Konan helped Naruto back to the Hidden Rain Village, and was warmly welcomed by the people. This scene was very similar to when he defeated Pein.

Naruto was inevitably touched, and a smile like spring breeze appeared on his tired face.

Sakura sat behind the crowd and felt happy from the bottom of her heart: Naruto, even if time has changed, you are still you, a ninja trusted and supported by everyone!

In this battle, the Hidden Rain Village was severely damaged, and most of the buildings were destroyed by the fragments of meteorites, but because of the support of Sakura and Slug, no civilians were injured or killed!

Afterwards, Naruto expressed his gratitude to Sakura:"Sakura, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to protect everyone, you have made a great contribution!"

Sakura said:"This is what I should do as a ninja!"

In the mountains and forests outside the Hidden Rain Village, under the guidance of Sai, everyone found the remains of the Anbu who had been killed by Madara before the war broke out!

It was the captain of the first team of the Anbu, Liuguang's subordinate.

Liuguang said in a low voice:"His name is Yeyu, he is an orphan of the Rain Hidden War, all his relatives are gone, he usually speaks in a careless manner, but he is actually a very serious guy.……"

Naruto took off Ye Yu's mask and recognized him at a glance:"Is it him?"

It was the second day after the establishment of the Rain Village Anbu. In front of all the ninjas, he teased the White Zetsu on the"Flower Roster" as a guy with barbs on his crotch, and was scolded by Liu Guang in public!

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, the lively young man became a cold corpse!

Want to be"reincarnated"? This thought naturally flashed through Naruto's mind.

But when he glanced at the Zhifenhuitan ninjas behind him, he rejected this idea!

‘Let this sacrifice serve as a wake-up call for them. This is the real sense of being responsible for their lives! '

Naruto picked up the blood-stained Flying Thunder God Kunai on the ground and said in a deep voice:"No matter when and where, ninjas are always accompanied by bloodshed and sacrifice. I hope you will remember Ye Yu's sacrifice and be more aware of your future path. While paying for the village, cherish your own lives and the lives of your companions.……"

Ye Yu was buried with great ceremony, and his name was engraved on the memorial tablet of Yuyin.

In the second half of the night, the homeless people of Yuyin set up temporary tents on the cleared land.

Naruto and Xiaonan discussed the reconstruction of the village overnight.

Xiaonan:"Rebuilding the village requires a lot of funds. I have already written to the Rain Country to apply for reconstruction funds, but the Rain Country is a small country after all, and it can't come up with too much funds. The bulk of the money still depends on ourselves."

Naruto:"Sister Xiaonan, tell me the truth, what is the current financial situation of the village?"

Xiaonan said without optimism:"The deficit is serious, and we can't afford the reconstruction expenses!"

"……"Naruto's expression also became serious.

Konan said,"In the past, Akatsuki's funds were all managed by Kakuzu, and the public accounts were used for Akatsuki's operating expenses. But it is said that Kakuzu himself also saved a large sum of money in a gold exchange with which he had close contact. Now Kakuzu is gone, and we have no way of knowing the location of that gold exchange. Otherwise, if we got that money, we would be able to get through this difficult time."……"

"Kakuzu?" Naruto drummed his fingers on the table. In a sense, he and Kakuzu were also friends who had 'lived together'.

As the name suggests, they had taken each other's lives!

"In that case, I'll include him in my list of recruits.……"

Naruto muttered, took out a small notebook, and wrote Kakuzu's name below the names of Uchiha Itachi and Scorpion.

Then the three of them pointed to one person... that was the sorcerer who controlled another group of Impure World Reincarnation troops.——‘Naruto put away the small notebook and said meaningfully:"Although we still need Kabuto to make Sasuke stronger, we still have to take what we should take... When Orochimaru comes back and does what he should do, it's almost time for us to deal with Kabuto.~!"

Xiaonan asked:"How can we solve the problem of funds before we deal with Kabuto?" Naruto smiled and said:"The funds are for the reconstruction of the village. Let's use the meteorite debris dropped by Madara first, so that the problem of stones should be solved."

"Yeah." Konan agreed and made arrangements immediately.

Naruto asked again:"Captain Yamato, are you still in the village?"

"Yamato?" Konan said coldly,"Oh, the square-faced man who was resurrected with Jiraiya, he rushed back to Konoha before Madara attacked the village last night.……"

Naruto pinched his chin:"Last night... if you count the distance, he should have just reached the border of the Rain Country!"


Naruto disappeared in the Flying Thunder God... Ten minutes later, Naruto carried Yamato on his shoulders and returned to the Hidden Rain Village.

Yamato was confused and said:"Naruto, you, what are you doing?"

Naruto said seriously:"Captain Yamato, in order to protect your safety, you should stay in the Hidden Rain Village for the time being!" Yamato was anxious:"How can that be! After I was kidnapped by the thieves of Akatsuki, the village still doesn't know my whereabouts. I must go back and report immediately!!"

Naruto said calmly:"You don't have to worry about this... Tsunade-san has sent a letter, and she is on her way to the Hidden Rain Village now!"

Yamato was shocked:"Godaime...!? Did she come here specifically for me?"

Naruto scratched his head:"Well, it's for the lecherous immortal, of course, and also for Captain Yamato!"

By the way?... Yamato was very depressed.

Naruto smiled and said,"When Granny Tsunade returns, wouldn't it be better for you to go with her?"

Yamato thought: Naruto, you can fly Thunder God, right? Wouldn't it be better to send me back to the village directly?

Of course he was not stupid, he looked at Naruto and said,"Naruto, you are so determined to keep me here, what do you need me to do?"

Naruto:"Well, actually, it's like this……"

Yamato:"Build a house?"

Naruto said excitedly:"Ah, Captain Yamato's 'Wood Release: Lianzhu Family Technique' is unrivaled in the ninja world, we need your help!"

"well……"Yamato sighed and said,"Well, Naruto, even though you are now a traitor to the village, I will just consider it as repaying you for saving me from the masked man! Let me see where the area that needs construction is!" So

, Naruto took Yamato to the residential area of the Hidden Rain Village.

"this……"Looking at the endless ruins, Yamato smiled bitterly and said,"You really want me to repay this favor with my life!"

"Hehe." Naruto smiled kindly and said,"Not really, I will take over the work you haven't completed yet."……"

Yamato shook his head and said,"Forget it, you don't know Wood Release.……"

Naruto smiled faintly and said nothing.

Not now, but after a while, maybe...

Finally, at dawn, Orochimaru, who had been away for many days, returned to the Hidden Rain Village!


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