"I am a person who usually pays the most attention to collecting things. No matter whether they are useful or not, there is no harm in keeping them.……"

The pharmacist held up a candlestick and searched through boxes and cabinets. He opened a refrigerator that had been sealed for many years. In the cold cabinet, there were three small bottles with labels of"Sasuke","Naruto" and"Haruno Sakura" on them.

"Found it~ During the Konoha Chunin Exam, blood was collected in the Forest of Death.……"

Kabuto Yakushi took out a bottle with the label 'Haruno Sakura', drew the ritual, poured out the blood in the bottle, used a White Zetsu as a living sacrifice, and performed the 'Impure World Reincarnation' technique!

"You and Naruto are both bad guys, neither of you is a good thing... Ugh ahh...

"Sasuke, look who I brought here~"

Yakushi Kabuto came to the training room

"Sakura……!?"When Sasuke saw Sakura following behind Kabuto, he was startled, and then he said coldly:"Now that things have come to this, what are you doing here again, are you annoying?"

"Hehe……"Kabuto Yakushi pushed up his glasses and said with a smile:"Don't get me wrong, Sasuke, take a closer look, she is the Impure World Reincarnation~"

Sasuke looked at her carefully and saw the cracks on her skin and clothes, as well as her gray eyes, which were indeed the portrayal of the Impure World Reincarnation!

"……"His eyes dimmed, and he said in a gloating tone:"Sakura, you stupid woman, you stupid yourself to death!"

Facing Sasuke's ridicule, Sakura was unusually calm:"You are right, Sasuke, I was stupid to death!"

Sasuke frowned.

Sakura said sadly:"I was stupid because I didn't kill you because of our past feelings. If I was as decisive as 'that person', there would be no future! This result is my own fault!"

Sasuke sneered:"Heh... It's too late for you to understand this now."

Sakura said:"My parents died! When you attacked Konoha!"

Sasuke's pupils shrank, and he sneered:"So, do you know how it feels to lose your loved ones?"

"Yes, I know!"

Sakura rushed towards Sasuke, clenched her fist, and after the Impure World Reincarnation, the Hundred Healings Seal appeared on her forehead again and released!

Zi! Sasuke's eyes turned into a kaleidoscope, and the skeleton of Susanoo was ignited!


But Sakura's fist shattered the skeleton and hit Sasuke's chest!


Bang! Sasuke's back hit the wall heavily, several ribs were broken, blood flowed from his mouth, and he said in astonishment:"How can she be so strong! ? ?"

"Do you understand? That's how I feel! Sakura rushed forward again. She jumped up and raised her legs high, ready to chop down!


Sasuke dodged to the side.

Boom boom boom...!

The ground was broken, and the whole training room was shaken...

Sasuke's eyes were shaken:"She is serious about killing!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Kabuto Yakushi was about to control Sakura through the Impure World Reincarnation!

Sasuke shouted:"No, let her come over!"

Kabuto Yakushi put down his hand.


Amaterasu's sword smashed Sakura's upper body... But the dust rolled up again!

Sakura's eyes were filled with sadness:"So that's it, this is the body of the Impure World Reincarnation, which forcibly binds the soul to the living sacrifice, can't feel pain, can regenerate even if broken, and has lost all the senses of the living. Mom and Dad should not be able to taste it, but they are concerned about my feelings and say that the food is delicious. Liberation is instinctive. I am too selfish.……"

"She is now an invincible shrew with extraordinary strength!!!" Sasuke's eyes became stern, and Susanoo transformed into Crow Tengu form!

"Hahahaha… Just right, I’ll use you as a sandbag for training!!!"

He launched a fierce attack with wild laughter.

Sakura was also reborn after being shattered again and again, and her impression of Sasuke was also shattered after being ruthlessly shattered again and again!

"What on earth do I like about this kind of person?"

"Is it just because he is good-looking and has a cold personality?"

"I'm so superficial.……

"Sasuke, thank you for crushing my first love!"

Sasuke said coldly:"It has always been your wishful thinking, you annoying woman!!!"


A Kagutsuchi arrow pierced through Sakura's body, and drove her, broke through the wall of the training room, and flew outside.

After Sakura was reborn again, she did not come back!

"Hmm? Want to escape?" Pharmacist Kabuto frowned and was about to make a seal!

"Forget it... Huh, huh, huh!"Sasuke shouted, breathing slightly quickly. He looked at the broken wall and said in a low voice:"Let her go!"


The next evening, when Sakura came to Naruto again, the latter was shocked:"Hey, Sakura, what happened to you? You were reincarnated? Who killed you!!"

Violet behind Naruto, under the mask, immediately broke out in a cold sweat: What happened? ? Didn't I deal with her body? How could it still be? This is bad!!!

But Sakura said:"No one killed me, I accidentally fell off the cliff, and then, the body was used by Kabuto Yakushi to reincarnate."

"……"Naruto looked downcast and clenched his fists:"Listen, the Impure World Reincarnation, as long as you know the seal, you can take the initiative to get rid of the control of the master. I will tell you the seal of Impure World Reincarnation, you will make it immediately!"


Sakura did as she was told.

——Impure World Reincarnation: Release!

Snap...! Her connection with the sorcerer was cut off!

Sakura said,"Naruto, I made a big mistake. Now I don't have the face to return to Konoha and see Lady Tsunade. Can you take me in?"

"……"Naruto fell into deep thought.

Sakura said,"Don't worry, Naruto, I won't let you revive my parents. I just want to make up for my past mistakes as much as possible. You don't have a decent medical ninja in the Hidden Rain Village, right? If you can take me in, I am willing to do my best to help you!"

Naruto raised his eyes and looked at Sakura,"Okay, you stay. I will explain to Grandma Tsunade later.……"

Sakura bowed and said sincerely:"Thank you so much!!"

At night.

Violet found Sakura alone and asked puzzledly:"Why don't you say it was me? As long as you reveal my deeds, I will be completely finished, so what are your intentions?"

Sakura said indifferently:"Now that things have come to this, what's the point of talking? Your decisiveness in killing has made me understand the essence of ninjas and my former naivety. I came to Naruto sincerely. You are her capable subordinate. There is no need for me to do anything extreme."

"As for your intention, if I must say it, I do have one, which is to go one step further and improve my medical ninjutsu to restore the original appearance of a girl who was disfigured by me.……"

"……"Violet was speechless for a moment.

Sakura looked at Violet frankly and said,"So, this matter... let's keep it as a secret forever, and let both of us keep it to ourselves!"

Violet said,"I really underestimated you before. You are not as stupid as I thought. However, I will say this in advance. You made a slip of the tongue in the restaurant before, causing Lord Naruto and Lord Angel to be questioned by the lower-class people. But even so, that kind-hearted Lord decided to take you in regardless of the past, so you must not let him down again.……"

After thinking for a while, Sakura said solemnly:"I understand, thank you for your warning!"

Violet took off her mask and stretched out her hand:"Okay, my name is Violet, Haruno Sakura, officially welcome you to join the Hidden Rain Village!"

""Please take care of me in the future!" Sakura reached out and held Violet's hand.


A psychic 'parrot' flew away from the eaves.

In the tower, Naruto looked at the rain and sighed:"So... is that the case."

Konan came behind Naruto:"Maybe this is the bad fate of your team 7. Even if you live again, you can't cut off the fetters."

"Where will we go in the future?" Naruto said in a complicated tone, putting the mask back on his face:"Forget it, time will tell us the answer.……"


PS: The author takes writing seriously and never criticizes a character just for the sake of criticizing him, because different experiences will create different personalities. Team 7 will be recast after being broken and develop an unprecedented situation.

From this moment on, Haruno Sakura will also face everyone with a brand new look, so stay tuned!

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