In the Land of Rain, Haruno Sakura once again rushed towards the direction of the Hidden Rain Village!

A lot of things happened from the time her parents were reborn to the days she left the Hidden Rain Village.

Because her parents were reborn and contaminated with forbidden techniques, Sakura certainly didn't dare to bring her parents back to Konoha openly.

She used her savings to rent a house outside the village, and went out of the village whenever she was free to accompany her parents.

But Konoha has always had a curfew, and since Sasuke attacked Konoha, the curfew has been even stricter.

Even if Sakura is a disciple of the Hokage Tsunade, it is unacceptable to go out many times without a legitimate reason!

Even Tsunade heard about it and asked several times, but Sakura evaded the question.

But if it goes on for a long time, exposure is inevitable!

For this, Sakura is exhausted!

Sakura's parents couldn't bear to see their beloved daughter ruin her bright future for them, who are already dead... With a strong wish, the Reincarnation of the Impure World was lifted by itself!

That night, when Sakura left the village again, she saw the corpse of White Zetsu buried in the dirty earth as soon as she entered the room!

And, a line of words!

——‘Our daughter, please live well with us!'

Xiaoying burst into tears, thinking about the little things she had lived with her parents over the years. She was unwilling to let her parents leave her like this!

"If... it wasn't the Impure World Reincarnation! I could bring them back to the village openly!"

But she didn't want to lose face and ask Naruto to use that resurrection technique again. She decided to rely on her own strength!

She thought of the forbidden technique of 'Granny Chiyo', 'Seirei Tensei'. When Chiyo was on the verge of death in the battle with the Red Sand Scorpion, it was this technique that saved her life!

"After that... Granny Chiyo used that technique to revive Gaara. If I master it, I can revive my father and mother!"

With determination, Sakura set foot in the Sand Village, wanting to take the scroll of the technique from Gaara.

Of course, Sakura is not stupid. She knows that if she tells the truth, Gaara will definitely not give her the scroll.

For this reason, she did not hesitate to use the banner of the Fifth Hokage Tsunade!

"Lady Tsunade hopes to borrow that forbidden technique to see if it can be improved upon as a high-level medical ninjutsu to benefit the ninja world!"

"Since it is the Hokage's suggestion, the Sand Village is happy to help!"

Gaara readily agreed, but he couldn't find the scroll no matter how hard he tried.

After recalling, he suddenly remembered

"Oh no, Naruto and I were both drunk that night, and I accidentally gave that scroll along with the other scrolls to Naruto! You can't just learn that jutsu casually, I have to ask Naruto to give it back!"

Gaara was anxious and was about to go to the Hidden Rain Village.

But at this time, Sakura volunteered,"Let me go, we also need that scroll, and it would not be good to make you make another trip.……"

As the Kazekage, it is indeed inappropriate for Gaara to leave his post without permission. In addition, Haruno Sakura was Naruto's former partner, and she was willing to do it for him, so Gaara certainly had no objection.

"I understand. Thank you for your help, Sakura.……"

So, there was the scene at the beginning where Sakura ran towards the Hidden Rain Village!

But along the way, Sakura thought a lot.

"According to Chiyo, the principle of that technique is to give the life force to the other party. Even if I learn it, with my life force, even if it is completely exhausted, I can only revive one of my father or mother.……"

"And...Mom and Dad, do you really want to see me sacrifice my life for one of them?"

Sakura thought about it.

"From this perspective, Naruto still needs to use the resurrection technique that resurrected Jiraiya-sama."

"But will Naruto agree to my request now?"

Sakura stared ahead with a determined look in her eyes.

"This is the last chance to revive my father and mother! No matter what, I have to make Naruto agree to it! Even if it is something more humble than kneeling, I am willing to do it!"

"If my parents cannot be resurrected, my hatred for Sasuke may never be eliminated, and it will be difficult for me to move forward as a ninja.……"

With these thoughts in mind, Sakura came to the outside of the Hidden Rain Village again!


Violet, who was on routine patrol as an Anbu member, found Sakura and blocked her way!

Sakura recognized Violet as the Anbu member who led her to see Naruto last time.

Sakura said urgently:"Please take me to see your leader!"

Violet's eyes flickered under the mask and said:"What do you want this time?"

Sakura said:"It's very important. I'm entrusted by the Wind Shadow of Sand Village to find your leader to get something. Take me to see him quickly, no mistakes!"

"So, there is no other way. Come with me.……"

Violet turned around and led the way, and Sakura followed behind.

In the woods, Violet stopped, untied the water bottle from her waist and handed it to her, and asked calmly:"Are you thirsty? Have some water."

Sakura was indeed thirsty after running all the way.

""Thank you." She thanked him and took the kettle from Violet.

A curve appeared under Violet's mask.

Snap! Without any warning, the ninja sword was unsheathed and wiped across Sakura's neck cleanly!


The kettle fell to the ground... Sakura's eyes were wide open, full of disbelief and horror!

Blood... flowed from the cut on her neck!

Her throat and trachea were cut open!

"Woo, woo……"

She is a medical ninja...she knows what a cut throat means!

Unable to breathe, the lack of oxygen in the brain will kill her in a short time!


She collapsed to the ground, and under her scattered consciousness, she had the instinct to survive!

Hundred Healings...I must use the Hundred Healings Seal!!


The Hundred Healings Seal on her forehead showed signs of being released...Indeed, if the Hundred Healings Seal was released, she might really survive, and even be able to fight back!

But... Violet has come behind her and said coldly:"Do you know how much trouble your stupid behavior has caused Naruto-sama?"

Snap! As soon as the voice fell, she held the handle of the knife with both hands and stabbed it into the back of Sakura's head quickly, fiercely and accurately!

That is the location of the brain stem. Once it is destroyed, there is no room for salvation!

Sakura died instantly, and the color of life in her eyes completely solidified. Whoosh! The Hundred Healings Seal that could not be unlocked also disappeared on her forehead...!


Violet pulled the knife out from behind Sakura's head, wiped the blood off, and put it back into the sheath. Looking at Sakura's body, Violet's eyes were cruel but calm.

"But no matter what, she seems to be Naruto's partner. If Naruto finds out, my already low favorability will be completely lost.……"

"More importantly, Lord Naruto might consider their old friendship and revive her, even if it means endangering himself. The technique that resurrected Lord Jiraiya seems to require a corpse in addition to the soul.’……"

Taking out a bottle, Violet grinned:"To eliminate the trouble, let's dissolve it!"

She opened the bottle and poured the 'potion' used to deal with ninja corpses on Sakura's body.

Hiss, hiss, hiss...!

Hiss, hiss, hiss~!

In the bushes, a small snake was watching this scene closely with its vertical pupils. When Violet glanced at it, the snake quickly hid.

"Is it a stinky snake?" Violet retracted her gaze and murmured, but then, she activated the body-flash technique and stepped on the little snake!

""It doesn't matter if you are a stinky snake or something else. Now that I have seen you, you can die!"

Violet smiled and poured the remaining potion on the struggling little snake~!

Chi Chi Chi Chi... the little snake melted immediately!

In the nest thousands of miles away

"!"After being shocked, Yaoshi Dou licked his tongue and said,"Hehehe... That woman, this kind of personality is really to my taste.~~~!"

He pushed up his glasses and said,"Although I didn't succeed in collecting it, the thing I prepared many years ago should come in handy. Let's look for it later. If we're lucky, we might still be able to find it.~~~"


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