After Shikaku entered the house, he locked the door.

The lights in the room were on, a square table was set up, and Naruto and Shikaku sat opposite each other.

Unlike Naruto and Gaara, they were of the same generation and could be more casual.

Shikaku was his elder, at least in his heart, it had always been like this.

After sitting down, Naruto took off his mask on his own initiative. Shikaku did not ask about Naruto's eyes, but heated the wine and prepared a few dishes.

Shikaku did not ask anything else, but waited for Naruto to speak himself. He knew that since Naruto showed up, he was ready to tell the truth.

After three rounds of wine, the dishes tasted five flavors.

Naruto opened his mouth with a bombshell:"Uncle Shikaku, do you believe... people from the future can go back to the past?"

Shikaku smiled, as if he was listening to a curious anecdote after dinner:"Such bizarre things often only appear in literary works."

Naruto said in a low voice:"Yes, the me in the past would definitely think it was a fairy tale... Until one day, a man who did not belong to this land brought a 'treasure' that did not belong to this land. The name of that treasure was '棃'. Before talking about that man and '棃', we can't avoid talking about Kaguya, the Six Paths Sage, the Ten Tails, the Sacred Tree, and... the Otsutsuki clan. The story is a bit long, can you listen slowly?"


Shikaku lit a cigarette, put the lighter aside, and said calmly:"No one will disturb us before dawn, just talk as much as you can.……"

"good……"Naruto was thinking, his eyes became deep, as if he could see through time and space and return to the distant past.

The reason why he used narration instead of illusion was because Naruto also needed a chance to speak out.

He believed that if it was Shikaku, he would have his own judgment.

After finishing the narration, the wine on the table had been refilled with three pots, and Shikaku's ashtray was also full of cigarette butts.

Shikaku rubbed his temples, his brain working quickly, sorting out everything he heard.

"That is to say... you." He paused and picked up the wine glass, but the wine was already empty. Naruto poured it for him personally. After Shikaku finished drinking, he calmed down and looked at Naruto.

"You experienced that future yourself, and when you were dying, you returned to the present through the '棃' and replaced Naruto at that time, and then... the subsequent defection and a series of events happened, all to change that future, right?"

Naruto nodded solemnly:"Yes! It's a bit of a fantasy, right? If you don't believe me, I completely understand."

Shikaku said:"If you said this when you just defeated Pein... I'm afraid you would just think you were brain-damaged, but combined with all your actions afterwards, everything is logical, so I believe you now"

"call……"Naruto heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. He had been suppressing it for too long.

Shikaku said seriously,"But, just because I believe it doesn't mean that other people in the village will believe it. After all, there are some things that you can't relate to without experiencing them yourself, even if you are the hero of the village.……"

Naruto shook his head and smiled:"Hero? Now I am no longer related to these two words.……"

Shikaku said in a low voice:"Yes, even if Danzo is dead, the Root is only in name. The negative impact caused by their smear campaign against you has not been eliminated so far, but has become more and more serious.……"

"It was you who appeared on the cliff of Hokage Rock on the day Sasuke attacked the village, right?"

"it's me……"

Lu Jiu said:"But afterwards, most people were unwilling to believe that it was you. Some even thought that you came here specifically to pick up Uchiha Sasuke.……"

Naruto said:"It doesn't matter. There are too many ninjas in this world who sacrificed themselves in obscurity. Even after death, their names were not remembered by people, and even left behind a bad reputation. As long as the things they protect are safe, nothing else matters!"

"So, I will keep going on this road.……!"

Shikaku asked,"Have you ever thought that there might be a better way?"

Naruto shook his empty wine glass and pondered,"I have thought of a better way. For example, after returning, we can pretend that we know nothing and wait for the Fourth Shinobi World War to break out. Sasuke and I will receive the gift from the Six Paths Sage and rely on our prestige in saving the Shinobi world to integrate the resources of the entire Shinobi world to fight against that clan.……"


Naruto pressed the empty wine glass on the table.

"But... I am not such a smooth person, I can't pretend that nothing happened! I don't want to just sit back and enjoy the results! Since we want to change, we should change it fundamentally! Instead of rushing for quick success and taking advantage of the most advantageous fragment!"

"The Six Paths Sage's actions were for the stability of the Ninja World. He only knew that his mother Kaguya would endanger the Ninja World, so he spent his whole life fighting to seal Kaguya and prevent her from resurrecting! He never knew that there were monsters out there that were a hundred times more powerful than him and could ignore his sealing techniques, threatening this land at any time!"

"Well, it's not the Six Paths Sage's fault. From his perspective and experience, it's already commendable that he could do that. At least he brought peace to the ninja world for decades. Unfortunately, that was not a long-term solution. The tragedy that happened afterwards is the best proof of that.……"

"Therefore, this time I will take a completely different path to salvation than the Six Paths Sage!"

Lu Jiu sighed:"At this point, let's not discuss whether your method is the best solution. At least it is a feasible way, but the price of being too advanced is to be criticized. You must be mentally prepared.……"

Naruto laughed and said,"Compared to everything I've been through, what does a little criticism mean? I'll just laugh it off!"

���Jiu smiled and said,"At least, Konoha's Ino-Shika-Chou is willing to stand by your side! As for the rest, let time prove it!"

As he said that, he took out a box from under the table and pushed it in front of Naruto.

"You should be able to use the things in this box... The secret techniques of the three families of Pig, Deer and Butterfly, which are not recorded in the"Book of Seals" of Konoha, are all in it. This is another purpose of your trip, right?"

Naruto took the box solemnly with both hands:"Thank you... Uncle Shikaku."

Shikaku said:"In the future, if you have any questions, come to me at any time to discuss!" Naruto said

:"Ah, I will! I never think that I can accomplish anything by myself. When I should rely on my companions, I will never act recklessly!"

Shikaku pondered for a moment and said:"Also... According to normal development, the Fourth Ninja World War is over now, right? And I, and Haiyi, both died in the Allied Forces Headquarters under the Tailed Beast Ball of the Ten Tails, right?"

Naruto nodded:"That's right." Shikaku smiled and said:"At least... your return has changed the ending. Personally, I would rather watch my son grow up and enjoy the joy of having children and grandchildren around me than sacrifice as a hero!"

Naruto smiled and said,"I believe that day will come!""

Bang, bang, bang!"

There was a heavy banging on the door:"Shikaku!! Open the door for me quickly!"~~~~!!!!"

It's Lu Jiu's wife...

Lu Jiu looked at the mess on the table and said with a wry smile:"Hedong Lion, are you back? What a trouble!���…"

"I'll take my leave first...Uncle Shikaku!"

Whoosh! Naruto used Flying Thunder God and escaped, leaving Shikaku alone on the 'battlefield'...


Shikaku lit a cigarette:"I'm afraid I won't be able to smoke for a while from now on.……"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of banging on the door became more and more violent.

"I'm coming……"Lu Jiu put out his cigarette, stood up, and walked towards the door as if he was going to die a heroic death.


Late at night, in another corner of Konoha Village.

After being discharged from the hospital, Hatake Kakashi, who had resumed his normal work, returned to his home.


When he heard the noise coming from his bedroom, he immediately became alert. He leaned against the door, lightning wrapped around his kunai, and broke into the room!

Then, he saw... a familiar figure, rummaging through boxes and cabinets!!

Kakashi was stunned:"You...……"

"Teacher Kakashi, you are finally back."

Naruto murmured, turned around and asked seriously,"Where did you put"Intimate Paradise"? ? Why can't I find it anywhere? ?"


PS: After careful consideration, the author decided to delete the previous plot about Madara controlling the Hidden Mist. As for Madara's future, there will be other arrangements in the later text. Please be informed.

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