The Kazekage Gaara sent an invitation to Naruto to visit the Sand Village.

Konan couldn't help but worry:"Is this a trap? The Kazekage heard that you visited Kumogakure, Iwagakure, and Kirigakure, and that Sand Village would be next, so he wanted to take the initiative and kill you.……"

Naruto smiled and said,"No, I know Gaara, he would not do such a thing."

If it was Ohnoki who invited Naruto, he would definitely have concerns, but Gaara was one of the few people he was willing to trust unconditionally.

But Xiaonan still couldn't help worrying:"Could it be that, like the Mizukage before, the Kazekage is also controlled by someone, using the relationship between you to set a trap, waiting for you to jump into it!"

Naruto scratched his head and said,"Sister Xiaonan... have you been a little suspicious lately?"

Xiaonan explained:"It's not that I'm suspicious, I'm worried... You are too prominent in the ninja world now, and there may be many eyes staring at you, you have to be on guard!" Naruto said seriously:"Sister Xiaonan, I have also considered the possibility you mentioned. If that's the case, I have to go even more, because Gaara is my friend!" Xiaonan said

:"Then, let me go with you this time." Naruto said:

"The lustful sage has just been resurrected, and he hasn't adapted to the life here yet. He needs someone to take care of him. Now that Orochimaru is out and Kisame is recuperating, it would be better for Sister Xiaonan to stay and take care of the lustful sage."

"……"Xiaonan lowered her eyes. Naruto stepped forward and patted her shoulder:"This is a great opportunity to atone for your sins to the lecherous immortal, and also for your share of the"

"Okay, I see." Xiaonan nodded and suggested:"To be on the safe side, you should take someone with you!"

Naruto said:"Are the three ninjas here? It's okay to let them go. I can also take this opportunity to lead them myself."

Xiaonan said:"Liuguang and Setsuna are both out on missions. At the moment, there is only Violet in the village."

Naruto said:"Then let her go with you!"

Xiaonan hesitated slightly:"Okay, I'll go and call her over……"

"Wait a minute." Naruto called Xiaonan:"Can you help me find some books?"

Xiaonan turned around:"Books, what kind of books?"

Naruto said:"Related to mechanical manufacturing, are there any such books in the bookstore in Yuyin Village?"

Xiaonan was surprised:"Mechanical manufacturing... Could it be that you already!"

Naruto smiled and said:"Yes... But I don't want to stay at the 'summoning' stage, but want to play some 'expansion' things, which requires relevant knowledge~, it just so happens that I will make up for it on the way to Sand Village this time!"

"give it to me……"

When Xiaonan came back, he brought a large stack of books on mechanical manufacturing, a ninja lunch box that was enough for seven days, a ration pill, and a new pair of shoes!

Xiaonan handed over the shoes and said,"I see your shoes are almost worn out. Why don't you get a new pair?"……"

"Good." Naruto sat down and changed his shoes.

Xiaonan said:"Violet is waiting for you outside the tower."

"Got it." Naruto stood up and made hand seals, and was about to leave the shadow clone behind like before.

But Konan stopped him:"The shadow clone will disperse the chakra. Now that you are going out, you should try to keep the chakra intact as much as possible. I and Kisame are here in the village, so it will be no problem.……"

Fearing that Naruto was still worried, Konan added:"If there is really trouble, I will inject chakra into the Flying Thunder God Kunai!"

Naruto nodded:"Then I will be relieved."

He came to the wall and took down the"Uchiha Fan" hanging there.

Before, Obito didn't know whether he left in a hurry or for some other reason, so he didn't take the fan with him, and it fell on the sea... Naruto checked to make sure that no one had tampered with it, and then he took the fan back as a trophy.


Purple lightning chakra flowed from Naruto's palm to the fan, and the fan was not damaged at all!

"I have always wanted to find a weapon that can withstand the purple lightning, so I will just use this fan for now.……"

As he said that, Naruto placed his hand on the fan where the"three magatama" was engraved, and used the mark of the Flying Thunder God to perfectly cover the three magatama.

By the way, Naruto's Flying Thunder God mark is the family crest of the"Uzumaki clan"!

He put the Uzumaki fan on his back, put on the mask on his face, and changed his face to that of a business person:"Then I'm off, Sister Konan."

Konan stepped forward, straightened Naruto's collar, and said:"Have a good trip, come back soon."

Walking out of the tower, Violet, who was wearing an Anbu mask, knelt on one knee:"Lord Pain!"

Naruto said in a deep voice:"This time, you are not coming as the captain of the Anbu, but as the Rain Ninja Violet, take off the mask!"

""Hi!" Violet responded respectfully and took off her mask!

She is Nagato Pain's animal path, Hydrangea's sister. She looks similar to Hydrangea, but her temperament is more cold and beautiful. Because of her age, her body is hotter!

"Yeah." Naruto nodded lightly, raised his cloak, and ran in the rain:"Let's go!"

"Yes! Lord Pain!" Violet glanced at Konan and quickly followed Naruto!

Leaving Yuyin, running across the land of the Rain Country!

Violet asked,"Lord Pain, you have the ability to jump across space, why don't you use that ability to go directly to the Sand Village?"

Naruto said to the person behind him,"That ability requires a mark to jump. I haven't left a mark in the Wind Country, so I can't jump over directly."……"

"Is that so?……"Violet said:"But you left a mark in the Land of Fire, right? Why don't you jump directly to the Land of Fire and take a shortcut?"

Naruto glanced at her:"You seem to know my abilities very well?"

Violet said calmly:"As the captain of the Anbu, this kind of insight is a must!"

Naruto raised his eyebrows:"Oh? Really?……"

Swish! He ran faster, pulling away from Violet!

Violet frowned, and also quickened her pace, chasing after Naruto!


Naruto casually threw a kunai behind him!

Violet's eyes focused, and the ninja sword was unsheathed!

With a snap, the kunai was split in two from the tip!

Naruto raised the corner of his mouth:"Your swordsmanship has improved, but...……"

Swish! Swish!

Two shadow clones suddenly jumped out from the split kunai!

This is the characteristic of the Flying Thunder God Kunai. Even if the mark on it is split into two, it will not lose its effect!

Violet was horrified:"Shadow clones? When did he use them!"

Wow! Wow!

Violet lost her footing and fell on the water...

Naruto's shadow clone said before disappearing:"Catching up with me is a test for you.……!"

Wow! Violet's fist hit the water, and her fierce determination to not admit defeat was reflected on her cold face!


Hidden Cloud Village

"Lord Raikage, we have received accurate information that Uzumaki Naruto has left the Hidden Rain Village and is heading towards the Hidden Sand Village!"

"Finally I got the chance!!!" The Raikage slammed the table and stood up, saying solemnly:"Pass my secret order, split the troops into two groups, one group will attack Yugakure and raid his hometown, and the other group will follow me to kill Uzumaki Naruto!!!"


At night, in the forest in the northwest of the Land of Fire,

Naruto, who had been waiting for a long time, said calmly,"Now that you are here, let's camp here and rest today."

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh……"Violet bent her waist and panted,"You've been running at high speed for so long? Don't you feel tired at all?"

"This is the result of long-term training."Naruto sat on the ground, eating his lunch box and reading a book.

The breeze blew and the night deepened.


Whether it was out of curiosity or some other reason, Violet stood up silently and approached Naruto's back.


Naruto closed the book and closed his eyes.


Violet stopped and held her breath!

Snap, snap!

An incredible scene appeared!

On Naruto's shoulders, a similar mechanical head grew out, one on the left and one on the right!

Under his armpits, two on the left and two on the right, four mechanical arms grew out!

Three heads, six arms!


Under Naruto's mask, his tightly closed left eye opened.

——Shura Road!

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