Nagato opened his eyes and looked at the boy possessed by black flames:"Uchiha, Sasuke?"

Sasuke said coldly:"Nagato, fight me with all your strength!"

Nagato smiled and said:"Let me ask you one question, what is the purpose of fighting with a dead person like me?"

Sasuke said coldly:"I want to become stronger, so strong that no one can stop me!" Nagato was still calm at this moment:"Becoming stronger is the goal that almost all ninjas pursue throughout their lives, and I am no exception. However, becoming stronger must be supported by correct beliefs, so as not to take detours. I have made too many mistakes in the past, and I know this well. Tell me the reason why you become stronger, so that I can decide whether to accept your challenge!"

Sasuke said coldly:"The reason why I, Uchiha Sasuke, become stronger is to take revenge on those who have given Uchiha pain in the past. That's right, I will turn the flames of revenge into the beacon of war!!"

"Kill all those people in Konoha who knew nothing and laughed recklessly during the Uchiha clan's genocide!!"

Nagato's face darkened:"Revenge, Konoha... So you want to destroy the things that Naruto risked his life to protect!" Sasuke sneered

:"Huh... Naruto? To be honest, he and the Hidden Rain Village where he is now are all my targets!!"

"Oh?" Nagato's eyes became sharp:"Naruto, the Hidden Rain Village? It seems that if I let you live, there will be a lot of trouble!"

"Heh~" Sasuke sneered:"You mean, you want to kill me? Okay, if you can do it, just give it a try! I won't let Kabuto interfere with you through the Impure World Reincarnation! Just do whatever you want!"

"Well, I'd rather obey than be respectful!"

Nagato reached out his hand

——The force of gravity pulled Sasuke forward, but this was not the first time he had fought with the Rinnegan, so he was not panicked.

"The gravity of the Samsara Eye appeared, Naruto used this ability, but in turn, I can also use this gravity to launch an attack!"

But, Nagato turned his eyes and

——Shinra Tensei!


The attraction suddenly turned into repulsion!!

"Uh ah……!!"

With this pull and push, Sasuke flew backwards as if he hit a wall!

Kabuto Yakushi, who had retreated to the edge of the field, pushed his glasses and said with interest:"Then let me see, Nagato... after you recover your full form, how strong you can be when fighting with your own consciousness!"

Although Sasuke suffered a heavy blow, he was protected by the 'Flame Release Chakra Mode' and he was fine!

"If it is the same as Naruto, there is a five-second gap between the two repulsions. Nagato's legs are inconvenient, this is an opportunity!!"

Susanoo released the second form of half of the body, and a big arrow shot directly at the place where Nagato stood!


Nagato quickly formed seals with both hands.

——Summoning technique!


A giant summoning panda stood in front, blocking the arrow with its hard body, and he did not stop making hand seals.


Then, a summoning bird carried Nagato up and swooped down towards Sasuke!

Snap! Snap! Snap!

The black stick swung out from under Nagato's sleeve hit the bones of Susanoo!


The half of Susanoo disintegrated immediately!!

"He used those black sticks to inject his own chakra into Susanoo to interfere with it.……?"


The gravitational force pulled Sasuke into the air as he was startled... His mind raced: This time, he didn't use the repulsive force, so he wanted to use the absorption ability to absorb my Flame Release Chakra? What a pity, I didn't develop this mode for you to absorb!

"Before you start absorbing, I can destroy your body immediately!!"

——Flame Style: Flame Spear!!


Three clusters of black flames rose from the Flame Style outer garment, and just before Nagato activated the Hungry Ghost Absorption Technique, they transformed into sharp flame spears, piercing through Nagato's body and the body of the summoning bird!!

Sasuke grinned,"If it weren't for the body of the Impure World Reincarnation, you would be dead by now!"~!"


But smoke suddenly rose, and Nagato's body was pierced, turning into a wooden stake!

Sasuke looked back in amazement:"Substitution technique?? The action just absorbed was just a feint!?"

——Shurado • Mechanical Arm!

On the ground, Nagato's real body, a mechanical arm grew out of his shoulder, grabbing Sasuke who was possessed by the Flame Style!!

Sasuke said in a ridiculous tone:"What the hell are these?"

Snap! Nagato held the scroll in his mouth, and his hands formed a seal.

——Fire Sealing Seal!


The Flame Release Chakra outside Sasuke's body was stripped away, flowed along the mechanical arm, and into the scroll, and was sealed!

——Shurado Rocket Thruster!

Crack! Crack! As Nagato leaned forward, a rocket thruster emerged from his back, allowing him to rush in front of Sasuke in an instant!

——Human Road!


The hand that reached out to Sasuke's chest grabbed the soul!!

Sasuke was horrified:"What is this?? Something similar to the soul was pulled out of the body! Neither Naruto nor Madara used this trick on me!!"

Under the instinct of survival, he secretly used chakra and transformed it into a skeleton arm of Susanoo, grabbing his soul tightly, but still unable to reverse it!

He looked pale:"Damn, as this soul-like thing was pulled out, my strength was also lost.……!!"


Nagato's killing intent was extremely resolute. While pulling the soul, the front end of the mechanical arm was also quickly modified and turned into a precise laser cannon, pressing it against Sasuke's face!


The fluctuating laser... made Sasuke lose all hope:"It's over, I'm dead!"……"


Suddenly, Sasuke's eyes felt hot!

Fiery red chakra suddenly appeared outside of Sasuke's body, transforming into a fiery red Susanoo arm. After breaking Nagato's mechanical arm, a 'big sword' dropped from the fiery red gourd mouth!

Yakushi Kabuto exclaimed:"Ten-fist sword!?"


"!"At the critical moment, Nagato decisively stopped the"soul extraction" and used the propulsion device to dodge to another position, avoiding the Ten-fisted Sword!

Kabuto Yakushi, who was on the side, looked deep:"The Ten-fisted Sword, judging from the color of the chakra, it is not Sasuke himself...

He thought about it and said:"Speaking of which... before, when Might Guy was trying to kill Sasuke, the Eight-foot Mirror was not controlled by Sasuke's will and appeared."

Thinking of this, the wise Kabuto Yakushi understood something. He glanced at the wall and saw the third coffin on the right.

"Itachi... Could it be that even in your deep sleep, you are still protecting your brother through those eyes?"

Sasuke, who escaped death, dared not be arrogant anymore!

He really used the"Susanoo Complete Form", and the training ground collapsed under the heavy load!

——Chibaku Tensei!

Nagato put his hands together, condensed a black gravity ball, and threw it into the sky.

The boulder rose, and Sasuke stood there and said,"That move was used by Naruto before, to create a huge sealed star. My Susanoo is in its full form and has the ability to escape, but I think there is a better way, that is, to attack the gravity ball itself."……!!"

Snap! Snap! Snap!

The ancient bow of Amaga gathered, and the Kagutsuchi arrows were fired one after another, hitting the ball at the core of the Chibaku Tensei. When the attack intensity was superimposed to a certain critical point, the gravity ball collapsed with a bang!

Bang! Bang! Bang! The huge rock fell to the ground.

In the complete form of Susanoo, Sasuke said arrogantly:"What do you think, what else can you do!!!"

Nagato murmured:"There is no other way……"


His red hair, the symbol of the Uzumaki clan, moved without wind!


Suddenly, from his back, dark golden chakra chains entangled the sky, entangled Susanoo's arms, legs, wings, and neck one after another, and dragged it to the ground! Sasuke was shaken and said,"What is this!? Is it also the ability of the Samsara Eye?"

Kabuto Yakushi, who was fighting farther away, reflected the light from his lens:"Oh? The Uzumaki clan's 'Vajra Seal' is a powerful 'binding technique' that only pure-blooded Uzumaki clan members can use after their power awakens.

If it is performed by Uzumaki Mito and Uzumaki Kushina, the strength is enough to suppress the 'Nine-Tails'.

Although Nagato's Uzumaki Chakra is not as good as Mito's, it is comparable to Kushina's.

This Vajra Seal is enough to suppress Sasuke's Susanoo in its complete form!



Under the pull of the Vajra Seal, Susanoo in its complete form landed on the ground with both feet!

"Damn it.……!!!"Sasuke manipulates Susanoo and struggles!

Swish! Nagato forms seals with both hands

——Earth escape: Yellow Spring Swamp!


The ground beneath Susanoo's feet immediately turned into Yellow Spring Swamp!

Sasuke's expression changed drastically:"Oh no... I have no fulcrum!"

His wings were locked, and his feet lost their fulcrum. Under the pull of the chains, Susanoo's complete form fell forward.……!

"It's now……���!"

Looking at the falling Susanoo, Nagato's eyes suddenly became sharp, and the moment the"Susanoo head" approached, he stretched out his palm through the air and aimed at the block where Sasuke was staying!

——Super Shinra Tensei!!


The overwhelming repulsive force field was overwhelming, and Susanoo’s head was shattered.……

"Uh ah……!!!!!!"

Susanoo took most of it, but the aftermath still sent Sasuke flying!!!! Boom!!

The rocket booster of Shurado sprayed, Nagato attacked like fire, and the soul-devouring hand of Humando reached out to Sasuke who was no longer able to resist!!! Sasuke shouted,"Kabuto, what are you waiting for!!! Make him stop!!!""

"Hum... It seems that Sasuke has already figured out his current position~" Kabuto Yakushi sneered and pushed his glasses up, and formed a seal with two fingers in front of his chest!


Nagato's palm suddenly stopped in front of Sasuke!

The Impure World Reincarnation was forcibly stopped by Kabuto Yakushi!

Nagato's eyes slowly closed.……

"After this, they should move their nest, but it doesn't matter. I have left the 'Phantom Body' behind. When Naruto finds this place, I can tell him the location of this Impure World Reincarnationist through the resonance of the Samsara Eye.……"


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