In the holy land of Paradise Island.


Naruto stood up, and the golden Nine-Tails Chakra ignited on his body~!

The surrounding wooden stakes, affected by the rising chakra flames, actually grew branches and green leaves!

Yamato was shocked:"Such a strong vitality, is this the Nine-Tails' chakra!?"

Orochimaru had a different opinion:"This Nine-Tails' chakra mode is just more ostentatious, but in fact, it is far less powerful than Naruto's own chakra now.……"

Naruto thought: This chakra mode is not as powerful as my own chakra. Well, after all, I haven't reached a consensus with Kurama, so it can't be combined with my own chakra. I can only choose one.

——‘Yes, you read it right. Naruto who does not activate this chakra mode will be stronger in strength!

But this does not mean that this"Golden Body Mode" is useless! At least... it can be used as a chakra backup source. In actual combat, you can choose to use this mode first to save your own chakra, or use this mode to continue when your own chakra is exhausted.

In addition, this chakra mode has the"perception of good and evil" that even the Sage Mode cannot do. No matter how good the enemy's disguise ability is, as long as he has malicious intentions, he cannot escape!

Thinking of"malicious perception", Naruto couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

After the end of the ninja war in the previous life, I abandoned this"perception of good and evil" ability. Thinking carefully, if I still have this perception ability in the battle with"Otsutsuki Isshiki", his secret technique called"Shao Ming Bikuna" would not be so tricky!

And Momoshiki, when we defeated Isshiki, he occupied Boruto's body and blinded Sasuke's reincarnation eye when we were not prepared!

If, if I retain the 'evil perception', how could Momoshiki succeed!


Uzumaki Naruto clenched his fist!

"Once upon a time, we learned how to fly, but forgot how to run!"

"This time... I will never make the same mistake again!"

"I want to be down-to-earth and cherish every bit of strength I get, so that every growth I make is constructive and valuable.’!"

In the spiritual world.

Gugugugu... Uzumaki Kushina was swimming in the Nine-Tails Chakra...

Her body, which had originally become illusory as the chakra was lost, was also nourished by the Nine-Tails Chakra and stabilized, and even gradually recovered.

Naruto asked:"Mom, how do you feel?" Kushina said comfortably:"It feels so good, just like taking a hot spring bath."~"

"is that so……"Naruto was happy from the bottom of his heart. His idea was correct. With the Nine-Tails Chakra, he could indeed retain his mother's thought body.

Kushina said with a little regret:"It's a pity that the thoughts that Minato left in the seal are no longer there, otherwise we could take a hot spring bath together!"

Taking a hot spring bath together as a family of three was something Kushina had dreamed of since she became pregnant.

Naruto hoped:"There will be a chance in the future... probably."

Kushina advised:"Naruto, although these Nine-Tails Chakras can recover by themselves after consumption, you should not keep it open for a long time. No matter what you do in the future, you must pay attention to 'slow and steady'!"

Naruto said softly:"Ah, I understand, but at least let me keep it open on the way back to the Hidden Rain Village. I want to accompany my mother and talk more."……"

Kushina said lovingly and helplessly:"I really can't do anything with you, kid.……"

Naruto did not use Flying Thunder God and went back to the Hidden Rain Village.

After leaving Paradise Island, they took the ship they came on, docked at the pier of the Land of Thunder, and then walked to the Land of Rain.

Along the way, he kept the"Golden Body Mode" on and communicated with Kushina.

Even though he knew that the time they would spend together in the future would be long, he could not suppress his inner emotions and wanted to make up for the beauty that was missing in his previous life as much as possible.

Orochimaru also struck while the iron was hot. On the way back, he used the equipment he carried in the scroll to transplant the cells of Hashirama Senju into Naruto's body.

He estimated that when this trip returned, Hashirama's cells would assimilate with Naruto, and Naruto would then gain a stronger vitality and the power of"Wood Release"!

Can the supreme Wood Release be obtained in this way? Perhaps you will feel hasty, but it is not hasty at all, because Naruto has already obtained the real power of the Uzumaki clan!

Everything is just a matter of course!

Light and darkness complement each other.

Dark underground nest.

Uchiha Madara stared at the dim candlelight in front of him, lost in thought.

This arrogant man thought that after Hashirama's death, no one could stop him!

But not long ago, he was defeated, twice in a row, at the hands of the same person!

If the first defeat was due to accidental carelessness, then the second defeat... was definitely due to the difference in strength!

"Uzumaki Naruto, in a short period of time, adapted to my Samsara Eye, and with the help of immortal arts and the secret arts of the major ninja villages, he was able to display a strength similar to that of Hashirama.……"

"I, Uchiha Madara, guarantee with a soul tempered by the flames of war, a hundred years of experience, and even the reputation of a strong man that no matter how talented a ninja is, it is impossible to achieve such an accomplishment at the age of sixteen!"

"There is definitely a huge secret hidden in Uzumaki Naruto!" Madara

's eyes were filled with madness:"I am curious about this secret!" Black Zetsu emerged from the ground:"Madara-sama, don't think about these things now.


"Black Zetsu?" Madara glanced at him and thought: Well... to tell me, do I have any evidence to prove that Naruto has a secret? Before he left the battle last time, Naruto left a lip message.

——‘Black Zetsu is Kaguya's will, and it tampered with the Uchiha stone tablet!’

"Regardless of whether what Naruto said was true or not, at least... he knew about Kaguya and the stone tablet!"

Black Zetsu asked,"Sasuke has already gone to Kabuto Yakushi's new base. Obito, he hasn't made any movement yet. What should we do next? Madara-sama……"

Madara's eyes flickered.

Well... whether it was to alienate me from Black Zetsu or have other unknown intentions~ I had to be on guard against Black Zetsu, but right now, before I take back the Outer Path Demon Statue and regain the right to use White Zetsu, I still needed Black Zetsu to collect intelligence from the outside world~.

Madara said in a deep voice:"It will take a while for Sasuke to get the Samsara Eye. Before Obito officially shows up, we should stay put.……"

Black Zetsu was worried:"Will we lose the initiative?"

Madara looked at his cracked palm and said,"I lost the initiative a long time ago. As expected, Naruto has become stronger now, but my body of reincarnation... Chakra can no longer be improved!"


He clenched his fist.

——"I really can't accept this... I, Uchiha Madara, never joined forces with anyone to fight against Hashirama in the past! Now, in order to fight against Uzumaki Naruto, I have to join forces with a"chess piece"!"


A few days later, Naruto returned to the Hidden Rain Village, accompanied by Konan, Orochimaru, Hoshigaki Kisame, and Yamato, and came to the"only" vacant land in the west of the Hidden Rain Village that had not yet been started!

"This moment has finally arrived……"

Bang! Uzumaki Naruto's eyes sparkled, and he formed seals with both hands and clasped them in front of his chest, with great momentum!

——Wood Release: Lianzhu Family Technique!!

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