"Now, I am working with two rebel ninjas. If anything goes wrong, Konoha will not be free from responsibility.……"

Yamato suddenly had an idea. He took off the forehead guard that was connected to his face guard and carved a scratch on it with a kunai, symbolizing a traitorous ninja!

After putting the face guard back on, Yamato smiled and said,"Even if something goes wrong, it won't bring shame to Konoha. I'm so smart!"~!"

The ship docked, and the three of them boarded the island.

Sure enough, a large number of Kumogakure were already waiting here!

The leaders were the elite jonin of Kumogakure, Darui and Xi, who had served as the guards of the Raikage during the Five Kage Talks!

A few months ago, Darui escaped from Obito's grafting technique, but his left arm was seriously injured and forced to be amputated. He has since stayed in Kumogakure to recover from his injuries.

Now that he has recovered from his injuries, his strength has increased instead of decreased. Not only has his right arm become stronger, but he has also mastered the Lightning Chakra Mode that he later became as the fifth generation Raikage!

Facing the three uninvited guests in front of him, Darui held a large bottle tied with a white hemp rope in his right arm!

"Um���That is……"Naruto's left eye under the mask immediately became alert:"Amber Bottle!"

The Amber Bottle is one of the five ninja tools left by the Six Paths Sage. Anyone who responds to the words of the holder will be sealed in the bottle!

【Note: The Red Gourd also absorbs, but it uses Word Spirits, so please do not confuse it with the Amber Purifier Bottle.

The Amber Purifier Bottle, like the other four Six Paths Ninja Tools, was originally held by the brothers Kinkaku and Ginkaku from Kumogakure, but Kinkaku was defeated by the Third Raikage, and the Amber Purifier Bottle was taken back by Kumogakure!

Naruto thought to himself: So that's how it is, shall we try this? Darui

's thoughts raced: Using the Amber Purifier Bottle requires a huge amount of chakra, and with my ability, I will be overdrawn after absorbing one chakra! The other two, Xi, I'll leave them to you to deal with!


He opened the lid of the Amber Purifier Bottle, pointed the bottle mouth at Naruto, and shouted:"Uzumaki Naruto!!!"

But the response to Darui was initiated by Naruto who raised his hand——‘'Tianyin Wanxiang'!


The gravity pulled the amber bottle in Darui's hand through the air!

After Naruto turned the tables, he immediately turned the bottle mouth and pointed it at Darui!

No! He knew the details of the amber bottle!!

Darui was shocked and immediately closed his mouth!

Naruto raised the corner of his mouth slightly, turned the bottle mouth, pointed it at Xi, and called out:"Xi"!

""Eh?" Xi was not as smart as Darui, he responded instinctively.

Whoosh!! The amber bottle, an irresistible suction force came!!

"Uh ah……!!!"Xi screamed and was sucked into the bottle!

Darui's face was ashen:"It's terrible!!"


Naruto put the cap on the bottle, put the amber bottle aside, looked at Darui and said:"If I didn't know the details of this amber bottle, I would really fall into your hands today~ Darui!"

Darui clenched his fists:"Damn it... Go!"


Lightning shone, and the Kumogakure rushed forward!

Naruto looked cautious:"These Kumogakure are the same group that intercepted me outside the gate of the Wind Country last time. They have all learned the"Lightning Chakra Mode", and they are generally stronger than last time. There is no way, let's get rid of them in one go!"

He took off the"fan" from behind, clatter... Under his sleeves, a dark golden chakra chain hung down!

That is the Uzumaki clan's"Vajra Seal"!

Connect the Vajra Seal to the handle of the fan, and purple lightning entangles. Naruto swung the chain, and the fan opened and closed.……!

——Thunderous Diamond Fan!

"Uh ah……!"

As the lightning flashed, the Kumogakure fell to the ground in large numbers!

Darui was sweating coldly:"Hey, are you kidding? He just used the 'Amber Purifying Bottle', but his chakra didn't seem to be depleted at all!"

That was inevitable. Naruto, who had obtained a complete whirlpool body, could control the Six Paths Ninja Tools without the help of the Nine-Tails' power!

Yamato behind Naruto was terrified:"This, is too, too messy!"

Orochimaru laughed and said:"This Diamond Blockade is a bit of a waste of talent, but it can be used in conjunction with the round fan wrapped in purple lightning, so this Diamond Blockade is the best choice.~~~!"

After a few encounters, all the Yunyin people fell down and lost their fighting power.

"Well, I avoided their vital points, so I didn't kill them, but they will have to lie down for a while.……"Naruto muttered, put away his fan, looked at Darui who was now silent, and said faintly:"Darui, do you want to lie down too? Why not surrender!"

Darui knew he was no match for him, but he was also unyielding:"In the dictionary of Kumogakure ninja, there is no word 'surrender'!!"


Naruto picked up the 'Amber Purifier Bottle' beside him, opened the bottle cap, pointed it at 'Darui' again, and called out his name!!

Darui gritted his teeth, but his face was extremely ugly!

Because the Amber Purifier Bottle has another secret, that is, even if you don't answer, as long as you are silent for a certain period of time, you will be sucked into the bottle!

Darui's mind raced: It's impossible to defeat him, but if you want to escape, there is still a chance!!


Lightning Chakra covered Darui's whole body, activating his body and reflex nerves, and with the Lightning Body Instant Technique, he ran away with all his strength!

""Ha~" Naruto chuckled, purple lightning wrapped around him, holding the Amber Purifier Bottle, following him like a shadow!

Darui was completely desperate:"His speed now is even comparable to that of Lord Raikage in his prime!" He couldn't beat him, and he couldn't escape. Whether he was absorbed by the Amber Purifier Bottle or surrendered... it would damage the dignity of the Hidden Cloud Village!

So, Darui made the only choice!

Snap! The ninja sword was unsheathed, wrapped with lightning, and stabbed towards his heart. He wanted to end his life!

""Hey... you can't be that bad!!"

Naruto exclaimed, and in a hurry, he took off his tools, and his right eye turned into a Mangekyō Sharingan, meeting Darui's gaze!

——Bie Tianshen!!


The tip of the knife suddenly stopped in front of Darui's chest!

"Phew, are you in time?……"Naruto breathed a sigh of relief.


Darui threw away the ninja sword, came to Naruto, and knelt on one knee:"Naruto-sama!"

Naruto said:"Where is the Raikage?" Darui said:"The Raikage is not able to move at the moment, and is training day and night in the village!"

Naruto said:"It's no wonder, even that single-celled muscle uncle, it will take a long time to adapt to that super-heavy body, Darui, from now on you will stay by my side and work.……"

Darui took off the forehead guard of the Hidden Cloud Village, engraved the symbol of the rebel ninja on it, and put it on again, saying respectfully:"It's my honor!"

Naruto looked at Darui's missing left arm and thought: Later, I will use the Shura Path to make a mechanical arm for Darui, which can be regarded as compensation for him...

Yamato stepped forward and said nervously:"Hey, Naruto... What did you do to him?"

Naruto turned his eyes and changed back to the three-magatama Sharingan. He looked at Yamato and said kindly:"Ah, it's my eye technique 'Kotoamatsukami'. After killing Danzo, I got the eyes from him. It was originally from Uchiha Shisui. It can change the other party's thoughts without being noticed, or even taken for granted, just as you can see.……"

Yamato was nervous: If he uses this terrifying eye technique on me, wouldn't I be...

Naruto smiled and said,"Don't be afraid, Captain Yamato. You were once the jonin of Team 7, so you're half my teacher. I won't use Kotoamatsukami on you."……"

Cold sweat instantly soaked Yamato's back: Is this the Naruto of today? He is as perceptive as a fire, and his actions are unpredictable. He is more dangerous than Orochimaru!


The three magatama disappeared from Naruto's eyes, and he put on the mask again.

Wow! The sleeves of his fire cloud robe fluttered, and Naruto said in a sonorous and powerful voice:"Let's go... to the real waterfall!"

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