knew very well that he was only half Uzumaki blood.

Although he had a lot of chakra, if he did not borrow the power of the tailed beast, he could not be compared with the first generation of Hokage.

Orochimaru said:"The Uzumaki clan is very special. Outsiders can transplant Senju cells to obtain part of the power of the Senju, but the cells of the Uzumaki clan will basically not change after being transplanted by outsiders. At most, they can gain some recovery power.……"

"This is one of the reasons why the Hidden Tide Village was coveted by people. No one would plunder their cells, only plunder them themselves. If they couldn't get them, they would destroy them."

"……"Naruto's eyes were downcast. It was indeed a dark history. His mother, Kushina, was once targeted by the Hidden

Cloud Clan even though she was protected by Konoha. Orochimaru said,"But through my research on the descendant of Uzumaki, Karin, I found that the Uzumaki bloodline has another great feature, which is that it can be transplanted between the same clan to achieve the purpose of awakening the bloodline."

"Naruto-kun, you have half Uzumaki blood, so you also meet this condition.……"

Naruto murmured,"Whose cells should we use? Karin... or?" Orochimaru smiled and said,"The most perfect Uzumaki bloodline in the world is the wife of the first Hokage, Uzumaki Mito. She is also the first generation of the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki. If we can get her cells, plus your identity as the 'Asura Reincarnation', it will surely unleash the most perfect Uzumaki power!"

"By then... no matter it is the first generation cell or any other cell, you can use it everywhere!"

Naruto looked deeply at Orochimaru:"So, you have Mito's cells, right?……?"

Orochimaru smiled and said,"No, but I know where Lord Mito was buried after his death. That is a place that only I know. No one else, including Kabuto, knows it!" Naruto smiled and nodded,"Okay, I'll leave this matter to you, Mr. Orochimaru.……"

"give it to me……"Orochimaru went out.

That night, Naruto received an invitation from Kazekage Gaara.

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