"It seems that a lot of things happened during my absence.……"

Orochimaru took off his hat and looked at the injured village in the rain with a look of emotion.

Tsunade, accompanied by Shizune, came forward with a puzzled look on her face.

She and Orochimaru met on the way. Although she knew that the latter had resurrected and joined Naruto, she could not let go of the past grudges.

It was only because she had something else on her mind that she came here peacefully, but there was almost no communication along the way.

"Granny Tsunade, you are here……"Naruto, accompanied by Konan, came to the village entrance to greet them.

Tsunade asked as a matter of course:"Naruto, what's going on?"

Naruto said lightly:"The Hidden Rain Village was attacked, and the situation has been calmed down."

Tsunade stared and said:"What are the casualties? Do you need medical assistance?"

Naruto said:"No casualties, only damage to the buildings."

Tsunade was surprised:"There are no casualties in such a large-scale attack? Could it be that……"

Naruto said,"Anyway, come in first, that person... is already waiting for you."

Tsunade clenched her hands, her eyes flashed, and she said nothing more, striding towards Yuyin.

Shizune followed Tsunade with Tuntun in her arms, and nodded to Naruto as she passed by.

Yuyin Village, the shore of the nameless lake

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh……"Tsunade stopped, panting, staring at the man's weathered back!

Before she could call, the man had turned around, his lips moved and opened, greeting her with lip language, and finally, a warm smile was frozen. Tsunade could no longer hold back her pace, completely ignoring the mud splashing on her trouser legs, and threw herself into the man's thick arms!

The people who were already unable to reach each other, hugging each other by the lake in the rain, although silent, are better than a thousand words!

"Great, Master Tsunade, Master Jiraiya……"

Shizune held Tuntun in one hand, covering her face and wiping away tears.

If there is a song here, it must be"White Reflection"!

On the riverbank in the distance, Naruto and Orochimaru stood side by side and looked at each other with different expressions. Orochimaru smiled slightly and slowly opened an oil umbrella:"Naruto-kun, let's not disturb those two for the time being, what do you think?"

Naruto nodded:"I think so too."

The two walked towards the experimental base. This is an important facility of Yuyin. After the battle with Obito, it has been repaired and reinforced twice, so Madara's attack did not affect this place. Of course, it was also due to luck.

Naruto asked:"Did it go well?"

Orochimaru said:"The cells of Lord Mito were successfully extracted and activated into two samples."

Naruto smiled. Orochimaru never lets people down.

After entering the base.

Orochimaru closed the oil umbrella:"It was Madara who attacked the village this time. Apart from him, I can't imagine that the damage would be so serious with you in person." Naruto's eyes were deep.

"Yes, after Madara escaped from the bottom of the sea, he gained even more powerful strength. If I hadn't gathered the secret techniques of the five major ninja villages and combined them with the Samsara Eye to create a new fighting method, I would not have been able to defeat Madara.……"

"But any combat method is based on chakra. My current foundation can no longer support more powerful combat methods. To move forward, I must make a fundamental breakthrough!"

"The perfect physique of the Uzumaki clan and the wood escape power of Hashirama Senju are the breakthrough point!"

Orochimaru smiled and said,"Come on! I'm ready! Follow me to a new realm!""

That was Naruto who had obtained the power of the Six Paths in his previous life, a power he had never touched before!

Reviewing the past to learn new things.

Those who have transplanted the first-generation cells will often grow a face of the first-generation Hokage that is incompatible with their bodies, full of deformity, which is the proof that they have not been able to control it perfectly! Not only is the power incomplete, but the troubles are endless.

Previously, Orochimaru proposed a solution, which is to obtain the true power of the Uzumaki clan!

Even as strong as Naruto is, he is only half of the Uzumaki bloodline.

Although he has a lot of chakra, he cannot be compared with the first-generation Hokage without borrowing the power of the tailed beast.

In addition, the Uzumaki clan is very special. Outsiders can transplant Senju cells to obtain part of the power of the Senju, but the cells of the Uzumaki clan will basically not change after transplantation by outsiders, and at most they can get some recovery power...

And Orochimaru discovered through research that the Uzumaki bloodline has another major characteristic, that is, between the same clan , can be transplanted to achieve the purpose of awakening the bloodline.

Naruto, who has half the blood of the Uzumaki clan, meets this condition!

The owner of the most perfect Uzumaki bloodline in the world is the wife of the first Hokage, Uzumaki Mito. She is also the first generation of the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki. If her cells can be obtained, coupled with Naruto's identity as the 'Asura Reincarnation', it will surely stimulate the most perfect whirlpool power!

Yes... It is equivalent to Mito's cells, which are the trigger, the most perfect trigger, triggering Naruto's chakra as an orthodox member of the Uzumaki clan!

What Orochimaru has to do is also very simple!

That is to inject Mito's cell sample into Naruto's body!

In a room deep in the experimental base.

Orochimaru's fingers pushed the syringe steadily and forcefully until the injection bottomed out...

He spoke in a low and hoarse voice:"Okay, Mito-sama's cells have been injected. The next thing to do is to wait.……"

"When your Uzumaki bloodline is fully awakened, no matter whether it is Hashirama's cells or any other cells, they can be used everywhere!"

Naruto's eyes slowly closed, thinking:"After that, how can I find Kabuto Yakushi? By the way, Sakura escaped from Kabuto Yakushi's lair, I will ask her later.……"


Thousands of miles away, in the training room of Kabuto Yakushi's lair.

After rigorous training, the blazing black flames finally turned into a flame armor!

Uchiha Sasuke was soaring with arrogance:"Hehehe, it can be done! It can be done! There is no doubt that this 'Flame Release Chakra Mode' can defeat Naruto's purple lightning release!!!"

Looking at Sasuke's successful training, Kabuto Yakushi should have been sincerely happy if there was no mistake made by Haruno Sakura.

He said seriously:"Sasuke, that Haruno Sakura has gone to Naruto. We cannot rule out the risk of our base being exposed. Before that, let's quickly change our base.……"

Sasuke said in a deep voice:"No, there is no need for that. I've had enough of hiding here and there! I'm not going anywhere!!"

Kabuto frowned slightly:"This……"

But under Sasuke's intimidating gaze, Kabuto finally compromised:"Forget it, I'll do as you say.……"

Sasuke looked at the coffins lined up against the wall and said,"Rather than that, let's practice combat!"

Yakushi Kabuto pushed his glasses and said,"Who should we use today? I think the third generation of thunder……"

Sasuke interrupted,"Use Nagato!"

Kabuto hesitated,"This... isn't appropriate? Nagato's mastery of the Six Paths of the Samsara Eye is unrivaled. Even Naruto today may not have the same mastery of the Samsara Eye as Nagato!"

"Moreover, in order to fight against Konoha Might Guy's Eight Gates last time, Nagato specially absorbed the Nine-Tails Chakra of Kinkaku and Ginkaku, and has recovered his full form. Even today's Sasuke may not be able to stop him.……"

Sasuke emphasized again:"I said, use Nagato!"

""Okay, as you say!"

Kabuto Yakushi made seals with his hands.


The second coffin on the right fell down...

Nagato walked out slowly and woodenly. Even though his chakra was fully restored, his legs and feet were still not very convenient.

Kabuto Yakushi asked,"Should I control it, or activate his own consciousness?"

Sasuke said in a deep voice,"Of course it's his own consciousness!"

"learn……"Kabuto Yakushi pushed his glasses, the lenses reflected a cold white light, and a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: Sasuke in his rebellious period is really hard to deal with, so just let Nagato do what he wants, he can be resurrected by the Hell Road even if he dies, hehehe...

Sasuke's eyes were bright: Naruto only has a single-eyed Rinnegan, if I defeat Nagato now, then defeating Naruto will be a piece of cake!


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