
The Sky-shattering Star shattered into tens of thousands of pieces, falling all over Yuyin, destroying countless buildings, but the people of Yuyin were wrapped in the slug's soft body and were unharmed!


Madara fell from the sky, his eyes wandering:"Do you want to summon a third one?"


The kite flew to the sky, and Sai wrote with a brush!

——Ninja Technique: Super Beast Fake Painting!

The ink blends into chakra and transforms into a powerful Arhat, rushing towards Madara!

Madara uses his fists and feet in the air to defeat the Arhat, and with a"Fire Style: Dragon Flame Song", he beats the ink bird that Sai is riding back to its original form!

"No, the power of the Rinnegan is temporarily exhausted, and even if Naruto uses the Heavenly Star, it will be easily resolved by Naruto.……"


Madara landed on top of a meteorite fragment, looking at the slug clones all over the ground, sneering:"Humph~ There are crawlers everywhere."

The slug clones stared at Madara with bulging eyes, and sprayed acid together!


The acid merged into a large piece in the air, covering Madara...


The boulder melted, and Madara used Susanoo to protect himself and rushed to the source of the slug technique!

"That pink-haired woman is the source of the reptiles. If you kill her, the reptiles will disappear. Is it the body of the Impure World Reincarnation? Then use the Human Path to extract her soul!"

The slug discovered something unusual and exclaimed,"Lady Sakura, the enemy is coming towards you!"

Sakura, who was sitting cross-legged with her eyes closed and channeling her Hundred Healing Chakra with all her strength, said calmly,"At this time, just trust your companions!"

Squeak, squeak, squeak...!!

Susanoo swung its sword and chopped off all the slug clones along the way. When it was ten meters away, Susanoo was lifted, and Madara went into battle lightly, ready to use the Human Path to extract Sakura's soul!!

"Don't even think about succeeding!!"


Lightning exploded, and Naruto's shadow clone, wearing a purple electric coat, arrived first after the attack, and kicked Madara away with a"Thunder•Power Prelude"!

After Madara landed, his eyes were stern:"Hmph! The original body is fine, but a shadow clone dares to cause trouble!"

Susanoo threw out a string of magatama, defeating Naruto's shadow clone in the air! Madara turned his head and looked at the ruins hundreds of meters away.

Naruto's original body was there, concentrating"Senjutsu Chakra" with all his heart and soul!

It turned out that Madara was coming with great momentum, and Naruto had already gone into battle before he could enter the Sage Mode. When he was trying his best to block the Tenkai Shock Star, the shadow clone that was reserved in the high tower to collect Senjutsu Chakra was also forced to be released!

Madara's eyes moved:"It seems that there is no better time to target you than now. Entering the Sage Mode requires meditation. In this regard, you are far worse than Hashirama.……"


He rushed towards Naruto like a storm, raised his hands, and sucked in the wind and dust!

——Fire Style: Great Fire Extinguishment!


A sea of fire pours down!

"Not good!!" Seeing that the situation was not good, Xiaonan was about to step forward to protect him.


But a burly figure wearing wooden clogs came down!

Xiaonan exclaimed:"Jiraiya... Teacher?"

"……"Jiraiya couldn't respond, but the 'Fakasaku Sennin' and 'Shima Sennin' on his shoulders were exceptions!

Shima:"Former enemies have become partners!���

Fukasaku:"Jirai, is this your choice?"

The three immortals stood up

——Immortal Technique: Goemon!

The sea of oil and flames, with the help of the strong wind, extinguished the great fire and fought against it!

Madara's eyes focused:"Another one who can use immortal techniques, Xiao Xiao Yuyin, his background is really extraordinary, but……"

——Wood Release: Flower Tree World Arrives!

Boom! The big tree breaks through the ground, and everything changes. The flower bones bloom, and the sky and the earth are dark!

Shima glances at Xiaonan:"Leave the pollen to me, and the big tree to you, okay?"

Xiaonan nodded:"That's good!"

Shima seals, and his cheeks puff up.

——Immortal Technique: Wind Style Sand and Dust!


The wind blew up the dust, and the dust fell to the ground!

Boom! The tree world rolled over, and Xiaonan was full of vigor!

——Spiritual Summoning • Detonating the Great Flame Formation!

Swish! Tens of millions of detonating talismans were lifted up, flowing and gathering towards the tree world... Boom boom boom boom boom boom! Accompanied by a shocking explosion, the tree world was blocked!

Behind the battlefield, a man with a sword strode forward:"You are the legendary Uchiha Madara. I have heard of your name for a long time. It is a great honor to see you today!"

Uchiha Madara glanced at him:"That big sword Samehada, you are one of the current seven ninja swordsmen, tell me your name!"

Hoshigaki Kisame raised his sword:"Former Kirigakure, Hoshigaki Kisame, please teach me!!"

The sword fell, and Kisame used the sword technique he learned from fighting the waves!

——Samehada: Shark Breaks the Waves!


In front of Samehada, a water blade like a shark's dorsal fin slashed, splitting the earth and even the remaining tree world under the detonation of the Great Flame Formation.……!

"It's really unreasonable.……"

As Uchiha Madara retreated, he used the blade of the Skeleton Susanoo to block the slash!

"It is my honor to make things a little difficult for you, but the next move……"

Bang! Hoshigaki Kisame stabbed Samehada into the ground and clasped his hands in front of his chest.

——Water Style: Great Explosion Water Rush...


Suddenly, the blade of Susanoo broke through the ground, pierced through Kisame's body, and lifted him into the air. The Great Explosion Water Rush also ended in vain!

"Uh ah……!!"Kisame spits out blood:"This, this is……"

Uchiha Madara said in a deep voice:"This is Hashirama's Wood Style Clone! I am the only one who can see through it! Hoshigaki Kisame, you should be proud enough to die from this move!"


The Wood Style Clone driving the Skeleton Susanoo completely appeared on the ground!!

"Awww!……!!"In the face of crisis, Kisame mobilized all the chakra in Samehada and slashed with unprecedented force, breaking the blade of the Wood Clone Skeleton Susanoo, and then fell to the ground in embarrassment!

"As a last-ditch effort, it looks pretty good.……"

Madara praised him and was about to finish off Kisame!


At the critical moment... Konan's paper clone rushed to Madara and broke into pieces of paper. On each piece of paper, there was a summoning spell written!

Madara's eyes fixed:"Hmm? This is……"

——Shikigami Dance: Mutual Multiplication Detonating Talisman!

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom...!

Combining the paper clone with the Second Hokage's Simultaneous Detonation Jutsu, it triggered endless continuous explosions with earth-shaking momentum!!


The main body was affected, and Madara's Wood Release clone also disappeared!

Kisame pulled out the Susanoo blade embedded in his abdomen, looked at the hole in his abdomen that was bleeding profusely, and Samehada exhausted his reserve chakra, unable to save the situation.

He sighed,"As expected of the legendary Uchiha Madara, now I'm going to follow in Mr. Itachi's footsteps.……"

Swish, swish, swish...!

At this moment, the shrunken shark muscle suddenly swelled up.……!!

"Chakra, absorbed full?"

Kisame was surprised, and saw a green light flowing under his feet, so he turned his head and looked. It was Haruno Sakura, who used the Hundred Healings Technique to transmit chakra over!


Samehada passed the absorbed chakra to Kisame, and the fatal injury was healed in the blink of an eye.

Kisame laughed and sighed:"With a medical ninja of this level, it's really hard to die.……"

The fight between the heroes seemed long, but in fact it only took a few minutes.

The roar of the detonator brought the battle to an end.

"It's so boring. My reincarnated body can't even feel pain.……"

The dust rolled up into Madara's body again, and he said desolately:"Hashirama is gone, and in the current ninja world, you are the only one who can make me experience the joy of fighting.……"

Madara looked up and said,"So, are you done? Naruto!!"

Ziz! Orange eyeshadow appeared, and Naruto, who had entered Sage Mode, opened his eyes and said,"Sorry for the wait. I can't perform here. How about we go to an open place? I can guarantee that there will be no need for Flying Thunder God to escape from the battle!"

"Humph." Madara raised the corner of his mouth, shook his head and said:"I'll wait for you outside!""


He rushed to the end of the sight!

Konan worriedly said:"Naruto, he is terribly strong and immortal, one on one, this is too chaotic!"

"We are not afraid of challenges and we become stronger when facing strong opponents. Both me and Ban are such people.……"

Naruto stood up, put on his mask again, summoned a fan, and put it behind his back.


His left fist hit his right palm!

Uzumaki Naruto said in a loud voice:"So, next, it's a battle between me and him!!!"

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