——Shura Path: Five-Finger Missiles!

Snap! Naruto separated the wrist of a mechanical arm, pulled out a string of missiles from the cut, aimed at the woods in the distance, and fired!

Boom, boom, boom, boom...!!

After a shocking explosion, the forest was flattened, and dozens of jackals that were secretly spying on him all turned into corpses!

Violet was so shocked that she couldn't close her mouth:"What is that, a ninjutsu!?"

Snap! Naruto put his wrist back on and clenched it... making a crisp mechanical sound.

Shura Path, one of the six abilities of the Samsara Eye, can summon mechanical armor to one's body, so as to use physical skills beyond the limits of humans.

It can even summon artillery weapons that do not exist in the ninja world, from long-range to close-range weapons, enough to cope with various battle situations!

These armors and weapons all come from a place called"Shura Workshop". Unlike the"Reincarnation Realm" of the Animal Path, the Shura Workshop cannot be entered by practitioners, at least there is no way to enter now!

In response to Violet's question, Naruto said lightly,"I guess so.……"

Crack! Crack!

Killing the lurking jackal, Naruto took off the mechanical head on his shoulder and the mechanical arm under his armpit one by one, and then disassembled them in front of Violet's confused eyes!

"What is he doing? ? Disassembling his own body? ? Although those bodies seem to be pieced together!"

Naruto thought in his mind: The machines summoned by Shurado, except for the heads which are customized according to the operator, the rest are finished products. They are useful, but a bit rigid. Why don't I disassemble them into parts and assemble the machine I want myself?

Yes, this is the"expandability" mentioned by Naruto and Konan, and it is also the reason why he wants these books on mechanism manufacturing!

Snap! Snap! Snap!

Naruto used the disassembled parts to assemble the machine with full concentration.

If the required parts are not available, he will summon more armor and disassemble them.

If the size of the parts is not suitable, he will use the chakra knife of Thunder Release to process the existing parts..

If the theoretical knowledge is not enough, just learn and apply it according to the book.

The more Violet watched, the more frightened she became: I can't see through him anymore. The means he uses have gone beyond the scope of ninjas. I suspected before that he was not Pain, but it seems that he is definitely Pain. He must be a monster to be able to defeat that Salamander Hanzo and integrate the North and South Rain Villages...

Crack! Crack!

After a whole night of hard work, Naruto, a layman in the field of mechanics, actually assembled a humanoid machine!

Finally, the mecha Rinnegan that was removed earlier was stuffed into the eye sockets of the machine, and this 'Mecha Naruto Concept Machine' was completed.

"call……"Naruto took off his mask, wiped the sweat off his face, and sighed:"Using your brain is much more tiring than using your hands. Fighting with the Raikage is just like this.……"

Naruto took out the summoning scroll, put away the 'Mecha Naruto Concept Machine', and said to Violet who was resting with her eyes closed:"Have you rested well?"

Violet opened her eyes:"Lord Pain, I have rested well."

Naruto said:"Then let's continue on our journey. We have been delayed for a long time. Let's make a concerted effort and rush over!"

Violet nodded:"Understood!"

The two set off and flew towards the Kingdom of Wind


In the Hidden Rain Village, on the seventh floor of the tower, in Jiraiya's room, Konan sat in front of the bed and spoke calmly.

"Teacher, this is what Naruto will experience in the future, and what he will do after returning.……"

"In the past, he changed Nagato, changed me, and even became Hokage, achieving peace in the ninja world!"

"If there is no threat from a powerful enemy from outer space, it will be the most perfect ending."

"Unfortunately…the enemy was too powerful, and everything Naruto once held dear was destroyed and trampled upon without mercy!"

"He came back this time and did some things. Maybe the short-term results are not what people want to see, but in the long run, this is necessary.……"

"Nagato once said that the world is still a child and needs"God" to lead its growth. This statement is not completely wrong, but Nagato's way of using"pain" to guide the world has been disproven. Now it is Naruto's turn to guide. The method he uses is"love" and"whip", that is, care and spurring go hand in hand. It can be said that his past ideas are the neutralization of Nagato's ideas.……"

"The ninja world must maintain a certain amount of conflict, otherwise the strength of the ninja will stagnate. However, the conflict must also be controlled within a certain limit, otherwise, a new chain of hatred will be brewed.……"

"Naruto is like a weight, maintaining the balance between the two. However, there are too few people who can understand him at the moment.……"

"Teacher Jiraiya, what do you think of Naruto?"

After hearing this, Jiraiya fell into deep thought. After a long time, he picked up the paper and pen on the bedside and wrote two words:


This was the second time Jiraiya picked up the pen after his resurrection. The first time he picked up the pen, he wrote"Forgive"’

"thank you……"Konan stood up and bowed respectfully.

Jiraiya turned the page over, writing something again with a solemn look on his face.

Konan looked at it quietly...but what he wrote was actually a string of codes and numbers!

"signal……?"Konan couldn't help but frown, thinking of the day when Nagato killed his teacher, Jiraiya also wrote a string of codes on Fukasaku's back!

She couldn't help but wonder in her heart: If the teacher has something to say, he can just express it directly on paper with words, but why did he put it in codes? Is he afraid of leaking it to someone? Or... boom...!

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed, followed by thunder, the window was blown open by the wind, and the strong wind blew the rain in...

The rain fell on Konan's face, presenting a cold white. Is there an enemy, coming?

She solemnly put away the page with Jiraiya's code.

Then she closed the window, locked it, and drew the curtains.

""Teacher, it's getting late, you should take a rest. If you have any problem, just ring the bell.""


Konan left the room and fell from the window of the corridor into the rain below the tower.

Kisame also jumped down from the second-floor window holding his big sword Samehada.

All the Anbu ninjas left in the village by Amegakure also gathered here.

Konan looked at Fangxin at the entrance of the village and said coldly:"Let's start hunting the invaders!"


After rushing all the way, Naruto and Violet have arrived at the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind. Not far ahead is the desert of the Land of Wind!


Suddenly, lightning came rushing!

Ding! Naruto took off the fan behind him and used his hand to block the lightning!

""Huh!?" The Raikage glared.

Naruto raised the corner of his mouth under the mask.

——"The vortex rebounds!"

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