Resurrection from Jiraiya and summoning the two great sages means that some things can no longer be let go.

Escaping will never solve the problem, you have to face it!

Naruto decided to go to Myoboku Mountain!

In addition to explaining the current situation to the big toad sage, the key to the Four Symbols Seal on him is left with the"Scroll Toad" on Myoboku Mountain. He must also pass this level on Myoboku Mountain!

On that day, through the"reverse summoning technique", Naruto came to Myoboku Mountain, which he had been away from for a long time!

The croaking of frogs, the lotus leaves, and the waterfall of toad oil, the familiar scene reminded Naruto of the time when he practiced in his previous life.

While missing it, he also felt a kind of homesickness.

Finally, under the guidance of the two great sages, he came to the Hall of Longevity in Myoboku Mountain.

The big toad sage, sitting on the throne with a frail look, his eyes narrowed, as if he was in a daze.

""Eh? Little Fukasaku, little Shima, how come there is a boy who I have never met before?" The immortal was forgetful as always.

Immortal Fukasaku reminded them,"Did you forget? It's little Naruto!"

The big toad immortal said in a trance,"Oh~oh~it turns out to be Naruto, I haven't seen you for a few days, why did your eyes become circles?"

"this……"The topic was sensitive right from the start. Although the person asked casually, Naruto was inevitably embarrassed.

At this time, Fukasaku said,"That is the Rinnegan, the eye of Nagato's Six Paths. After Naruto defeated Nagato, he transplanted that eye. He resurrected little Jiraiya with the power of that eye... Although the old woman and I hate that eye, at least little Naruto didn't use it to do bad things."~"

Shima Sennin said:"Well... it's true that it can't be considered a bad thing. It's nothing more than betraying Konoha and attacking the Hidden Cloud Village.~"

"……"Naruto lowered his head. There was nothing he could do. Shima Sennin was just telling the truth.

"Oh, is that so? I know everything. The Great Toad Sage said calmly,"Fukasaku, Shima, please step aside for a moment. I have something to talk to Naruto alone."……"

Shima Sennin:"Hey, old man, what are you talking about? Even we have to avoid you!" Fukasaku

Sennin:"Okay, old woman... The old man must have his reasons for doing this, let's wait outside!"

"The silly old man, talking nonsense……"

Shima Sage cursed and went to wait outside the palace with Fukasaku Sage.


The palace door closed.

The big toad sage opened his tightly squinted eyes a little, and a gleam of brilliance flashed. He only said one word, and Naruto's hair stood on end!


"You came back with that treasure, right?"

Naruto's pupils shrank suddenly!

The big toad sage said:"Don't be surprised, the toad has the ability to predict the future, and the changes in the future cannot be hidden from the toad.~"

"The development of the world is dynamic. Anything that can be interfered with by time is an uncertain world, also known as a chaotic state.’!"

"The reason why Toad is ignorant is because the world has not yet been completely determined.~"

"Your return also made the 'chaos' disappear. No, to be precise, the fundamental reason for the disappearance of the chaos is not your return, but the fact that the only tool that can interfere with time, the 'plow', has been destroyed!"

Naruto clenched his sweaty palms and said,"Big Toad Sage, I don't quite understand what you mean.……"

The Great Toad Immortal said,"Oh, am I making it too complicated? In short, the plow, as a 'treasure' that can travel through time, has the 'uniqueness' that transcends time. It is precisely because of the existence of the plow that the course of time can be interfered with by humans. Even things that have already happened may be rewritten, so it is said to be uncertain.……"

Naruto understood a little:"You mean, no matter in the past, present, or future, the 'Plow' is unique?"

The Great Toad Sage said:"That's right. After teleporting you back, the Plow also exhausted its last strength and was destroyed, right? In other words, there is no longer any factor that can interfere with the process of time."

"Therefore, from the moment you come back, what you do and the impact you have on the world will determine the future, and that is the 'final solution' and 'only solution' for the future.’"

Naruto was ashamed. He never thought that the Great Toad Sage had seen through everything!

He suddenly remembered that in the catastrophe that led to the destruction of the ninja world in his previous life, the immortals also participated in it. Before the Great Toad Sage died, he revealed a shocking secret. It turned out that the birthplace of the three great immortals was not the Earth where the ninjas lived, but the planet of the Otsutsuki, 'Takamagahara'. The ancestors of the three great immortals also existed at the same time as the ancestors of the Otsutsuki.

No wonder... Naruto murmured inwardly: No wonder the Great Toad Sage even knew about the 'plow'.

"So, I know you are Naruto, and I also know that everything you do is to avoid repeating the same mistakes~"

At this point, the Great Toad Sage changed the subject:"But because the 'plow' is no longer there, the cause and effect related to the 'plow' will also be rewritten, so the future will also produce unexpected changes based on this benchmark.……"

Naruto pondered:"The plow... related cause and effect, Otsutsuki Urashiki!"

In the previous life, it was Otsutsuki Urashiki who brought the 'plow' to the ninja world!

In other words, now that the plow is gone, Urashiki's actions may change due to the cause and effect. On this basis, Otsutsuki Momoshiki and Kinshiki, who are closely related to Urashiki, and people related to Momoshiki and Kinshiki, may change their actions!

The Great Toad Sage said:"In other words... those people may come earlier or later than you think. If it's late, it's okay, but if it's early...……"

Naruto sweatdropped.

In his previous life, the great���Wood only arrived during Boruto's time, which is still more than ten years away from now!

If it's late, of course everything will be fine. If it's early, the ninja world will be baptized in advance!

The big toad sage said:"This is the consequence of interfering with time, risks and opportunities coexist... It depends on how you grasp it!"

"The night you came back, I had a dream... The dream brought me a revelation: the boy who returned from the future would bring the military power of the ninja world to an unprecedented level of strength. The true destination of this world would also be determined, and it would be unprecedented prosperity or destruction. Please pay attention to the difference~ This time it is the world, not the ninja world in the last prophecy.’"

Naruto raised his eyes and said,"Does that mean... I shoulder the fate of the entire world?"

The Great Toad Sage said solemnly,"If you are the child of prophecy,……"

"etc.……!"Naruto suddenly thought of something:"Even if the plow is destroyed, the person who created it can definitely make a new plow again!"

The Great Toad Sage smiled and said,"You can think of this quickly. You are really different now, Naruto. But that is impossible, because the person who created the 'plow' is the one who sent me to this planet for refuge. My ancestor——‘The Prophet Great Toad Immortal Ancestor, it died thousands of years ago, its body and soul have disappeared, and it will never be resurrected……"

Click! Click!

The scroll toad jumped out from under the seat... The scroll under it unfolded, revealing the key to the Four Symbols Seal!

The big toad sage said:"So, Naruto... go and do what you should do. You should be familiar with it now after living a new life!"

"Ah, I understand!"

Wow! Naruto rolled up the sleeve of his left hand, stood bare-chested, and pressed his palm on the scroll!


The handprint was branded... Unlike in his previous life, this time, he branded it with his left hand!

It represents... his determination to take a completely different path from his previous life!

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