After returning to the Hidden Rain Village, Naruto and Itachi talked by candlelight at night, telling Itachi everything that would happen in the future.

After listening, Itachi felt relieved and sad.

What was gratifying was that even though Sasuke had taken a detour, he eventually became a ninja who could stand on his own, protecting Konoha, protecting the ninja world, and reviving the name of Uchiha.

What was sad was that no matter Sasuke, Konoha, or the ninja world, they could not escape such a bleak ending...

Naruto's eyes were low and serious:"For this reason, I came back. In order to prevent that kind of ending from happening again, I broke away from the shackles of the village and started to act alone!"

"The reason why I let Sasuke go free was to turn hatred into motivation for him to become stronger. After all, strength itself is not divided into high and low... Will you blame me? Itachi."

Itachi walked to the window, his back heavy:"Speaking of taking advantage of Sasuke's inner hatred, am I not the same? When I decided to die at Sasuke's hand, I once regretted my original choice, thinking that if I could believe in his strength and open my heart to him from the beginning, maybe it would be a better ending, but……"

Itachi clenched his fists and said,"If there really is an enemy beyond common sense, it would be another matter. In the face of the survival crisis of the entire ninja world, justice and human feelings must be put aside. Those 'metaphysical' concepts are nothing but self-satisfaction. Once they die, everything is over."

"Understand the situation, as long as Sasuke can get back on track in the end, it will be the best result.……"


Looking at Itachi's back, Naruto had a complicated expression. He knew that Itachi, who regarded Sasuke as more important than Konoha, needed a lot of awareness to say such a thing!

Itachi turned around and said earnestly:"Don't worry, just do it, I will also help you!"

Naruto was overjoyed:"Eh?? Is this okay?? Aren't you under the illusion of 'protecting Konoha'??"

"The illusion I implanted in Shisui's left eye is indeed to 'protect Konoha', but I am like this myself, so this illusion will not have any effect on my personality and actions. It is just an extra layer of 'insurance' to eliminate the possibility of being an enemy of Konoha, which only exists in theory. And your action formation originally included the layer of 'protecting Konoha', right?"

At this point, Itachi smiled knowingly:"Naruto, you actually still have selfish motives, 'before', in order to obtain the secret scroll, you were determined to attack Kumogakure, and even prepared to attack Iwagakure, Mist Village, and even Sand Village, but you never thought of attacking Konoha.……"

Naruto scratched his head:"This... can't be hidden from your eyes."

Itachi patted Naruto's shoulder:"It doesn't matter, everyone has selfishness. Everyone has a 'life-size' love for things other than themselves. This is the essence of care. Only by extending love from oneself to others can it stand. Too much empty love can only be short-lived and cannot last long.……"

Naruto sighed sincerely:"Itachi... you are so suitable to be a life mentor."

In the middle of the night, the two walked in the empty streets in the rain.

Stopping under the street light, Naruto stroked the brand new cement wall and said with emotion:"Not long ago, Madara came here. The Rain Village suffered a heavy blow and was just rebuilt not long ago."

"Thanks to everyone's help, the village has been able to retain its foundation, and I was able to successfully step out from behind the scenes and become the village chief recognized by everyone.……"

"Itachi, you once bore the infamy, walked in darkness, and sacrificed in obscurity. This time, I sincerely hope that you can stand in the sunshine!"

At this point, Naruto turned and looked at Itachi and said,"So, please become the 'deputy village chief' of this Hidden Rain Village!"

The street lights lengthened Itachi's shadow. His face was calm and deep in the rain.

"Being a ninja is different from being competent in management."

"Crows are naturally nocturnal birds."

"Returning to darkness is its destiny"

"So, I appreciate your kindness. There are more suitable things for me to do than being a dispensable deputy village chief.……"

Itachi declined Naruto's invitation and changed the subject

"You said before that after Kaguya Otsutsuki took the fruit of the sacred tree, in order to prevent her people from coming, she not only used the infinite moon reading to cultivate a large number of White Zetsu, but also used the power of the"Samsara Sharingan" to tamper with the space, so that her people could not sense the space we were in."

"The reason for Momoshiki and the other two to come was the turbulence in space. Can you tell me more about this?"

Naruto recalled,"Ah, that was many years after I became Hokage. Nobutsuki Sumire, a contemporary of my son Boruto, her true identity is the only daughter of the remnant of the Root, Shigaraki Tanuki. Before her father died, he implanted Danzo's legacy, the Bull-Headed Heavenly King, into her body."

"In order to seek revenge, Jin Jin, who did not know the truth, summoned the Nue in Konoha with the Bull-Headed Heavenly King. Although the Nue Rebellion was quelled and Jin Jin returned to the right path, it eventually planted the seeds of disaster.……"

"A crack appeared in space, and the planet we were on reappeared in the perception of the tribe. Soon after that, Momoshiki, Kinshiki, and Urashiki, as the vanguard of the tribe, attacked.……"

"The Nue Rebellion may be the beginning of everything!"

"But at this time, Jing Jin hasn't been born yet, so maybe we don't need to be too anxious.……"

Itachi had his own considerations:"Didn't the Great Toad Sage predict that the only thing that can interfere with time, the '棃', has been destroyed, and the cause and effect related to the 棃 will also be rewritten. Otsutsuki Urashiki, who held the 棃 in his previous life, and Momoshiki and Kinshiki, who were closely related to Urashiki, will become variables and will determine which clan will arrive earlier or later. Therefore, we cannot take it lightly.……"

"How much time you have to grow will determine the success or failure of your plan."

"But now, Xinyue Jingjin has not been born, Xinyue Tanuki is still alive, and Danzo's legacy and Bull-Headed King are also in his hands, which is ultimately an unstable factor!"

"As a member of Konoha's Anbu, I have close contact with the Root. No one is more suitable for this task than me. I will try to find 'Xin Yue Li' and seal the Bull-Headed King. In this way, perhaps I can delay the arrival of that clan and buy time for you and this ninja world to grow!"


Naruto was surprised: Itachi, you have thought so far in just one night! ?

Naruto asked:"When do we leave?"

Itachi said:"Before dawn!"

Naruto nodded:"Okay... I will send someone to go with you!"

Itachi was curious:"Oh? Who is it?"

Naruto smiled mysteriously:"You will know when the time comes.……"

Before dawn, at the entrance of the Hidden Rain Village.

When Itachi saw the tall figure behind Naruto, he couldn't help but wonder:"Kisame?"

Under the bamboo hat, Hoshigaki Kisame smiled with emotion and greeted with deep emotion:"Mr. Itachi, I never thought that I could work with you again.……"

Naruto handed over a brand new Fire Cloud robe and a ring that symbolized the identity of the Suzaku of Akatsuki, and said with a smile:"Itachi, welcome to join the Akatsuki’!"


Itachi did not act pretentiously, wrapping the Fire Cloud Robe around his thin body, and took his right hand off the sleeve, passing it through the collar, revealing the ring on his ring finger!


The magatama of the Sharingan appeared in his pupils as it turned!

Itachi put on the bamboo hat with his left hand, turned around and walked into the rain.

"let's go……"

【PS: June 9th is also Itachi Uchiha’s birthday. It’s God’s will.】


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