Uchiha Madara is a man who will never fall in the same place twice!

After being sealed by Naruto with the super-heavy rock Chibaku Tensei last time, the first thing Madara did after escaping was to absorb the chakra of the Second Tsuchikage Mu, and read the techniques in his mind with the Human Path, mastering the heavy series of techniques of Iwagakure, and then developed this super-heavy rock Chibaku Tensei!

The weight and density of the Chibaku Tensei were increased by thousands of times, and one of them was a devastating blow!

Boom, boom, boom, boom...!!

The front end of the Chibaku Tensei, with flames breaking through the atmosphere, occupied the sky of Yugakure with a shocking momentum!

The entire Yugakure was instantly shrouded in despair!

"what is that!?"


"It's a natural disaster!!"

""It's over!!!"


But at this moment, a purple lightning shot up from the Hidden Rain Tower and headed for the meteorite!

It was Uzumaki Naruto!

As he was rising, his eyes were stern but calm:"Has Madara also mastered that technique, and combined it with the Heavenly Awakening Star? Once this meteorite falls, let alone the small Hidden Rain Village, it will destroy the entire Rain Country without a problem. However, it's not a big problem.……!!"

Naruto calmly formed seals with his hands, covered with lightning, and placed them under the meteorite!

——Earth Style: Super Light and Heavy Rock Technique!!


The meteorite...was instantly lightened!

Note: If the Heavy Rock Technique is used repeatedly on a single object, the effect will be replaced!

The evidence is that the combined ninjutsu of the Tsuchikage and the Raikage first uses the Super Light and Heavy Rock to speed up to the maximum, and then immediately uses the Super Heavy Rock. That will not restore the normal weight, but directly produce the effect of super weight!

Therefore, this meteorite is not reduced to normal weight, but directly replaces the super weight and becomes a super light and heavy meteorite!!

In this case, with Naruto's current strength, he can easily break it!


Naruto condenses the powerful Lightning Style Chakra!

——Thunderous spiral explosion!

Boom boom boom boom...!!

The purple electric spiral was generated, not a stab like the spiral sword, but a powerful thunder explosion that spread to the whole...!

Crack! Crack!

The ultra-light and heavy meteorite quickly collapsed, but the scattered debris still had lethality...!

Naruto raised his palm high, and the gravity ball grew!

——The Earth-shattering Stars!!

Boom boom...!

The broken rocks instantly condensed into stars, and with Naruto's falling palm, they landed steadily on the ground, setting off a roar!

Naruto blocked the first one, but he did not slack off at all, but looked up at the dark sky!

He knew that the second meteorite was about to hit!

"Humph... Naruto, you really won't let me down~"

Madara raised the corner of his mouth, and Susanoo rose to its full form, rising from the ground and directly above the clouds.

Snap! As the second meteorite passed by, Susanoo disappeared, and Madara aimed his palm at the tail of the meteorite, his eyes showing his samsara eyes, showing his majesty!

——"But... what can you do with this 'Super Heavy Rock' Tianai Zhenxing boosted by 'Super Shinra Tensei'!!!"


The repulsive field that is enough to flatten mountains and rivers hits the tail of the meteorite, causing it to fall faster.……!!

——"Under this force, the moment you touch the meteorite, you will be shattered to pieces and you won't even be able to cast any spells. The only thing you can do is abandon this village, use your specialty Flying Thunder God, and run away!!!"

In mid-air, Naruto clenched his fists, and under the mask, he couldn't hide his shock and passion:"This is really exciting, all right, let's have a fight!!!"


——Super Shinra Tensei!!


The overwhelming repulsive force field swept across the sky and impacted the bottom of the meteorite!!

Boom, boom, boom, boom...!!!

The force field of heaven and earth, with the meteorite as the medium, started a tug-of-war!

The sonic boom shook the sky, the air currents rolled over the ground, and the people of Yuyin were all shocked!

"what happens!!!"

"Who is it!!! Who is fighting!!!"

"Could it be... Lord Pain! ?"


Thousands of pieces of paper gathered into the shape of Konan in the sky. The paper-winged angel shouted at the loudest volume:"Everyone in the Hidden Rain Village, just as you have heard, Pain... is no longer here!"

Swish! Except for the roar of heaven and earth, the entire Hidden Rain Village fell silent in an instant!

Konan's words rang out again:"Pain attacked Konoha, and the one who stopped him was his junior brother, Uzumaki Naruto’!"

Rain Village people:"The attack on Konoha, it turns out to be true! Lord Pain... why did he do that?"

Xiaonan said:"Pain is not a god who does not care about worldly things as you think. He is also a mortal with flesh and blood. He can also lose his eyes because of hatred.……"

"However, Uzumaki Naruto, who had the same master as Pain, made Pain change his mind. That's right, Pain was not killed by Uzumaki Naruto! Instead, he voluntarily sacrificed his life and resurrected the dead of Konoha!"

"After that, Naruto, determined to inherit Pain's will, came to the Hidden Rain Village.……!"

Rain Village people:"Where is he?"

Konan spread her arms and shouted:"As you can see, he is risking his life right now!! To protect the Rain Village, to protect you guys!!!!!!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

The roar in the sky and the roar near the earth... are all Super Shinra Tensei, but the impact of the super-heavy meteorite itself makes Naruto inevitably lose the upper hand!!

"Lord Naruto!!!"

"We want to support you!!!"

"We are willing to live and die with you!!!"

Facts speak louder than words, and standing up to protect is better than thousands of words of excuses. At this moment... Naruto has replaced Pain and become the leader in the hearts of the people of the Hidden Rain Village!

Wow! Naruto simply took off his mask, threw it into the wind, and smiled brightly and resolutely:"Sure enough, nothing can inspire fighting spirit more than protection... Aoaoaoaoao!!!"


The repulsive field in front of his palm increased dramatically...!

Under the squeeze of the repulsive forces of heaven and earth, the super-heavy meteorite was eventually overwhelmed and collapsed...!

Naruto's pupils shrank:"No, once the meteorite shatters and falls everywhere, I will have no time to stop it.……"

Thinking like this, he inevitably looked ahead and behind!

In the open space below, Haruno Sakura formed seals with both hands and pressed them on the ground!

——Psychic summoning technique!!

The slug descended with a huge smoke screen!

She looked at the reincarnated Sakura and exclaimed:"Sakura-sama, what's going on!!!"

Sakura said competently:"Slug-sama, I will explain it later. Now please lend me a hand and protect everyone!!"

The slug said:"Hey! I understand!"

Sakura sat cross-legged with her eyes closed, and the Seal of the Hundred Healings was completely released.

Her mind was flowing:"In the reincarnated body, my chakra will maintain a constant value and will not be exhausted. In this way, I can continuously transmit chakra to Slug-sama, allowing her to split into clones that are enough to protect everyone.’!"

——The Hundred Heroes of the Impure World: Infinite Slug Technique!


The slug's giant body collapsed, split into two, and scattered to all parts of the Rain Village.

"Sakura……!?"Naruto looked moved as he saw the scene from the corner of his eye.

Sakura shouted,"Naruto! Don't worry! The village can be rebuilt if it's destroyed, but as long as I'm here, no one will die!!!""

"Good, good! This is the heroine Haruno Sakura I know! Wow!"

Naruto praised her and burst out his power to the peak without any worries...!!

Madara's eyes were shocked:"This kid, his power has increased again!"……"

Boom! Boom!

The sky is shaking and the star is falling apart!


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