The Sand Village sent a trailer, and Gaara used sand to move the Raikage onto the trailer. The ninjas pulled the trailer with great effort and slowly headed towards the Land of Lightning.

Gaara invited Naruto to visit the village.

On the way from the desert of the Wind Country to the Sand Village, the two of them deliberately did not mention the changes in the ninja world after the Five Kage Talks. They chatted casually about some light topics like friends who had not seen each other for a long time!

The two were relaxed, but the accompanying Sand Village Temari, Kankuro, Maki and others were extremely nervous!

You have to know that Naruto's identity is now sensitive and his actions are unpredictable. He is among the best in the ninja world. Inviting him to visit the village, Gaara's move was widely discussed!

They were on guard throughout the whole process, fearing that something might go wrong! Naruto certainly noticed it, but he treated it as nothing.

In this way, the group arrived at the Sand Village.

Outside the Kazekage's residence, Gaara stopped and said to the accompanying ninja:"Next, I want to talk to Naruto alone, you wait outside."

Kankuro:"Hey, at least let me and Temari in……"



Temari pressed Kankuro's shoulder and shook her head.

In her heart, she still believed in Naruto and would not harm Gaara... because, when Naruto rescued Gaara, she was one of the people who accompanied him. She still could not forget the tear that was blown onto her face by the wind!

And... that lonely declaration!

Just like that, the ninjas stayed outside, and Naruto followed Gaara to the mansion.

The door was closed, the lights were turned on, and there was a lot of wind and sand outside the window.

Naruto sat on the sofa. Gaara walked to the coffee table and asked,"Do you like black tea or green tea?"

Naruto said,"Whatever, as long as it's the tea you brewed~"

Gaara smiled and said,"Then, let's have oolong tea~" and handed the brewed tea to Naruto.

Then, the two of them sat opposite each other in silence for a long time.


Naruto calmed down and reached out to take off the mask, revealing his face and the Sharingan covered by the mask.

Gaara said calmly:"You wear a mask not only to hide that eye, right?"

Naruto said in a complicated tone:"Yes, and I also don't want old friends to see the expression on my face."

Gaara said:"That must be very hard."

Naruto said:"It's okay."

There was another moment of silence.

Gaara finally stopped being shy:"I've heard about the things in Kumogakure, Iwagakure, and Kirigakure.……"

""Yeah." Naruto nodded, he knew this was the topic he had to face.

"I know you will definitely visit Sunagakure next time, so I invited you in advance. This will make things more logical and we won't be too embarrassed.……"

Gaara stood up, walked to the cabinet, and took out a thick stack of scrolls. Many of the scrolls had been covered in dust for a long time. Gaara brushed off the dust on them and placed them in front of Naruto:"They are all here.……"

Looking at the thick pile of scrolls, Naruto couldn't calm down for a long time!

Although he had already guessed Gaara's motive for the invitation, the truth was more shocking than expected!

He had the urge to reveal the biggest secret hidden in his heart!

"I love Luo, I……"

"You don't have to say anything!"

But Gaara interrupted Naruto's speech

"You said it now, as if you were forced to do so. I don't want that. When you really want to say it, it's not too late. I'll wait for that day!"

In Naruto's shocked eyes, Gaara said sincerely

"We are friends. I believe that everything you do is for the Ninja World! I also believe that you will save more people just like you saved me, but in a slightly different way!"

"So, if there is anything you need me to do, just ask! I will help you unconditionally regardless of your status or position! As long as you need me, I am willing to give up my position as a shadow and fight alongside you! Even if... it means being an enemy of the entire ninja world!"

"Therefore, no matter what time, the Sand Village... no, it's me, Sand Village Gaara, who will always be your strong backing!"

Naruto's eyes... were moist.

At this moment, thousands of words seemed too rash!

Only the simplest"thank you very much"!

Gaara raised the teacup in front of him:"Then, let's have a drink!"

"Okay! Any number of cups is fine!" Naruto clinked glasses with Gaara and drank the tea in one gulp.

"cough cough……!"The spicy taste entered Naruto's throat and he coughed:"Is this... wine?"

Gaara smiled and said,"We are not yet adults~, so we can make an exception together.~"

The time spent together was warm but short.

In the second half of the night, Naruto said goodbye to Gaara and used Flying Thunder God to return to the gate of Wind Country.

Violet waited for Dochi again, and saw the strong smell of alcohol coming from under Naruto's mask, and asked,"Have you been drinking, Lord Pain?"

Naruto waved his hand,"Let's go back to the village!"


When he used Flying Thunder God to return to Yugakure, the battle that took place here was also over!

The captives of the Cloud Village were tied up with chains and lined up in the mud, including Samui, Omoi, and Karui!


After Naruto came back, he only glanced at them with his peripheral vision, then strode past these captives and walked towards the tower.

In the corridor, Konan said,"You're back……"

Naruto said,"Ah, those outside, are they from Kumogakure?"

Konan said,"They planned to attack the village, but were discovered by the paper clones I placed outside. The Raikage didn't seem to come. Are they looking for trouble with you?"

Naruto said,"Trouble, not really.……"

Xiaonan saw that Naruto was worried, so she said,"Then you should go to bed early."

The two of them returned to their own rooms.

Naruto lay on the bed, and soon, rhythmic snoring could be heard.


Late at night, a phantom fell in the rain in the high tower, looking up at the window of the room in the middle of the seventh!

"He's drunk, this is the chance of a lifetime……"

Swish! The phantom disappeared from the spot, climbing up nimbly!


The window opened, she sneaked into the room in the dark, flashed to the bed, grabbed the ninja sword, and stabbed at the sleeping Naruto!

That was an unhesitating killing intention!


But Naruto closed his eyes, but his palm accurately grasped her wrist holding the sword, and suddenly pressed her to the ground, put his hands together, and the black stick fell off from his sleeves. With a snap, it nailed her palm to the floor!!

"Woo ah……!"The assassin screamed in pain!

Boom boom boom boom...!

Startled by the noise, Xiaonan broke into the room. The lights came on, and when she saw the scene in front of her, she frowned deeply, her eyes turning cold.

"Violet, you hid it so well……"

She stretched out her sleeves and was about to execute Violet!

"Wait a minute, Xiaonan." Naruto leaned against the window, his eyes clear, not drunk at all, he said indifferently:"For the time being, listen to her reasons, it's not too late to take action!"

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