"Angel, the Yuyin delegation is here to plead for the people!!!"

"Angel! Please listen to the demands of the grassroots people!"

"Angel-sama!! Please let Lord Pain show up and dispel those rumors!! Otherwise we really can't live in peace!!!"

Outside the fence of the southern area of Yuyin Village, hundreds of young and strong Yuyin people gathered here, shouting loudly. To show their determination, they have not eaten or drunk for days, and even did not open umbrellas, just standing in the heavy rain.

The ninth floor of the tower.

Xiaonan looked at this scene from afar, frowning:"Recently, the situation has been getting worse and worse. Merchants have started to strike one after another, and even the people have elected a delegation to start putting pressure on us. If we don't show up, I'm afraid...……"

If it were those pampered daimyo, they might wave their little fans and say:"Strike? Great! When these unruly people are too hungry to eat, they will be honest!"

But Naruto, who was once a Hokage, is an intellectual and wise leader!

He chewed buttered bread, flipped through the scroll of forbidden techniques, and said calmly:"I think the people reacted like this because they were shrouded in war in the past years, which made them lack a sense of security in their bones~ Hanzo, who is known as a demigod, did not solve this problem either."

"So, when Pain descended from the sky and uprooted Hanzo's forces with lightning speed, the people of Rain Village saw a strong hope. The unknown mystery deepened their awe, so they worshipped Pain like a god."

Naruto said clearly:"For the people, people's livelihood is the top priority. No matter who leads Rain Village, what they need is a guarantee of security. In the final analysis, only when I become stronger can I give them a sense of security."Konan's eyes flickered:"That being said,……"

Naruto raised his eyes and smiled:"Sister Xiaonan, you don't look very good. Have you been constipated recently?"

Xiaonan glanced at him:"If you continue like this, I'm afraid you will really be constipated!"

Naruto gave a thumbs up:"It's okay! I have a folk remedy that I have personally tested. It can promote diuresis and relieve constipation. The effect is amazing.~~!!"

"#%……"Finally, Xiaonan was speechless and rolled her eyes. She murmured:"With your emotional intelligence, it's no wonder that girl named Hinata has been in love with you for more than ten years, and you didn't even know it."

In the end, it was Xiaonan who came out to appease the crowd and let them disperse.

But this can't fundamentally solve the problem.

Late at night, Naruto sat on the toilet in his room, taking a big dump while reading the secret scroll

"Hmm?" When Naruto turned to the last scroll, his eyes focused:"This is……"

Forbidden Technique: Kisei Reincarnation, a resurrection technique created by Chiyo of Sand Village, which directly transfers life force to the dead and resurrects them

"Chiyo, is this the technique that can bring Gaara back to life?"

But the scroll clearly states that in addition to the cost of losing one's life, this technique has another limitation!

It can only be used on people who have died within one day of death. After death, the soul will leave the body but will still linger in the world for one day. After one day, the soul will reach another world. Even if you use the self-reincarnation to give it vitality and revive the body, you cannot make the soul return to the body. The dead will become a 'living dead'.’!

【The so-called living dead are what we usually know as vegetative people.’】

"Is that so? If we hadn't taken back Gaara's body, even if Chiyo successfully resurrected Gaara, his consciousness would not have been awakened. As expected, life and death are unpredictable. We who are still alive should still remain in awe... I won't learn this scroll. When I see Gaara again, I will return it to the Sand Village!" Naruto put the scroll away and reached aside, about to use paper to wipe his butt, but he only touched air!

"Oh, where's the paper? ? I remember there was still half a roll last time... Could it be that Sister Xiaonan took it away? ?"

Knock, knock, knock! Naruto knocked on the wall hard!

After a while, Xiaonan's cold voice sounded from next door:"What's the matter?"

Naruto said aggrievedly:"Sister Xiaonan... where did you take the paper? ? I just had the toilet and I can't wipe my butt!"


There was a faint laugh... Then Xiaonan's cold voice came:"Don't you have a 'folk remedy'? Is it not useful now?"

"Uh, this……"Naruto said humbly,"I miscalculated. I won't do it again next time. Please forgive me for this time!"


At the bottom of the wall, a baffle opened, revealing a gap, and then a roll of toilet paper rolled over.

""Huh." Naruto felt relieved, picked up the paper and started to wipe his butt.

"Next time, I will use the"Shura Road" to invent a"blow-down toilet". Being controlled by others is not my style as Uzumaki Naruto.~!"

However, as he was wiping, his face changed, and a burning sensation came from his anus!

Xiaonan's gloating voice sounded:"This paper is smeared with the secret devil chili oil of the Hidden Rain Village. Doesn't it feel very refreshing?"

Naruto was ashamed:"Absolutely, absolutely can't make Sister Xiaonan angry again!"


Finally, the sound of flushing the toilet was heard.

Naruto sighed:"Flush toilets are good. Every time I flush, I feel a refreshing feeling, as if the whole person is much more relaxed.……"


Outside the Hidden Rain Village.

Uchiha Madara grabbed a patrolling Anbu by the throat with one hand and lifted him into the air.

"Uh ah ah……!"The ANBU struggled, and the kunai in his hand fell to the ground helplessly.

Madara looked coldly at his feet:"Oh? Flying Thunder God Kunai, is this the life guarantee he gave you? Unfortunately, you can't even inject chakra into the kunai!"


He broke the ANBU's neck!


A flying shadow passed by.

Madara looked up and saw 'Sai' riding on the ink bird.

Madara muttered coldly:"The body of the Impure World Reincarnation? Humph, whatever, let him go. Anyway, Naruto has nowhere to escape in the base camp!"


A few minutes later, Madara was wearing Susanoo and powerfully rained rain on the Hidden Rain Village!!!


The rain of the Rain Tiger's Freedom Technique was blocked by the powerful chakra of Susanoo!

"!"Naruto, who was getting ready for bed, immediately noticed something!

Boom boom boom!!

"Naruto!" Konan burst in with an anxious look.


Naruto, who had already put on the 'Fire Cloud Suit', said calmly:"Ah, I know, repelling the invaders is my unshirkable responsibility as the chief of the Hidden Rain Village. Wow!"

In the cold rain, in the two-faced Susanoo, Madara looked arrogant:"Naruto, to thank you for giving me a surprise last time, this time, I prepared a gift for you, accept it!!"


Susanoo grew another face at the back and became a three-faced headed god!!

As a sorcerer, Madara made seals with both hands, and the three-faced headed god Susanoo cooperated with him and used six big hands to cast seals at the same time.

——Super heavy rock•Heavenly shock star!


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