Susanoo's full form and Naruto, who had entered the Purple Lightning Warrior Mode by using the Super Multiplication Technique, collided head-on with a punch!!


After the explosion, Susanoo's full form retreated three steps, and Warrior Naruto retreated five steps.

Madara laughed and said,"Although we are of similar size, my Susanoo's full form is still better in terms of strength!!"


Naruto flashed to the back in the lightning and hit Susanoo's spine with an elbow!


Madara leaned forward with Susanoo and murmured,"But in terms of speed, does it have an absolute advantage? However, the attack range can make up for the disadvantage in speed!!"


Susanoo's great sword gathered and swept around, crack, crack, crack! In the background, several mountaintops flew up!! Naruto used his speed to avoid the sword, but Susanoo swung his great sword, maneuvering freely, with the blade splashing, squeezing out the space to dodge……

"This giant body, even if activated by lightning, is still not that agile.……"

Swish, swish, swish...!

The intersecting sword waves quickly blocked the retreat route, Susanoo approached, and the greatsword slashed down!


Naruto was skilled and daring, and he saw the right moment, combined his palms, and did a"empty-handed catch of the blade"!

Swish...! The air swirled, and the greatsword paused!

Madara praised him and said,"Only Hashirama has caught the greatsword of Susanoo with the"Wood Release: Ranking Technique", and you are the first to do it with your bare hands~"

Naruto smiled and said,"Do you think that catching it is enough?"

Madara raised his eyebrows,"Huh?"

"Awww……!"Naruto roared, exerting his unparalleled strength, and with a snap, he broke the sword!!

"Hum~~! Very good, but……"


The broken sword regenerated and stabbed Naruto's chest!

Even though Naruto had the purple lightning chakra, he didn't dare to be so arrogant as to take the sword's stab, so this time, he decisively held the giant fan in front of him.


The sword blade stabbed the fan!

Naruto used his right hand to support the fan.

——Vortex: Musou Rebound!!


The sword wave exploded, the great sword flew out of his hand and fell hundreds of meters away, and Susanoo also retreated dozens of meters!

Madara praised:"You use my fan well, but, it ends here!"

Snap! Snap!

The two swords of Susanoo gathered into a

——Susanoo Two Swords Style: Sword Dance!!!

"That's not necessarily true.~!"Naruto smiled and waved his fan

——Thunderous Fan Dance!

Clang clang clang clang...!

The fan shadows and the sword lights were too numerous to count, and the lightning and the storm raged endlessly!

For a moment, the sky was dark, the sun and the moon were dim... The only thing covered with scars was the mountains and rivers!

Seeing that the attack was unsuccessful, Madara decisively changed his tactics, and Susanoo flew up to the sky with its wings!

Swish! Swish!

The two swords danced wildly in the air, and the sword waves swung down layer by layer. Naruto dodged in a slightly embarrassed manner.

"The butterfly's wings became stiff after being entangled by the lightning, and it was unable to take off smoothly. Let's use that move.……"

In a gap, Naruto made hand seals

——Super-multiplied shadow imitation technique!!


The huge shadow under Naruto's feet extended and merged into the reflection of Susanoo on the ground!!

"Even if you can fly into the sky, as long as your shadow is on the ground, you cannot escape the restraints!!!!"


Susanoo is in its complete form, frozen in the sky!

Madara's eyes were deep:"You have even learned the shadow secret technique of the Nara clan, so the Yamanaka clan should be no problem for you.……"

Naruto smiled and said,"Yes... But I need to lay a little groundwork."


Suddenly, the sand outside the square on Susanoo's forehead gathered into a 'Mangekyo Sharingan'!

Madara's eyes suddenly focused:"This is... the trick of the first Kazekage, Reito!"

Naruto smiled and said,"Yes, the real eye of sand~, turns the real eyes into sand~ and gathers and disperses at will, connected to the optic nerve, so it can also release pupil techniques. This Mangekyo is something I specifically looked for. It complements my Flying Thunder God. When I was doing the 'Contract Seal' before, I left a pupil power mark on you.……"

——The sword was defeated!


The vortex that rolled out from the Mangekyo actually sucked Madara inside Susanoo... and released him outside!

"What!?" Madara was shocked.

Naruto's eyes were burning:"The sword can transfer objects between marks, but it's a pity that it doesn't have the 'inner space' like Obito's Kamui, otherwise everything would be over.……"

Madara said in a deep voice:"I am immortal, even if you capture me outside Susanoo, what's the point?"

"You'll know soon.……"

Naruto made a gesture with both hands, aiming at the complete form of Susanoo that was frozen in mid-air!

——Inorganic mind turning!


Madara's eyes were strange:"Using mind turning to occupy non-living things, this is the 'inorganic mind turning' of 'Yamano Amano', the ancestor of the Yamanaka clan, but I never knew that this technique can actually occupy the complete form of Susanoo! Your mental power is no less than that of Uchiha! Naruto did not answer, because his spirit has temporarily left his body!


Naruto's out-of-body spirit materialized into a white 'thought body' in its own shape, occupying the square on the forehead of Susanoo!

Madara's eyes condensed: After Susanoo was occupied by him, not only can I not remove it, I can't use it a second time. The Yamanaka clan, these unorthodox techniques have reached the extreme, and they really can't be underestimated...

In the square on the forehead of Susanoo, the expression of Naruto's thought body was smiling like a child:"To be honest, I've always wanted to try this myself~!"


The Susanoo sword fell, splitting a mountain in the distance. The blade was less than ten meters away from Naruto's dormant body!

Naruto was still frightened:"Ugh... It was so dangerous, it almost hit me!"

"The current situation is no longer a joke. We can no longer have a playful attitude.……"

The power of the Rinnegan Tendo has not yet recovered. In the mid-air, Madara uses a powerful wind escape to accelerate his descent!


After landing, Madara clasped his hands together.

——Wood Style: Wood Dragon Technique!!

Boom boom boom…!!

Wood dragons rose from the ground and attacked Naruto’s dormant body!


But Naruto controlled the complete form of Susanoo and descended with force. With a flash of his sword, all the wood dragons were cut off:"If you want to target my body, I won’t let you succeed.……!"

"Oh, my fan, you play well~, Susanoo is in its complete form, but you treat it as a toy, which is really putting the cart before the horse. Well, it's fine, I'll lend it to you! There is a trick that I have been struggling with for no one to test it on.……!"

A crazy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth

——Wood Style: Wooden Man Technique!

Boom boom boom...!

The wooden man, who was strong enough to wrestle with Susanoo's complete form, rose from the ground!

A strong wind blew above the wooden man's head. Recalling the past, Madara clenched his five fingers into his chest, and his heroic spirit surged in his chest."Hashirama, is this how you felt when you faced me? As expected, it really makes people... unable to stop!!"

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