Let's go back a little bit in time, when Naruto and Nagato were still fighting.

Itachi came to Deidara who was about to self-destruct!

Knowing that if Deidara forced himself to self-destruct, it would be difficult for him to stop him, so Itachi, who knew the former's character well, said provocatively:"Deidara, is hiding and self-destructing like this your so-called art?"

"ha……?"Deidara said confidently:"Art is an instantaneous explosion! The explosion itself is pure and is not restricted by the carrier and external environment! Don't even think about tainting my art!"

"Hum hum……"Itachi laughed quietly.

Deidara was annoyed:"Why are you laughing!!"

After laughing, Itachi said seriously:"You call Explosion an art, then I also say that the eyes of Uchiha are the eyes that can identify 'fakes'!"

Deidara said absurdly:"What did you say!?"

Itachi used his Sharingan, looked directly at Deidara and said:"Deidara, forgive me for being blunt, your Explosion, your Jutsu, in front of the Sharingan, are all fakes!"

"……"Deidara was trembling all over.

Itachi said calmly,"Let the facts speak for themselves. You were defeated by me, right? Many years later, you were defeated by my brother Sasuke again.……"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……!"After a burst of wild laughter, Deidara said fiercely:"Okay, Itachi, let's compete! The loser will shut up!"

Itachi casually lifted his hair. Don't get me wrong, he himself has no such habit. It's just that in this situation, he used this seemingly unintentional action to provoke Deidara. The same was true for his previous muffled laughter.

Itachi said nonchalantly:"How can we compete? We both have an indestructible body. If you explode without any explanation, there will be no end to it.……"

Deidara promised:"I won't self-destruct!! We both have indestructible bodies, so let's set some rules for the game!"

"Oh?" Itachi seemed to be interested as well:"Tell me what the rules are."

Deidara made a gun shape with his fingers and pointed at his own temple:"Head... As long as you smash the opponent's head, you win~"

Itachi thought carefully:"Speaking of the vital part, it may not be the head, the heart also counts, right?"

Deidara laughed:"Hehe, having said that, but in actual ninja combat, if the heart is broken, sometimes it can drag the opponent to death before death. If the head is broken, it will die in an instant. Therefore, if the head is broken, it is considered a loss~"

Itachi asked:"Lost... so what?"

Deidara said:"Submit your surrender, and consider yourself to be your eternal loser!! How about it!"

Itachi couldn't help but smile:"Deidara, you are really a child……"

Deidara:"Will you agree to it?!"

Itachi:"Okay, I promise you……"

"Humph, don't regret it, Itachi. I have long wanted to find you to avenge my previous humiliation and restore the reputation of art!"


The giant bird made of detonating clay, carrying Deidara, rose high into the sky.

Deidara looked at the figure of Itachi on the ground and murmured to himself:"Itachi... Many years ago, when we fought in the Akatsuki temple, I suffered because I didn't know your ability. You can't fly, right? This height is beyond the reach of your skills, and you don't have wings like your brother.……"

"More importantly, you are not good at Thunder Escape, so you can’t turn my bomb into a dud!"

"Just now when I wanted to self-destruct, I buried a lot of mines in advance to prevent Naruto from chasing me. In an instant, I can raze this area to the ground. You are doomed to lose from the beginning!"

He raised two fingers in front of his chest.


Boom boom boom boom...!

The explosions of landmines... continued!

But the place where Itachi stood... was safe and sound!!

Deidara was shocked:"What's going on?"

Itachi said calmly:"The landmines you buried can't be hidden from my Sharingan. The place where I stand is the blank area for the landmine explosion... Also, it was a wrong option for you to detonate the landmine right away. If you drop bombs to lure me and force me to move, the landmines around me will really pose a threat to me. It's a pity that the landmines have been used up. Now I can dodge them with confidence!"

Deidara was dissatisfied:"So what! Now you are just a living target in my eyes!!"

Snap! Snap!

He reached his hands into the ninja tool bag and injected a large amount of chakra into the clay for processing. After completing it, he said pleasingly:"C3. No. 18, no matter how you look at it, it is an excellent work of art. I will use it to bury you, um, um!"


At this time, the fiery red chakra ignited outside Itachi's body and transformed into the second form of Susanoo!

"Hmm?" Deidara was startled and said,"That move? ? When we were fighting Konoha's physical monsters before, I seemed to have seen Sasuke use a similar move. Is it the unique eye technique of the Mangekyō Sharingan? Well, just relying on that, it can't stop No. 18, whose power is second only to C4 Garuda and CO Self-Destruction!"

He opened his hand and was about to throw C3 down!


But at this time... Susanoo's palm condensed into a fiery red magatama and instantly threw it into the sky!

——Yatagara magatama!


The bird that Deidara was riding on was smashed to pieces by the magatama.……

"What kind of attack range and accuracy is this! ?"

Itachi muttered:"Yata no Magatama can be used to release the 'Shuriken Technique' of Susanoo, and it is easy to hit.……"

"Damn it... Don't underestimate me!!!"

Deidara dropped C3 No. 18 while falling.


After making a seal, No. 18 became bigger and fell down quickly!

Itachi looked calm:"Unlike landmines, the explosion caused from high altitude will not affect the ground below. Then the Eight-foot Mirror is enough for perfect defense.……!"


Susanoo transforms into the Crow Tengu form, and the flaming red Eight-foot Mirror directly covers the front of Susanoo!

Deidara forms a seal with two fingers


Boom! The flames of the explosion covered an area of nearly 100 meters!


Deidara landed outside the explosion area and said proudly:"How is it? Was it blown to pieces!"

But... the flames and smoke dissipated, Itachi stood safely in Susanoo, and the Eight-foot Mirror blocked everything!

Deidara's face suddenly changed:"What's going on, this, this is impossible, my C3 No. 18 can't blow up that kind of mud-legged guy……?"

"Started to fight back……"

Itachi's hands seal

——Water Style: Wave Rider Attack!


Itachi used the Water Style to create a water environment in front of him, and with Susanoo on his body, he glided over at high speed!!

"not good……!!"

Deidara pulled away.


Almost at the same time, shuriken fell where he had just stood!

Deidara reached into his ninja bag with both hands, processing the bomb while thinking:"Let's not talk about shurikenjutsu for now.

At least, this body of the Impure World Reincarnation, the illusion that Itachi is most proud of, is useless to me...

And after careful observation, Itachi's outer layer of chakra protection, unlike Sasuke, does not cover the feet.

I just need to be careful to dodge his attacks and not get hit in the head, and then set up mines again, and I will have a chance to win.


""Are you sure that the illusion is useless?"

Suddenly, a charming voice sounded behind him. Deidara's heart skipped a beat and he turned around hurriedly.

Itachi was standing there, staring at him:"You have... fallen into my Tsukuyomi!"

In a hurry, he threw the bomb centipede in his hand out!!



After the explosion, Itachi's body disappeared!

Deidara was shocked:"The shadow clone is not Tsukuyomi at all! He is deliberately misleading me to make me waver.……!?"


The real Itachi has approached... Shua! The Ten-fist Sword has penetrated Deidara's chest!!

Deidara's eyes widened:"Itachi...you!"

Itachi said calmly:"Even if I smash your head, you will be so angry that you will not surrender. You will only choose to self-destruct again, right? So, this is the safest way.……"

At this point, Itachi said meaningfully:"Well... Actually, according to the 'rules', you haven't lost either. If we 'work' together in the future, you don't have to feel embarrassed."

"My art... could it really be a fake?"

Swish, swish, swish, swish...!!

Deidara muttered, his body turned into liquid and flowed into the gourd along the Totsuken sword.


Susanoo was released, Itachi turned around and looked behind him, he was not surprised by Naruto's arrival.

Itachi looked calm:"Where is Kabuto Yakushi? Aren't you going to chase him?"

Naruto smiled and replied:"I have already got what I want, as for Kabuto, it is not appropriate to kill him right now.……"

Itachi thought:"Is that so?……"

Naruto formally invited:"Come back to Yugakure with me, Itachi, and I will tell you everything that happened.……"

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