After learning the location of Kabuto Yakushi's lair from Sakura, Naruto went there with Konan after a long absence.

A few days ago, Jiraiya came back to life, and Konan was responsible for taking care of his daily life.

Now, Jiraiya has adapted to the life in Yugakure and does not need Konan's daily company.

In order to reassure Konan, Jiraiya specifically asked Naruto for a"telescope", saying that it was for collecting materials for the new novel.

The master and the apprentice had a tacit understanding, but after that, Konan no longer went to the open-air hot spring, but asked Naruto to build an enclosed bathhouse using Wood Release.

While on the way, Naruto and Konan had to chat.

Konan:"Teacher Jiraiya, you are going to write again, what kind of work will it be? Could it be the sequel to"Intimate Paradise"?……"

Naruto:"Probably not." Konan

:"Why do you say that?"

Naruto:"I see, Konan, don't you know that?"Intimate Paradise" is the first part of the intimate series, the sequel is"Intimate Violence", and the finale is"Intimate Tactics", which is known as the"Intimate Trilogy" in the industry.’!"

"this……"Xiaonan was surprised and asked,"Apart from the coherence of the content, are there any other differences between these three parts?"

"Ahem."Naruto put his hand under his nose, coughed, and said,"In terms of erotica, 'Intimate Paradise' is entry-level, and can be used as an enlightenment for novices, and 'Intimate Violence' is expert-level, and even experienced people can benefit from it!"

"As for"Intimate Tactics"》……That's the master level! The content is so explosive that it was banned. Now the published version of"Intimate Tactics" can't be found on the market, but the rubbings are widely circulated among senior readers. The collector's copy of"Intimate Tactics" can even be auctioned for tens of millions of yuan!"

Xiaonan was shocked:"Tens of millions! ? The bounty on the head of a top ninja in the black market is only this amount, right? It can only be compared with a book! ?"

Naruto said fascinatedly:"That's not just a book, but a belief……"

"I still don't understand why people treat that kind of thing as a belief."

Konan pinched her delicate chin and thought seriously: But a work that is not suitable for children like"Intimate Paradise" is just an entry-level work? Speaking of which, the secret codes written by the teacher recently can no longer be deciphered by"Intimate Paradise". I thought it was because I didn't study it well enough. Could it be that the latest secret codes are"Intimate Violence" or even"Intimate Tactics"? In this case...

Stopping thinking, Konan came to the conclusion directly:"Naruto, later, you can also find the two sequels,"Intimate Violence" and"Intimate Tactics"》!"

"Eh?" Naruto said in surprise:"This, this, is not good, no matter how you look at it, the content is too……"

Xiaonan said calmly:"It's nothing, I'm not a little girl anymore, although I'm not as experienced as you.……"

Naruto was running, holding his chin with his hands, thinking: Is that so? Speaking of which, Konan and Yahiko were lovers. Although they didn't get married, as lovers, it's not surprising that they had that kind of thing...

This is the fact.

In the early days of Akatsuki, Konan and Yahiko became lovers. They had the kind of contact that lovers should have. The opportunity came when Yahiko was injured and Konan bandaged his wound. The two young faces and two throbbing hearts naturally collided with sparks!

【Please refer to Chapter 511 of the comics for details. It is revealed in Konan's memories before her death.

But not long after they established their relationship, Yahiko died. For Konan, he was willing to crash into Nagato's kunai and die!

Yahiko's death also became a lifelong pain point for Konan and Nagato.

Naruto said seriously:"Sister Konan, if possible, do you want to revive Yahiko?"

"!"Xiaonan was stunned for a moment, and said deeply:"The dead should rest in peace, and cherish the people around us. This is what Yahiko and Nagato want to see."

"Naruto, I know your feelings, but there is really no need to say this between you and me. I recognize your ninja way and want to help you from the bottom of my heart. I don't need you to make any repayment.……"

"Is that so?……"Naruto's expression was moved.

Having said that, this favor was too great, and Naruto really couldn't accept it with peace of mind!

He secretly swore: Sister Xiaonan, this time, I will definitely lead the Hidden Rain Village to prosperity! I don't ask to be the only one in the ninja world, but I ask that no one dares to bully me!

A few hours later, the two stopped in the woods outside the intelligence location.

Through the air raids between the leaves, Naruto looked at the dark mountain wall:"There, is the place in Sakura's memory.……"

Xiaonan said:"I will use the paper clone to test the truth.……"

"No, Kabuto Yakushi is always cautious. He should know Sister Konan's ability. It's easy to alert the enemy. Here, I'll rely on my 'new invention'."

As he said this, Naruto spread out his palm, showing a delicate disc-shaped machine, with a black stick embedded in the back and a mechanical Samsara Eye in the front.

"This is the 'Mirror Drone' I made with Shurado, it's a great reconnaissance tool~"

Naruto raised his hand and sent the drone into the sky, with two fingers erected.

Whoosh! The Mirror Drone, hiding its form, flew silently to the top of the nest.

The mechanical Samsara Eye at the front rotated, and the built-in infrared light source passed through the thick mountain wall, capturing the image inside the nest, and synchronized it to Naruto's eyes through the visual sharing between the Samsara Eyes!

"There was no one in the cave, but there were signs of fierce fighting. It should be the lair of Kabuto Yakushi, but as expected, I was a step too late? Kabuto Yakushi's words, there is no guarantee that he would not leave some traps. Since it is certain that it is not here, there is no need to take the risk to enter!"

Naruto, who has lived a new life, has long developed the habit of acting cautiously, especially when facing an opponent with a high IQ like Kabuto Yakushi, Naruto will be even more cautious!

"Huh! ?"

Just as Naruto was about to leave this place and look for the whereabouts of Kabuto Yakushi, the Royal Mirror UAV captured���The fleeting blurry light source caught Naruto's attention!


Naruto entered the 'Sage Mode' and confirmed it once!

"Sage Mode, no special chakra reaction is sensed, that is to say, can only the Samsara Eye capture it?"

Naruto looked deep and analyzed carefully:"Yakushi Kabuto also knows the 'Sage Mode', deliberately avoiding his perception, and only wants to convey a message to me. I can only think of one person who would do this.……"


The Royal Mirror UAV fell into the nest from the opening on the top of the mountain...


Following the Flying Thunder God mark left on the body, Naruto and Konan appeared in the nest together.

Putting away the Royal Mirror UAV, Naruto stared ahead.


The colorful light and shadow turned into a familiar outline!

Konan's eyes flashed:"This is... the Phantom Body!"

The Phantom Body Technique, one of the abilities of the Samsara Eye, allows Pein to receive the"thought waves" converted from chakra released by members of the Akatsuki organization, amplify these thought waves, and then display them in the form of illusions on specific places.

This illusion is different from ordinary images. With Pein as a transit, various techniques can be launched. The illusion presents colorful bright patterns.

The early gatherings of the Akatsuki organization were all achieved through the illusions created by this ninjutsu. This technique not only greatly facilitates the connection between members of the Akatsuki organization and ignores the obstacles caused by distance, but most importantly, it ensures the safety and confidentiality of the Akatsuki organization's gatherings. Everything is an illusion. Even if the location of the gathering is discovered, the enemy will be empty-handed!

When old friends meet, the Shadow of the Lantern greets them with a smile:"Naruto, Xiaonan, I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon.……"

"Nagato……"Naruto and Konan sighed.

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