Boom boom boom!

The earth shook, and giant trees broke through the ground, turning into a world of trees, rolling towards where Nagato stood!

Snap! Snap! Snap!

Nagato swung his arms, and sharp wind blades cut through the approaching trees, but it was a drop in the bucket to kill ten!

"Damn, the range is too large. Should we use Super Shinra Tensei to clear the area? No, this is just the birth of the tree world. What a waste!"The summoning bird carried Nagato into the sky, but the other summoning beasts he left on the ground could not escape. After being entangled by the tree world, they were ruthlessly strangled in the white smoke!

Naruto looked at Nagato's shadow on the ground and formed seals with his hands.

——Wood Release: Shadow Stake Technique!

Crack! The wooden stake was erected directly on Nagato's shadow!

Naruto's eyes were deep:"If the shadow stake itself overlaps with the target's shadow, the target will be restricted and can only move on a 'vertical line' [from the perspective of the game, it can only move on the Z axis】!"


Nagato, who was in the air, immediately found that he could not move except ascending and descending!

Kabuto Yakushi frowned:"Damn... This technique not only binds, but also makes it impossible to perform 'throwing' techniques smoothly. Otherwise, I could just use flying birds to drop bombs and blow up the stake!" Naruto's eyes moved: In this case, the only thing he could do was as expected...


As a last resort, Nagato released the bird's summons and fell straight from midair to the top of the stake. The Hungry Ghost Path was activated to absorb the 'Shadow'’!

"Then, my chance has come!"

Naruto took the opportunity to seal

——Wood Release: Violent Spear Tree!

Snap! Snap! Snap!

A riot of tree spears protruded from the ground around the Shadow Stake, piercing through Nagato's Impure Earth Body!

Naruto's left eye of the Samsara Eye suddenly lit up:"Then in this situation, if there is a Chibaku Tensei... you can't stop it, right?"

Whoosh! The black gravity ball was thrown into the sky!

Boom boom boom...!

The earth was torn apart, and the boulders and the tree world, along with Naruto's raised hands, gathered together towards the black light in the sky, turning into stars that covered the sky and the sun!


Naruto clenched his palms, and the Tensei was consolidated!


Then, Naruto's feet were like the wind, and he manipulated the force field and flew into the sky.

"Next, just one 'Super Heavy Rock' and the battle will be over!"


But just as Naruto was in the air, the Chibaku Tensei was suddenly destroyed by the overwhelming repulsive force that erupted from the inside!!

It turned out that Kabuto Yakushi, who knew that once it was super-heavy, it would be completely over, did not hesitate to let Nagato launch the 'Super Shinra Tensei'!

The power of Tendou's pupils will be temporarily ineffective. Facing Naruto who also has the 'Rinnegan', in the next battle, Kabuto Yakushi will be passive!

Looking at the scattered boulders and the freed Nagato, Naruto's eyes were dim:"Oh? There is nothing we can do about it?……"

Dozens of kilometers away, Kabuto Yakushi clenched his fists,"Damn it... damn Naruto! He's too forward-looking, and has almost calculated every step! He has just obtained the Rinnegan and Wood Release not long ago, how can he come up with so many tricks!!"

"You can no longer use the power of the Heavenly Dao, so I have no reason not to use this move!"

Naruto raised his palm


The force of gravity pulled Nagato over through the air!

"Damn it!"

Squeak, squeak, squeak...! During the struggle, dozens of diamond seals shot out from Nagato's back and entangled Naruto at the same time

"Diamond Blockade, unfortunately I also know how to use it, and I can use more at once!"

Squeak, squeak, squeak...! Diamond Blockade shot out from Naruto's back, clang, clang, clang! It collided with Nagato's Diamond Blockade, and the two that broke through instantly entangled Nagato's arms!

"Your hands are entangled, so you can't use ninjutsu, and you can't use the repulsion of heaven, so what are you going to do with this move?……"


Naruto waved his sleeves, and several black sticks flew towards Nagato's face!

"The trajectory of the black stick is heading for the Rinnegan!!!"

Kabuto Yakushi controlled Nagato to lower his head. The black stick flew over his head, but a new black stick appeared before his eyes!

He was suddenly shocked:"What... There is another black stick hidden in the shadow of the black stick! ?"

Snap! Snap!

Two black sticks... hit into the Rinnegan of the Impure World Reincarnation Nagato!

"In this way, you can't use the power of the Hungry Ghost Realm, and you can't absorb it to take on this move!"

Naruto raised a confident smile and made hand seals.

——Ninja Technique: Shadow Imitation Technique!


The shadow under Naruto's feet extended and, without a doubt, merged into the shadow under Nagato's feet.

"Shadow imitation, success……!"

Snap! Snap!

The diamond seal that bound Shuangmen's arms loosened.

Naruto put down his hand that was making a seal!

Shadow imitation technique is the most basic technique of the Nara clan. It will make the enemy who is hit imitate his own movements!

"Nagato cannot be affected by illusions. To get him out of your control of the Impure World Reincarnation, you must make a seal of the Impure World Reincarnation yourself. So, how do you make that seal when he is under your control? The method is……"

Naruto raised his hand, and Nagato followed suit!

Naruto made a hand seal, and Nagato followed suit! The hand seal

Naruto made was...

the seal of the Impure World Reincarnation!

Nagato also made the same hand seal...!

Naruto thought,"Without the coordination of chakra, the hand seal is just an ordinary gesture, but brother, if it were you, even if you were being manipulated, you wouldn't completely lose consciousness, right? So...

you would coordinate this hand seal to mobilize chakra, right? I believe it would be like this!!!

" Buzz...!

The moment the hand seal was completed...

a storm suddenly arose!



The black stick that had penetrated Nagato's eyes turned into dust, and his eyes, which had been dim under the manipulation state, also regained clarity!

Nagato, successfully escaped the control of the Impure World Reincarnation!!!


Tens of kilometers away, Kabuto Yakushi pounded his fist on the ground in frustration!!!

��Naruto... he actually knew this loophole in Impure World Reincarnation. It turns out that he didn't use Kotoamatsukami to free Haruno Sakura from control, but told her how to make hand seals!!!"

"So, he also planned to use that kind of shadow technique to guide Nagato to make hand seals from the beginning!!!"

"If you say so……"

Cold sweat soaked the back of the pharmacist

"Scorpion... He didn't unleash the Impure World Reincarnation because of the blow, but he unleashed it on his own after Naruto told him the seal!"

"Now, far can his eyes see?"


Nagato looked at his junior brother with satisfaction:"Naruto, you really did it.……"

Naruto smiled and said,"I never break my promises!"

"Yes, go forward bravely and keep your word, this is my junior brother, Uzumaki Naruto……"

Swoosh! Suddenly, Nagato's body was enveloped by white light!

Naruto was surprised:"!"

Crack! Crack!

Nagato's body and face were broken, but he couldn't hide the calm smile on his lips:"Naruto, seeing you now, I don't have any regrets, so I'm going back to Yahiko!" Naruto's expression was complicated:"Is this your choice? Brother...……"

Nagato said goodbye with hope:"Please let me see your story!"

"To me, you are the final chapter of a trilogy, the first of which was Jiraiya, which was perfect."

"However, the second part was terrible, just like me, I didn’t even get the master’s approval."

"The third part of this series is the final chapter. No... the third part also has an ending. It is your previous life and also the"Growth Chapter".》"

"Although the ending is regrettable, it is also vigorous and heart-wrenching! So, the fourth part, your"Return", is the 'real' supplement and improvement of this series!"

"You must use your brilliant writing to reverse the past decline and regrets and bring it to a perfect end!" Just like in his previous life, Naruto looked solemn and dignified, raised his thumbs, and bid farewell to his senior brother, Nagato!

"Then... Konan, Jiraiya, and the Hidden Rain Village, this ninja world, are all entrusted to you!"

Leaving these farewell words... Nagato's soul, separated from the sacrifice, goes to the Pure Land!

Because of regrets, those who break free from the Impure World Reincarnation on their own cannot be"Immortal Reincarnation" again!

Looking at the scattered dust, Naruto said from the bottom of his heart:"Brother... Thank you!"

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