Outside the Hidden Rain Village, on the vast land, Naruto and Madara met again!

Madara saw the round fan behind Naruto and said in a deep voice:"The fan fell into your hands, which means that Obito was defeated again."

"Ah, you said this……"Naruto took off the fan slowly and murmured,"It was indeed left by Obito. He has been missing for a long time since the last battle. Where is he now and what is he doing?"

"Hmm?" At this time, Madara saw the Uzumaki family crest covering the three magatama symbol on the fan, and said coldly:"Not only did you take other people's things without permission, but you even used the Uzumaki family crest to cover the three magatama symbolizing Uchiha?"

"Uzumaki's family crest? ?"Naruto was startled, and said for the first time:"This is clearly the 'Naruto roll [fish cake]' in Ichiraku Ramen!"

Chi chi chi...!

Naruto was surprised and said:"Why are you smoking? Is it some kind of technique? Is it boiling escape?""

"How can you stop!!!" Madara was shivering with anger!

But he quickly restrained himself, and the smoke above his head disappeared.

Madara said rudely:"At this point, I understand one thing, your existence is to make the air polluted!"

Naruto retorted:"You who don't need to breathe, don't talk nonsense about environmental pollution. By the way...how long have you not washed your hair? Won't it be tangled?"

Madara made seals with both hands:"Enough, don't be so quick to talk, let's see the real thing with our hands!!!"

Naruto's eyes narrowed slightly: Hmm? That's the seal of summoning, his body of reincarnation can also enter the 'realm of reincarnation'??


Naruto's abdomen suddenly felt hot, and he couldn't help but curl up:"He...the one summoning the spirit is the Kurama in my body? ?"

"The Nine-Tails that cannot be used has become a burden to you!!"

Boom! Madara rushed forward in one step!

Naruto's chakra was disordered and his expression was painful:"Are you playing this trick!!!"

Madara's eyes were full of energy: Neither his nor my Rinnegan's Heavenly Way ability has recovered. He can't use repulsion on me. At the moment when his chakra is disordered, he can't use Flying Thunder God to escape. Then, I will use the Human Way to kill him!!

He approached Naruto and stretched out his soul-stealing palm!

"Heh~ When two meet on a narrow road, the brave wins, and only those who love to fight can win!"Under Naruto's mask, he put on a fearless smile, and at the same time he stretched out his hand to Madara! Madara's eyes suddenly brightened: Oh? Doing the opposite, wanting me to be cautious? You are brave and resourceful, but unfortunately, I am Uchiha Madara...!!

The palms of the two crossed and grabbed each other, and their respective reincarnation eyes flashed!

——The Human World!!

Whoosh!! Whoosh!!

The two passed each other and simultaneously extracted each other's souls!!

At this moment, strictly speaking, both of them were already in a state of 'death'!

But after their souls left their bodies, they were illuminated by the azure light at the same time, and their souls transformed into their own bodies, and formed the same seal!

——Spirit transformation technique!!

This is an S-level soul ninjutsu performed by Kato Dan, a Konoha ninja and Tsunade's former lover, that can allow the soul to leave the body.

But the true origin of this technique can be traced back to the Warring States period!

Transform yourself into a living soul, ignore the distance and kill the enemy, and control the other party's body and enter the spiritual world of others!

This technique can separate your spirit from the body, turn it into a spirit, and possess the enemy, causing the enemy's spirit to collapse from the inside and die. But the spirit itself has the consciousness of the caster, and its use may not only be used to possess and kill people!

Just like now, those who have left their souls in the human world can even control their souls and return to their bodies!

This technique is recorded in the"Book of Seals". Naruto, after becoming the Hokage in his previous life, mastered this technique together with Flying Thunder God!

As for Madara, who was born in the Warring States period, mastering the spirit transformation technique is even more of a piece of cake. After all, this is a rare"soul ninjutsu"!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The souls of the two returned to their bodies together, and this confrontation ended without any danger!


The chain was detached from Naruto's sleeve and tied to the handle of the round fan. This is how Obito uses it. It can greatly extend the attack range of the fan!

Madara looked back and said,"I can't believe that you, a sixteen-year-old kid, have dabbled in this kind of technique.……"

After his last failure, Madara became interested in Naruto and has collected various information through Black Zetsu, including Naruto's origin and age!

"but……"Madara formed hand seals again and was going to summon the Nine-Tails in the same way to disrupt Naruto's chakra!

——Thunder Chain Fan!


However, the fan wrapped in purple lightning came swiftly, interrupting Madara's seal!


Madara leaned back to avoid the sharp edge of the fan, and his eyes, moving quickly, also saw the essence of the"Uzumaki family crest" on the fan!

"This is... the Flying Thunder God Mark! ?"


Naruto rushed out from it and slapped Madara's chest with his palm...!

Madara stared:"Contract Seal! ?"

"In this way, you can no longer summon Kurama!!"


The round fan was moved by the chain and swung back to its original place. Naruto jumped back and caught the fan. Looking at the chain that turned into iron filings, Naruto murmured:"Although the fan is easy to use, can't the chain withstand the purple lightning?"

"Naruto……"After Madara stood firm, he looked at Naruto deeply.

The breadth of this technique, the ability to respond on the spot...

Madara laughed excitedly:"Naruto, even if you say you are the reincarnation of Hashirama, I will believe it!"

Naruto raised his hands and said:"No, no, I can't take it. I don't know wood escape, and my fairy technique is not as good as Hashirama. At least for now,~"

Madara smiled and shook his head:"Oh, so if there is enough time, I really want to let you continue to grow, so that there will definitely be a lot more fun in the future. What a pity, what a pity……!"

——Susanoo • Complete Form!

The azure chakra transforms into the Susanoo Complete Form that stands tall and proud!

The color of Susanoo is a reflection of the inner color!

Azure is the color of the sky! It also symbolizes Madara's ambition to"rule the heavens and look down on the world"!

In the square on the forehead of Susanoo, Madara looked down at the earth and said in a loud voice:"Naruto, your super heavy rock and earth-bakuten stars are meaningless to me who now masters the super light and heavy rock technique! I won't be able to use wood.���, and you can't use the power of the Nine-Tails. You don't have the ability to confront the complete form of Susanoo head-on, at least not in my opinion!"

"call……"Naruto took a deep breath:"Although it's a bit messy, let's use that move!"


Naruto's body suddenly swelled up!

Madara's eyes slowly raised:"That's... Akimichi's secret technique, super multiplication!"

Super multiplication technique, the Akimichi clan, based on the secret technique of 'Yang escape [not Yin and Yang escape]', converts calories into chakra to obtain a huge body and powerful strength!

But people like Naruto who have huge chakras do not use calorie conversion, but can also use their own chakra to activate it!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Naruto's body size has grown to the point where he can keep pace with the complete form of Susanoo, and a pair of colorful butterfly wings stretch out on his back!

Naruto holds an equally huge fan in his hand. Under the huge mask, the huge Samsara Eye is 'looking straight' at Madara's complete form of Susanoo!

"Unlike Susanoo, I am made of flesh and blood after all, so I will activate the Purple Lightning Chakra Mode.……!!!"

Boom boom boom boom...!!!

Purple lightning exploded, covering every inch of Naruto's super-multiplied skin. His barbed golden hair shone with metallic light!

——Purple Lightning Chakra•Unparalleled Mode!!

Madara exclaimed sincerely:"Uzumaki Naruto, you have once again broken my expectations!"

Naruto clenched his huge fist and said in a loud voice:"Really? The surprise has just begun!" Madara said with high spirits:"Come on, I can't wait!!!!"

Boom boom boom boom boom boom...!!

The two huge monsters rushed towards each other, and the collision made a roar like an earth-shaking mountain...!!!

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