——Wood Release: Lianzhu Family Technique!


In an instant, tens of thousands of saplings broke through the ground, and after becoming big trees, they entangled dozens and hundreds of them and turned into houses standing!

Although Wood Release Lianzhu Family Technique is not a wood release technique for combat purposes, it is very challenging for chakra and mental strength!

Because the house is not formed automatically, but its shape is constructed by the practitioner, and all the details inside must be taken into consideration!

Therefore, Captain Yamato was so exhausted after building a house!

Therefore, seeing the magnificent buildings rising from near to far, lined up in rows, until the end of the sight... Yamato was stunned!

"Create a whole building complex at one time? Are you kidding? I know he has a lot of chakra, and his Wood Release is larger than mine, so it's understandable! But this is building a house, it's not just planting trees mindlessly, it requires knowledge of architecture, and strong mental support! Where did he get all this from, a sixteen-year-old kid?"

You should know that in order to better use the 'Wood Release: Lianzhu Family', Yamato received a one-month training in architectural knowledge!


After the spell was completed, Naruto put down his hand and sighed,"Huh... Wood Release is really very brain-consuming!" Fortunately, after he became Hokage in his previous life, he was well-read. He always felt that his home was too small, and thought about using his savings to build a big house after retirement in his later years. From design to decoration, he would be in charge of everything himself. For this reason, he usually read a lot of books on architecture.

"Gulp!" How could Yamato know all this? He swallowed and said,"Can I inspect your house?"

Naruto said happily,"Of course. It's a blessing to have Captain Yamato, a senior architect in the ninja world, as the quality inspector! After all, it's my first time building a house, and I don't have any confidence!"

Although Naruto was praising him, Yamato was not happy at all.

He put on his black gloves and said seriously,"Then I won't be polite. This is related to the safety of the residents. I have to strictly control it. It's not something that can pass the inspection just because it looks luxurious!"

Naruto said generously,"Please come in!"

So Yamato checked door to door... But those houses, whether in terms of safety or convenience, far exceeded Yamato's expectations!

He almost doubted that he had given birth to a ninja.

"Is this true? Is he really omnipotent? Was he just pretending to be stupid before? No, it's impossible... No matter what, he couldn't be pretending. What made him omnipotent? Did he become a traitor? Would he become stronger by becoming a traitor?"

With these nonsensical thoughts, Yamato came to the largest house at the end.

"Castle Tower……?"

Yamato couldn't wait to enter the door. From the entrance to the end, there was a winding staircase.

"From the outside, it looks like a simple castle tower, but inside it is a duplex, a comprehensive residence that combines home leisure and ninjutsu training."

"Oh my god, what a masterpiece! The residences of daimyo in various countries are just like this!"

Yamato went up the stairs to the top floor. Looking out from the window that had not yet been installed with glass, he could see the scenery of the sea outside the Hidden Rain Village.

Hula la!

The rain gathered along the pipes, driving the mill to turn.

"I see. Is this a unique structure to effectively utilize rainwater?……"Yamato sighed sincerely:"Naruto... Even if he doesn't become a ninja, he will definitely live a comfortable life."

After the inspection, Yamato walked out of the house and said to Naruto who was waiting there:"All the houses have passed the inspection!"

"Hmm?" At this time, Yamato saw that the words"和府" were added to the plaque erected next to him, and he couldn't help asking:"What is this?"

Naruto said sincerely:"Captain Yamato, you have been busy these days and it's really hard. I decided to leave this house for you to live in!"

Yamato was relieved: What? Although many places are different now, his real place has not changed. The young are to be feared, the young are to be feared!

Although he was happy, Yamato said seriously:"Naruto, I am very satisfied that you have this intention. I helped you and the Hidden Rain Village this time at the request of the Hokage. Now my mission has been completed, and it's time to report back to Konoha. As for this kind of house, you can leave it to those displaced people in Hidden Rain!"

Naruto said regretfully:"Is that so... What a pity, let's do this, Captain Yamato, I will keep this house, and when you go to Hidden Rain on business in the future, you can stay here, how about it?"

From now on, it will be impossible to go to Yugakure again. Konoha has so many things to do that it is too busy.

Yamato said in his heart, but he couldn't bear to decline Naruto's kindness:"In this case, then thank you in advance!"

Naruto said seriously:"Then I will use Flying Thunder God to send Captain Yamato back to the village!"

Yamato thought to himself: Well... I am too tired after all this travel. I really want to go back to the village to rest early.

He said:"Okay, but your current identity is more sensitive. Send me out of the village, and I will go back by myself.……"

"OK, I got it."

Naruto put his hand on Yamato's shoulder and used Flying Thunder God to come to the woods outside Konoha Village.

Yamato said goodbye and said,"That's it, you go, Naruto.……"

"Okay... I'm going."Swoosh! Naruto activated Flying Thunder God and disappeared on the spot

""Huh... I'm finally back. The experiences of these days will be unforgettable in my lifetime!"

Yamato sighed and strode towards Konoha Village! Izumo and

Zitetsu, who were guarding the gate of Konoha, stopped Yamato and said,"Stop!"

Yamato said,"It's me, Yamato, I'm back to report!"

Izumo:"I know you are the senior Yamato, but now you have betrayed the village!!!"

Yamato:"What? How could I betray the village!!!"

Zitetsu:"Your forehead protector explains it all! When I saw you with the telescope just now, I had already notified the village. I advise you to surrender!"

Yamato then remembered that before boarding the Paradise Island, he had cut his forehead protector to prevent discrediting Konoha!

"Misunderstanding! It’s all a misunderstanding! Listen to my explanation!!!"

Izumo and Zitetsu each held their ninja tools and said,"Go to the cell and explain these things to Ibiki!"

"Izumo, Zitetsu, stop it now." A deep voice sounded.

Yamato was overjoyed:"Kakashi-senpai……!"

"Tenzou [Yamato's real name], the Hokage wants to see you."

Kakashi came and accompanied Yamato to the Hokage's office.

Yamato explained the whole story.

Tsunade supported her chin with both hands:"Is that so? I understand everything.……"

Yamato was relieved:"So, can I go home and rest?"

"well……"Tsunade sighed and took out a booklet from the drawer:"This is the latest 'Wanted List of Defective Ninjas', take a look.

Yamato flipped to the end in confusion and found his own portrait on the list.

He couldn't believe it:"What's going on?"

Tsunade said:"Someone among the Cloud Ninjas on Paradise Island has seen you in a past mission and remembered your appearance. After returning to the village, he immediately reported it. Because you were wearing a traitor forehead protector, they didn't ask us about the situation and directly listed you as a traitor. You are now a wanted criminal in various countries.……"


Yamato collapsed to the ground, and said in despair:"Then, then I can't stay in Konoha anymore?"

Tsunade said:"I will send you out on a long-term mission to avoid the limelight.……"

Yamato asked,"Long-term... mission?"

Tsunade said seriously,"Naruto has now mastered the Wood Release of his grandfather, Hashirama, but Wood Release consumes a lot of chakra. This is nothing. What is really worth worrying about is the healing ability of his grandfather's cells."

"While the Muji healing method is convenient, it is also easy for people to ignore its harmfulness. In a person's lifetime, the number of cell divisions is limited. When it reaches a certain level, it will shorten the life span. Even my grandfather, Hashirama Senju, was powerless in the face of the accumulated side effects and eventually died young.……"

"So, Tenzo, I hope you can stay with Naruto and supervise and remind him more to prevent him from repeating the mistakes of his grandfather. Naruto has already agreed. This is an extremely glorious and arduous mission. What do you think, Tenzo?"

Yamato asked,"That is to say... I want to return to the Hidden Rain Village, right?"

Tsunade nodded,"Yes, I also have an unshirkable responsibility for your being listed as a traitor. I will be responsible to the end. During your long-term mission, you will still enjoy the benefits of a Konoha Jonin. When the time is right in the future, I will personally notarize and eliminate the name of a traitor for you. What do you think?"

Yamato hesitated,"I, I……"

Kakashi stepped forward, patted Yamato on the shoulder, and said,"Tenzo, this is a good job.……"

Yamato clenched his fist:"I...have no choice but to do it!"

In a daze, Yamato carried his bag and returned to the forest outside Konoha.

"Alas, if I had known this would happen, I would have let Naruto go back later. Do I have to hurry on my way again? Never mind, if this is my fate...……"

Yamato, for the first time, embarked on the journey to the Hidden Rain Village.


As soon as he left, Naruto returned here with Flying Thunder God. It turned out that he did not return to the Hidden Rain Village before, but handed over to Konoha and took away the 'Beastial Body of Pein' that was recovered by Konoha after the battle with Pein, as well as Jūgo, Mizuki, and Karin who were captured by Konoha when Sasuke attacked.

Of course, the condition for Konoha to release Jūgo, Mizuki, and Karin is that Naruto can control their future behavior.

Naruto looked around and said,"Huh? Captain Yamato, are you on the road already? Well, let's go back to the Hidden Rain Village and wait for him.……"


Flying Thunder God is activated... Naruto, along with Suigetsu and the other two, is the first to return to the Hidden Rain Village!

Everything is ready, and the strength has reached a new level. Naturally, Naruto has also made new arrangements.

——"The time has come. It's time to recruit some talents from 'Yakushi Kabuto', Kakuzu, Akagiri no Scorpion, Uchiha Itachi, and especially……‘As for Itachi, his foresight and wisdom as a ninja will be an indispensable asset to the future ninja world. In addition...Shisui's 'left eye' also needs Itachi's help to see the light of day again!"


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