Konan:"Nagato, why did you leave the phantom body here?"

Nagato:"That's a long story. Naruto, can I use the hungry ghost realm?"


Nagato:"Absorb this illusion of mine, and you will know everything!"


Naruto raised his hand and absorbed Nagato's phantom body with the Hungry Ghost Path!

Suddenly, the memory of Nagato being forced to fight Sasuke after being resurrected by the Impure World Reincarnation immediately emerged in Naruto's mind!

Naruto suddenly realized:"So that's it!"


Nagato's phantom body appeared in Naruto's spiritual world:"Naruto, I have shared my perception. Following the connection between the phantom body and my body, you can find the location of Kabuto Yakushi, but he controls a large number of Impure World Reincarnation people. You and Konan must be careful!"

"Ah, I will……"

Naruto and Konan set out again, heading for the real hiding place of Kabuto Yakushi!

During this period, through the communication of thoughts, Nagato also solved the doubts in his heart.

"I see. So that's why you wanted to transplant my eyes, then leave Konoha and go to the Hidden Rain Village?"

"The masked man who has been guiding my actions is not Uchiha Madara, but a member of the Uchiha clan named Obito. After my death, he went to the Hidden Rain Village to take away Madara's Samsara Eye, and for this, Konan also lost his life in vain.……"

"But all these bad consequences have changed with your actions. Xiaonan survived, and the teacher Jiraiya who was killed by me was also resurrected by you.……"

Naruto apologized,"I'm really sorry, Nagato. I was in front of you before. My soul just traveled through time and space, and I haven't fully understood the situation yet. It's hard to explain everything to you.……"

Nagato:"This is as it should be.……"

Naruto:"The path I want to take is completely different from the promise you heard. Don't you blame me?" Nagato

:"There is no such thing as completely different. You have experienced such a cruel future, but you still did not give up hope. You were willing to start over again to change everything. You got up where you fell. You didn't give up and kept moving forward... This is your ninja way and your promise to me, isn't it?"

"……"Naruto was silent.

Nagato:"Since you have chosen to move forward bravely, as a senior brother who understands you, how can I change my original intention? I will support you as always!"

Naruto said sincerely:"Thank you, senior brother!" Nagato

:"It's a pity that I have been resurrected by the Impure World Reincarnation and cannot act according to my will. I might even fight with you!" Naruto

:"Senior brother, those who have been resurrected by the Impure World Reincarnation can get rid of control by themselves as long as they know the seal of the Impure World Reincarnation!"

Nagato:"I see! The chakra of this phantom body is left by me in advance. It is the same as the principle of the shadow clone. After the phantom body disappears, the memory will be transferred back to the main body."

"But my real body is in dormant mode right now, and I cannot cast seals on my own. I need to wait for Kabuto Yakushi to wake me up again... If, I mean if, something goes wrong, please stop me. You should be able to do it now!"

"I will... I promise you!"


After landing, Naruto jumped high. Beside the swamp below, there were a lot of small snakes lurking. They were spitting out their tongues and looking at the figure passing by their heads with their vertical pupils.

Naruto's eyes moved slightly:"Snake? It seems that on the way to the nest, Kabuto Yakushi has arranged a lot of white snakes as spies. I didn't mean to be sneaky.……"


A flash of lightning suddenly appeared in front of him. It was the Third Raikage of the Impure World Reincarnation, who rushed forward with his"One-handed" move!

Naruto was calm and composed despite the murderous intent."Uncle Third Raikage, you have both the strongest spear and the strongest shield. I used to use his spear to attack his shield and only managed to defeat him by chance. Now, there is no need to go through so much trouble.……"


Purple lightning entangled and spun in Naruto's left palm, transforming into a four-foot spiral sword, piercing towards the lightning spear at the fingertips of the Third Raikage!

——Thunderous Spiral Sword!


The Third Raikage's thrusting arm was strangled and shattered...!


At the moment of passing by, a chakra chain shot out from Naruto's back and bound the Third Raikage!

’"Diamond Blockade!?"Kabuto Yakushi, who was controlling the Third Raikage, was horrified!


After being bound by chains, the Third Raikage regained consciousness. Looking at his broken arm, he exclaimed:"You can actually break the defense that I am proud of. The young are really formidable. Send me to the afterlife!"

"I think so too……!"

After all, although the Third Raikage is very powerful, he is far from being able to force Naruto to use Kotoamatsukami once, and it seems that he himself does not want to be bound by the Impure World Reincarnation, so sending him to the afterlife is the only option!

Naruto combines the Diamond Seal and the Human Path!

——Human Path: Soul-Catching Chain!


The chain pulled, bringing out the soul of the Third Raikage!

The soul left the body, the filthy earth dispersed, and the body of the sacrifice fell into the mud...

Nagato's phantom body exclaimed:"It's really beautiful, you are much stronger than you were then, Naruto!"

Naruto smiled and said:"Isn't it?~"

"Then I'm relieved. I'll leave the rest to you!"

Swoosh! Nagato's phantom body disappeared!

Naruto and Konan moved forward at full speed... Kabuto Yakushi's nest was right in front of them!

In the nest.

Kabuto Yakushi laughed sinisterly:"Hehehe... Interesting, so interesting!"

Sasuke asked:"Kabuto, what are you laughing at?"

Kabuto:"Naruto is here……"

Sasuke:"What did you say? Where is he now?!"


Sasuke:"This haunting fellow! Is he coming for me again?"

Kabuto pushed his glasses and said with the reflection of the lens:"No... I guess he is not coming for you, but for 'Nagato'!"

Sasuke clenched his fists unwillingly!

Kabuto said seriously:"No matter who he is coming for, go and hide, Sasuke."

Sasuke shouted:"You want me to escape from Naruto??? You think I will be in the way, right?" Kabuto said calmly:"Listen... Sooner or later I will make you able to fight him, but not now. For that day, what you have to do now is to endure, understand? Sasuke-kun."

Sasuke loosened his clenched fists and went to seek shelter.

Even if he was unwilling, he knew that he was not Naruto's opponent at the moment!

"It's really not a good idea to use this in front of Sasuke~"

Yakushi Kabuto smiled intriguingly and made hand seals with both hands.

——Summoning the Impure World Reincarnation! Boom boom boom boom...!

Six coffins rose up, and after the lids fell, six former strong men revealed their true forms!

They were... Deidara, Kakuzu, Scorpion, Hanzo, Nagato, and... Uchiha Itachi!

"Since he seems to be coming for Nagato, I will control Nagato myself to avoid any mistakes.~!"

The pharmacist Kabuto was very thoughtful and formed a seal with two fingers.


Nagato's consciousness was immediately occupied by the pharmacist Kabuto himself!

Kabuto pushed his glasses up and smiled wildly:"Then, let's start~ a grand carnival~!"


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