The night was slightly cool. On the lakeside behind the Hidden Rain Village, a pier connected to the octagonal pavilion in the center of the lake.

Under the pavilion, Tsunade and Jiraiya reunited and talked about their hearts.

Naturally, they talked about Naruto.

Tsunade drank a lot of wine and looked tipsy.

After experiencing a loss, she leaned on Jiraiya's shoulder and looked at the ripples on the lake. Her eyes were confused.

"I don't understand Naruto at all now. I don't know why he left the village, let alone what he wants to do in the future, and what attitude Konoha and I should have towards him. Jiraiya, you are his teacher, can you tell me what you think?"

Jiraiya pondered for a long time and picked up a pen, but the paper was used up.

Tsunade raised her hand, spread out her palm, and whispered:"Write it here……"

Jiraiya paused for a moment, then gently grasped Tsunade's slender hand and wrote two words on her palm:


A breeze blew ripples on the lake, and along with it, the confusion in Tsunade's eyes!

"Jiraiya, if this is your choice, I will stand by your side unwaveringly!" After leaving the Choseiden of Myoboku Mountain, Naruto declined the invitation to the dinner party of Shima Sennin Mushi, and returned to the Hidden Rain Village that night.

With the key to the Four Symbols Seal, he is now in a position to unlock the seal of the Nine-Tails, so his next stop is the 'Real Waterfall' on the Island of Paradise in the Land of Thunder!

Before leaving, Tsunade came to say goodbye.

Naruto:"Are you leaving? Grandma Tsunade!"

Tsunade:"Well, Jiraiya, I'll leave it to you to take care of it!"

Naruto:"Of course, that's what I should do. By the way, about Sakura's matter……"

In the middle of the night, Haruno Sakura knelt on the road that Tsunade had to take to leave the village.

Tsunade stopped in front of Sakura and said,"Sakura,……"

Sakura buried her head:"Yes, Master!"

Tsunade looked downcast:"Naruto and Slug have told me everything, including your parents' affairs.……"

Sakura reflected bitterly:"I'm sorry, Master! I'm ashamed of your teachings!!"

Tsunade said in a deep voice:"From today on, you will no longer be my disciple, Tsunade, nor a ninja of Konoha!"

Sakura, her fingers clenched in the soil, said the word"yes" with difficulty!

Tsunade said in a deep voice:"Next, I will give you my last instruction, raise your head!"

Sakura raised her head tremblingly, tears welling up in her eyes, but she held them back and didn't let them fall!

Tsunade warned:"Medical ninjutsu, regardless of country or village, exists to save lives!"

"You have already mastered the Seal of the Hundred Healings and have the ability to summon slugs. Strictly speaking, as a medical ninja, you are no less capable than me!"

"From now on, you will stay in Amegakure, stay with Naruto, and take this opportunity to do something for this village. This is not only for Amegakure, but also for Konoha!"

"During the past Ninja World War, the big countries, including Konoha, ignored the feelings of small countries and villages, bringing them indelible pain! This is also the fundamental reason why Pain insisted on destroying Konoha!"

"This is the root of the evil that Konoha planted, so it has tasted the bitter fruit... During the time I woke up, I also thought a lot, should I just muddle through like this? Even if Konoha defeats Pain, as long as the root problem is not solved, there will be other Pains!"

"So, it's time to make amends! But as the Hokage, I must consider the position of the country and the village! Many things cannot be overstepped, Sakura... I will give you this mission of remedy, can you complete it? As a ninja from Konoha who later joined Yuyin!"

Tears burst out of her eyes, but they were no longer tears of weakness, but tears of strength!

"Haruno Sakura, I will not refuse even if I have to die!!"

Tsunade smiled with relief, she helped Sakura up, took off her Konoha rebel forehead protector, and then put on the Rain Hidden Village forehead protector she got from Naruto for Sakura.’!

"Although you and Naruto have left Konoha, Konoha will not regard you as traitors. Take this place as a new starting point and show your talents as a ninja!"

Leaving this last teaching, Tsunade-sama walked into the wind with a valiant manner!

Shizune passed by with Tuntun in her arms and gave Sakura a blessing smile.

Looking at Tsunade's back, Haruno Sakura bowed deeply! At the entrance of the Hidden Rain Village

""Lady Tsunade...wait, wait for me!" Captain Yamato followed, panting.

Tsunade stopped and said,"Tenzo……?"

"Whoosh, whoosh……"Yamato panted,"Please, please take me back to the village!" Tsunade frowned and thought for a moment, then said,"Naruto, I'm ready to control the power of the Nine-Tails! To be on the safe side, Yamato, you go with him! Your Wood Release may come in handy at a critical moment!"

"Ah? This……"Yamato was in a dilemma:"Naruto, now he is a traitor to the village and has a relationship with Akatsuki. Although I want to help him from my own standpoint, it is inevitable that there will be criticism from the village, right?"

Tsunade said:"This is an order issued by me as the Hokage, and I will bear all the consequences myself!"

"I, understand!" Yamato's expression frightened, and he asked again:"Then after completing the rescue mission, can I return to the village?"

Tsunade thought for a while and said:"Stay to help rebuild the Hidden Rain Village! After the reconstruction is completed, you return to the village to report!"

Yamato replied:"I... understand!"

Just like that, Yamato also stayed as one of the companions of this trip to Paradise Island.

In the Land of Lightning, on the ship leading to Paradise Island.

Yamato was sitting on pins and needles, because the other companion was Orochimaru!

He lamented in his heart: Naruto is fine, but I actually have to travel with a dangerous person like Orochimaru. Just thinking about it will shorten my life...

Orochimaru looked back and said with a smile:"When...���It will take a while to get to Garden Island~, why don't you take a rest first?……"

Yamato shuddered and said,"No, no, I'm not sleepy, thank you very much."……!"

Orochimaru smiled kindly and said,"You really don't have to be afraid of me. After all, you are also one of my cute experimental subjects. Among so many children, you are the only one who survived and grew up successfully. You are so kind just by looking at you~"

If Yamato had not witnessed the battle of the Heaven and Earth Bridge, the monster-like duel between Orochimaru and the four-tailed Naruto, he might really believe that Orochimaru had turned over a new leaf! Yamato couldn't help but think: Orochimaru...what is his intention in being with Naruto? Could it be that he instigated Naruto to betray the village? ?

At dawn, the ship that Naruto was on approached the Island of Paradise.

Yamato asked,"By the way, Naruto, this is the holy land of the Land of Lightning and is under the jurisdiction of the Hidden Cloud Village. Did you give them a heads up in advance?"

Naruto smiled:"I did give them a heads up, but whether they agree or not is another matter.……"

Yamato was shocked: I have a bad feeling...

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