——Uzumaki Rebound!

It's actually Uchiha Rebound, just a different name!


The lightning on the Raikage's fist disappeared in an instant, and then burst out from the fan...

With a snap, the Raikage flew out heavily, retreating dozens of meters, and barely stood firm. He asked in surprise:"What is that!?"


Naruto raised the fan:"This is the fan passed down from generation to generation in our Uzumaki clan. It can rebound all attacks.~!"

The Thunder Shadow shouted,"How ridiculous!"

"Lord Raikage!!"

The accompanying Kumogakure also gathered behind him. There were hundreds of them, all of them were elites picked from a hundred!

Naruto said meaningfully:"You really came prepared~, but is it okay? The injury you got in Hell Valley should not have healed yet, right?"

""Ugh... Damn it!" Hearing this, the wound on the Leiying's shoulder began to ache again, but he said unyieldingly:"I will not fall twice in the same place! This time, I came prepared. I have studied all your past abilities thoroughly!"

"Really? It's admirable that you have the spirit of a tumbler. I also have something that I want to test.~"

Naruto put the fan on his back, took out a scroll from his ninja bag, opened it, and pressed his palm on the spell in the center of the scroll!


Along with the white smoke, the"Mecha Naruto Concept Machine" transformed by Shurado appeared.’!

"Raikage, you can be my quality inspector.……"

Naruto said, opening the cover on the back of the mecha, revealing the hidden slot, and put the black stick that served as the 'chakra receiver' into the slot!


Mecha Naruto's mecha Samsara Eye lit up, entering combat mode!

Yunyin was shocked:"Puppet!?"

"To be precise, it does not require 'chakra lines' to operate, it is an offline puppet~!"

——Secret Technique: Dustless Misaki!

After saying that, Naruto immediately hid his body!

"Gone! ?"

"Is it the art of camouflage?"

"Perception Ninja!"

"Apart from that puppet and the woman behind it, no other chakra can be sensed!"

"Let's get rid of that woman first!"

Violet, who was standing behind, was confused about the situation when suddenly invisible hands grabbed her shoulders and knees and lifted her up!

"Huh?" Violet turned pale

"Don't be afraid, it's me." Naruto's voice sounded.

Violet:"Lord Pain?"

Naruto:"It's not safe here, let's go somewhere else."

One kilometer away

"This is almost it."

Naruto put Violet down, and the dust-free smothering was lifted.

The Raikage knew my true identity, and if he called out my name in front of Violet, that would be bad...

Wow! Naruto raised his cloak and sat down on the spot.

Mecha Naruto received chakra through the black stick, and was essentially a puppet controlled by Naruto!

The pair of mecha samsara eyes on the puppet also shared vision with Naruto!

"Let’s get started.……"Naruto smiled and raised two fingers!

Boom boom boom!

The gun ports on the shoulders of the mecha Naruto popped out and fired missiles out...

Boom boom...! The explosions continued!

"Disperse quickly!!"

"How can this be possible?……!"

The Raikage turned into a flash of lightning and rushed straight ahead.

Naruto smiled:"Are you here?……"

——Weird wrist rocket!

Mecha Naruto cuts open his wrist, concentrates his chakra at the cut, creates a small explosion, and creates a propulsion force that launches his wrist out!!

"What!?"The Raikage had no idea what was going on, but his quick reflexes allowed him to react immediately and thrust his fist forward!


With a loud bang!!!

The Raikage took several steps back, and the strange wrist was also bounced away.

However, the wrist protected by chakra was intact, and the chakra at the incision attracted the wrist like a magnet, and it was put back in place again!!

"If you pay attention to that attack just now... with my speed, you can dodge it!"

The Raikage's eyes darkened, and he charged again!


The strange arm shot out again... The Raikage avoided the strange arm at high speed!

——Saw Tentacle Assault!!


From the back of Mecha Naruto's waist, a tangled saw-toothed tentacle shot out and grabbed the Raikage!

"What!?"The Raikage saw this and immediately retreated!

Boom! However, the strange arm that had been shot out before bounced back and hit the Raikage's back hard!


Lei Dun was forced to pause, and was grabbed by the tentacles and pulled forward!

——Lightning and thunder saw!

A 'lightning saw' fell off the sleeve of the mecha Naruto, was entangled and driven by the lightning chakra, and cut towards the abdomen of the Raikage!


Sparks flew, accompanied by the terrifying cutting sound, the layer of lightning armor on the abdomen of the Raikage was cut thin!

"!!!"The Raikage's eyes were filled with horror and bloodshot!

"Lord Raikage!!"Everyone in Kumogakure wanted to come forward to rescue!!

Raikage shouted:"Don't come over!!! You will die!!!!"


With the desire to survive, he burst out with amazing strength, breaking the tentacles with his right arm, and slashing down with his hand knife, cutting off the arm of Mecha Naruto that was operating the chainsaw...!

The crisis was resolved! He used his hand knife to cut the tentacles frantically, but soon, more tentacles wrapped around him!

——Lightning and thundering drill!

Buzz! The mouth of the mecha Mingyu opened, and a drill came out from the throat, covered with lightning, and drilled towards the chest of the Raikage at high speed!


The Raikage grabbed the advancing drill with his right hand, and his palm was soon bloody and the severe pain stimulated his nerves!

He was puzzled:"Why, why every time I see this guy, he uses a new ability, why!!!"

"Wait, this puppet, without chakra strings to control it, how can it move? It must have chakra! Where does chakra come from?"


The Raikage remembered Dodai's previous warning!

"Lord Raikage, Uzumaki Naruto, can use the black stick as a chakra generator to remotely control those"summoning beasts", and the summoned beasts he controls can share vision with him!"

"Black sticks, wait! ? Could it be that!"The Raikage remembered that when Naruto summoned the puppet in front of him, he stuffed a few black sticks into the puppet's back.

And... the puppet's eyes were staring at him from beginning to end!

""So, that's how it is!" The Raikage shouted,"Guys!! Approach from the blind spot of this puppet's vision, use long-range ninjutsu, and attack its back, quickly!!!"

The Cloud Hidden Clan rushed forward!

Swish, swish, swish...!

A large number of rockets were fired in all directions, but due to the limited field of vision, they failed to pose enough threat!

Boom, boom, boom...!

Various long-range ninjutsu... hit the back of Mecha Naruto!

Several black sticks that served as chakra receivers were destroyed, and only one was still inserted in the slot... The efficiency of chakra reception was also greatly reduced!

Feeling the weakening of the power of the lightning escape on the electric drill, the Raikage twisted his palm hard and broke the drill bit!

Crack, crack, crack...!!

After he cut off the weakened tentacles one after another, he rushed up in one step, releasing the lightning escape chakra mode to the maximum, and lifted Mecha Naruto high above his head.……!



"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh……"The Raikage panted on the spot and roared to the empty earth:"Uzumaki Naruto! Get out of here!!!""


One kilometer away

"It seems that this is the limit of the"concept machine". As expected, to design this kind of mecha puppet, it is still inseparable from the"orthodox puppetry of Sand Village"’!"

Naruto murmured as he stood up:"Violet, stay where you are!"


He used the Flying Thunder God Technique and returned to the battlefield, praising her generously:"Ai, you have improved, but is that okay? It seems that you have consumed a lot of your chakra.……"

"Humph... I am well prepared, my friends, let's show this stranger what the 'Thunder Way' of the Hidden Cloud Village is.’!!!!"


The Yunyin shouted loudly, and unexpectedly, everyone had a lightning chakra mode coat on their body!

Of course, the degree was extremely weak!

"Oh?" Naruto was surprised:"Have all of you practiced this move?"

The Raikage said in a loud voice:"The scroll that records the secret of my village is of course a spare one. In addition, I would like to show you the famous skill of the first Raikage!!"

Swish! Swish! Swish!

All the Kumogakure present, after forming hand seals, pointed their palms at the Raikage!!

——Lightning Release: Magnetic Lightning Wave!

Lightning Release Chakra was transmitted from the palms of the Kumogakure in the form of electromagnetic waves and received by the Raikage!!! Crackling! Crackling! Crackling...!

The Lightning Release Chakra pattern on the Raikage increased to several times the previous level, and even the pupils of his eyes turned silver-white!

"Then, this is the secret technique that I created myself, which is enough to overwhelm your Purple Lightning!!!"

——Lightning Chakra Mode • Hundred Thunders!

Naruto smiled sincerely under his mask:"Ai, I'm really happy! You didn't run to me without thinking, and your strengthening proves one thing.……"

"What's up?"

"Prove that my"encouragement" is valuable!"


Fierce purple lightning exploded on Naruto's body. He looked directly at the Raikage and said,"Come on!"……!"


The two rushed out at the same time!

The Raikage still used the"Ippon Kante", but the stronger lightning chakra gave him a stronger rush speed and thrust power!

Naruto looked deep:"It's not so easy to dodge while attacking this time, so……"

——Earth escape: Super light and heavy rock technique!


He reduced his own weight to increase his speed and flexibility!

——Earth Style: Rock Fist Technique!


The hard rock covered Naruto's fist, and with the combination of Lightning Style Chakra and the ultra-light and heavy rock's swift movements, he avoided the Raikage's Ipponkan!

Then... he increased his speed to the maximum, and in the instant of close combat!

——Earth Style: Super Heavy Rock Technique!


Naruto combines the Purple Lightning Technique with Earth Style... an overwhelming punch, hitting the Raikage in the abdomen!!

"!!!"The Raikage's eyes widened instantly!!

Snap...!! His lightning chakra dissipated... His body fell to the ground helplessly!!

"call……"Naruto's eyes darkened, and for some reason he put his hand on the Raikage's shoulder.

——Earth Style: Super Heavy Rock Technique!!


The Raikage's body was super heavy, crushing the ground.……!

"Lord Raikage!!" The Kumogakure stepped forward in shock, trying to support the Raikage, but they couldn’t move at all. They asked,"What did you do to Lord Raikage!!"

Naruto said,"I made his body a hundred times heavier. His actual weight is now ten tons."

The Kumogakure said in shock,"Ten tons……!?"

"Then, how do we take Raikage away?"

"We in the Sand Village are willing to provide a 'tow truck' and manpower to assist you in escorting Lord Raikage back to the village."

The young man's indifferent words rang out.

Naruto looked up and saw the Kazekage Gaara, surrounded by the Sand Village people, walking out of the wind and sand.

After Gaara stood still, he met Naruto's eyes and said with a moved expression:"Naruto, I have been waiting for you for a long time.……"


Author's words:

PS: After careful consideration, the author decided to delete the previous story about Madara controlling the Hidden Mist. As for Madara's future, there will be other arrangements in the later text, so please be informed.

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