Overnight, Naruto obtained the scrolls of secret techniques of the two villages of Sand Village and Konoha.

He was extremely reluctant to use force on both of them, so he put them off until the end.

Now that everyone is happy, his hanging heart is also put down.

Thinking carefully about the past three months, his contact with the five major ninja villages was achieved in five completely different ways!

The trip to Kumogakure was a contest of power; the trip to Iwagakure was an exchange of interests; the trip to Kirigakure was a return of favors; the trip to Sand Village was a gift of friendship; the trip to Konoha was the love of the elders.

Each one is a microcosm of the bond of this ninja world!

It also determines the way he will deal with the five major ninja villages in the future!

After returning to Yugakure, Naruto immediately went into the study and counted the scrolls he had obtained.

With so many scrolls, there must be a sequence of practice. Naruto already had basic knowledge of mechanical assembly, and he decided to strike while the iron is hot and delve into the puppetry of Sand Village!

《The"Sagakure Puppetry Technique" was created by the second Kazekage of the Sand Village, 'Shamon', and carried forward by the first puppeteer 'Monzaemon'. It was passed down and revised by Ebizo for thousands of generations, and the skills became more and more mature. By the time of Scorpion, it finally evolved to its peak!

Puppetry has two major areas, 'starting' and 'manipulation'!

In layman's terms, starting is the talent for developing puppets, and manipulation is the talent for controlling puppets to fight!

Only when you reach the pinnacle in these two areas can you be called a top puppeteer!

But Naruto's 'Six Paths Technique' of the Rinnegan has a unique advantage. It can use chakra to drive puppets remotely without the need for 'chakra lines'. This alone makes him unique!

So he only needs to master 'starting' and does not need to master 'manipulation'.’!

"It turns out that the joints can be constructed like this? Indeed, this greatly improves both mobility and strength.……"

Naruto studied puppetry day and night, and before he knew it, he had drawn a design. He used the parts disassembled from Shurado and assembled a new"Mecha Naruto" according to the design! In the evening, Xiaonan came to deliver food again.

Naruto was in high spirits:"Hey, Xiaonan sister, do you know?"

"What." Konan responded calmly and put the tray on the table.

Naruto said:"I now feel a little bit of empathy for Scorpion's puppet art! Although I'm better than him, I actually admire him a little bit. What should I do!"

Konan picked up a meat bun from the plate and handed it over:"Eat it first!"

Naruto bit off half of it:"Hey~ Sister Konan, how about we Ula Ula Ula……"

"Bang, bang, bang!" Naruto choked and pounded his chest."

Bang, bang, bang!"

Xiaonan handed over the cup of water and patted Naruto on the back,"Swallow it first and speak slowly."……"

""Gudong!" Naruto swallowed the meat bun and said the second half of the sentence:"Why don't we dig Scorpion here too!! I want him to be my assistant!"

"Hi hi... wipe your mouth first." Xiaonan handed over a tissue and looked at the mecha Naruto standing there and said,"Is this your work? I heard that you also designed one on the way to Sand Village.……"

Naruto smiled and said,"Ah, that's right, but it's also a mecha, Naruto. What you see in front of you is no longer a concept machine, but a machine that can be used as a debut work.——‘Mecha Naruto Unit-01’!"

"Oh, is that so?"Xiao Nan replied calmly.

"And, look, this is my grand concept!"

Naruto slowly opened the scroll in front of him, which was a series of design drawings!

Mecha Sasuke, Mecha Hinata, Mecha Sakura, Mecha Kakashi, Mecha Madara, Mecha Obito, Mecha Tsunade, Mecha Raikage...!

Konan said:"It seems... they are all old acquaintances of yours"

"Clang! Look at this!……!"Naruto opened the scroll to the end, and the draft of the design of"Mecha Konan" suddenly appeared!

"……"Half of Xiaonan's face was covered by the collar, so her expression could not be seen clearly, but her eyes, which were originally dull, lost their luster instantly!

Naruto gestured with his hands:"Sister Xiaonan, can you tell me your body proportions? These parameters are needed when designing!"

Xiaonan was silent for a while, and then said something shocking:"Don't you know?"

Naruto tilted his head:"???"

Xiaonan shook his head:"Forget it, I'll measure it when I get back and tell you.……"

The puppet show episode came to an end for the time being. Xiaonan put away her plate and remembered something:"By the way, did you go to Konoha and find"Intimate Paradise"?"

Naruto slapped his forehead and said,"Oh! If Sister Xiaonan hadn't told me, I would have almost forgotten it."

He took out the small book with an orange cover from the drawer and hesitated:"Do you really want to read it? Sister Xiaonan,……"

"Of course I have to watch it. Not only do I want to decipher the code, but I also want to understand Jiraiya's ninjutsu and spirit through this work.……"

Xiaonan said seriously, having taken the"Intimate Paradise" from Naruto.》

"Then I will go back to my room to read. Don't stay up too late and go to bed early.……"

After giving some instructions, Xiaonan left the room.

Naruto scratched his head and muttered,"That book can be regarded as the enlightenment teacher of Hinata and me. The ninjutsu that it wants to convey is even contrary to the"Three Forbidden Rules of Ninja". However, Xiaonan sister should be considered an experienced person.……"


Konoha Village, night.

Haruno Sakura walked towards the Hokage's office.

She had encountered too many setbacks during this period.

First, the action to hunt down Sasuke ended in failure, and then she received the news of her parents' death!

Even more fatal was... his parents died in Sasuke's attack on Konoha!

The person she loved most killed the person closest to her!

This pain drowned her like a tide!

Tsunade sympathized with her disciple and felt that Sakura would not be able to perform the task in this state, so she gave her some time off.

But these days, Sakura felt more and more that idleness would make her sink deeper into pain and unable to extricate herself, so she wanted to request to resume her work as a ninja.

At the door of the Hokage's office, Sakura was about to knock on the door when she suddenly heard a conversation inside the door.

Kakashi:"That's it, Naruto came to me last night and asked for that thing……"

Tsunade:"That child's current behavior has nothing to do with that kind of evil stuff, why is that?"

"Ah, I was curious too, but Naruto already told me……"

Kakashi paused, as if he was trying to adjust his mood.

"Master Jiraiya has been resurrected! He was resurrected by Naruto using the forbidden technique of the Rinnegan!"

"What!?"Tsunade slammed the table and stood up, her eyes trembling:"When did it happen!"

Kakashi:"Just recently, it took him nearly two months to salvage the body of Jiraiya-sama from the sea of Yuyin, and successfully resurrected him! Before Naruto left, he said...you can visit him anytime!"

At this time, Haruno Sakura had disappeared in the corridor.

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