The island of paradise, the real waterfall.

This is a magical waterfall. As long as you sit in front of the waterfall, you can see the unknown self deep in your heart.

In his previous life, it was here that Naruto fought against the dark side of his heart.

It is said that the tailed beasts are the embodiment of evil and resentment. If there is a little darkness in your heart, you will immediately lose yourself when using the chakra of the tailed beasts!

Therefore, the practice of the real waterfall is also the only way to become a perfect Jinchūriki.

Later, as his vision broadened, Naruto knew more of the truth.

The tailed beasts are not the pure embodiment of evil as rumored. Whether you can become a perfect Jinchūriki depends on whether you can reach a consensus with the tailed beasts.

If you can do it, even if there is evil in your heart, you can still use the power of the tailed beasts, as long as the tailed beasts don't care.

But the hearts of the tailed beasts are generally good, so eliminating darkness will be of positive help.

Another truth is the essence of the real waterfall.’

"Like Jigokudani, this is also one of the legacies of the Six Paths Ninja Sect. The waterfall contains a powerful"Yin Dun" power."

As long as the spiritual power is strong enough, you can see not only the darkness in your heart, but even another existence!

In the previous life, Naruto's child, Boruto, also met Momoshiki at the real waterfall in order to manipulate the power called"wedge"! [The setting added by the author]

When they meet, the waterfall will create an illusion battlefield that only the parties can see. Everything that happens in the battlefield will not affect the outside world!

At this moment, Naruto sat on the stone platform in front of the real waterfall, calm and composed!


The naive Naruto, who belonged to this period, walked out of the waterfall and sneered:"Yo, the counterfeit who occupied my body, you finally dared to face me!

" The returning Naruto said calmly:"You are the me of the past, I am the you of the future, we are both Uzumaki Naruto, there is no such thing as a counterfeit.

" The naive Naruto said arrogantly:"Baga!

I will not become you!

I saw everything you did after you took over my body!

You, this guy, stood in my face, but all you did were petty thefts!


Returned Naruto did not deny the innocent Naruto, he just asked calmly:"What you saw is not only what I am doing now, but also everything that will happen in the future, right? Even those in the future, you want to deny it?" The innocent

Naruto's face dimmed, and then he said firmly:"Even if there is such a future, what you did is wrong. There must be a better way!"

Returned Naruto asked back:"For example?"

The innocent Naruto clenched his fist and said:"For example... everyone unites and fights against those guys together!"

Returned Naruto smiled and said:"That's what I did in the past, what was the result?"

The innocent Naruto clenched his fists tighter:"In the past, you underestimated them! Don't underestimate them this time! Let's all become stronger together!"

Returning Naruto smiled and said,"My plan is for everyone to become stronger together, but the time is not yet ripe, so I am just a leader for the time being~"

Naruto condemned,"But what you did hurt others! There must be a way, without hurting everyone!!"

Returning Naruto shook his head and said,"Not hurting everyone? That's impossible."

Naruto retorted,"No!! As long as you believe it! You will definitely be able to do it! If you give up, you can't do anything!"

Returning Naruto raised his eyes and said,"Then let me ask you... You firmly believe that the day when people understand each other will definitely come, then why after you became Hokage, disasters of all sizes in the ninja world are still happening endlessly?" Naruto was speechless for a moment!

Returning Naruto stood up and strode forward:"Let me ask you again, you promised to give Xiaonan a peaceful Rain Hidden Village, but what happened in the end? What has the Rain Hidden Village become? It has become one of the nests of the dark organization"Shell", and the people are living in misery!"

The naive Naruto was speechless!

The returning Naruto approached forcefully,"Your innocence is very inciting, making everyone trust you from the bottom of their hearts. Maybe you yourself firmly believe in it, but how can the world be as we wish? There are too many things that are difficult to take care of even if we are willing!" The naive Naruto:"Shut up!!!"

The returning Naruto:"What, did I touch upon your weakness? Do you want to escape from reality? Or are you just unwilling to be usurped by a guy like me who doesn't know what you are talking about? The future is not important at all?"

The naive Naruto:"Shut up, I'm not such a narrow-minded person!!!""

"Look, who is that?"

The returning Naruto stretched out his hand and pointed to the side.

It was actually the third Naruto, who appeared in the illusion of the waterfall at some point!!

That Naruto had black pupils and a dark aura all over his body!! The returning Naruto pointed out:"That is the darkness in your heart! It contains many factors, including your subconscious hatred for the people who were hostile to you in Konoha, and your unwillingness to be occupied by me, the returning you. All of them are visualized by this real waterfall and presented in full view!"

In the astonishment of the naive Naruto, the dark Naruto spoke:"Hey, naive me~, let's not worry about the future~ Let's join forces to defeat this bastard who occupies our bodies~, how about it? ?"The naive Naruto, grabbing his hair, was completely confused:"I don't!! I don't acknowledge your existence, wouldn't that make me look narrow-minded!! This is not true!! It must be you who is using a trick!!!"

Returning Naruto shook his head and said,"Are you still unwilling to face reality? That's right... Unlike your previous life when you faced your dark side alone, this time I am involved. It's really hard for you~"

Dark Naruto looked at the innocent Naruto and smiled.

���:"Narrow-minded? What's wrong with that? Only when people are loyal to their own desires can they live a happier life~!

In fact, what he [Returning Naruto] did is exactly what I have always wanted to do~ But the means are still too gentle~ Ah, it's really not satisfying~ If I come in person, I will definitely do it more thoroughly!

Oh~ For example, how about killing all those guys who have bullied us first? Anyway, we are already powerful enough~!"

Hearing this, the returning Naruto laughed and sighed:"Oh my, I also had this period? I seem to understand Sasuke's feelings better~"

The naive Naruto completely collapsed and said:"You are not me!! You are all fakes!! Disappear in front of me!!!"

Boom boom boom boom...!!!

Echoing his angry mood, the Nine-Tails Chakra turned into a golden coat~~!

"There are flaws~!"Dark Naruto smiled evilly, and his figure disappeared in a flash!


One of the eyes of the innocent Naruto turned into the"black" symbol of evil!

At the same time, a layer of black mist lingered on the outer coat of the Nine-Tails Chakra!

Returned Naruto stared and said:"Because of the too strong stimulation, it actually"resonated" with the dark side of the heart. This is really an unexpected development... But, Kurama~ When the darkness in his [Innocent Naruto] heart has not been completely eliminated, have you reached a consensus with him? This is not like your style. It seems that in order to deal with me, you are desperate to try any possible means~"


The golden chakra lingering with black mist turned into the body of the Nine-Tails, opened its mouth wide, and the super crossbow-level Nine-Tails Beast Ball condensed out!

Returned Naruto, with a low look:"In the end... do we still have to fight?"

In the previous life, the fight in the real waterfall, the two sides were completely evenly matched, whether it was ninjutsu, tactical steps, or skills, they were all the same!

But this time, the situation is different. The person in front of him is his past life self. He cannot use the Samsara Eye and Sharingan, but he can use the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode! The returned Naruto is also the present Naruto, the Naruto who dominates the future of the world. At this moment, he is full of fighting spirit.

——"Well, the past and the future, the past and the present, let’s settle the outcome here!!!"


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