The practice of the three major immortal arts is gradual, that is, to take in a certain amount of immortal power in advance, so that the body can initially adapt to the immortal state, and then seek further breakthroughs!

The specific methods are different.

In the Ryuchi Cave, the immortal power is directly injected by the White Snake Immortal, which is simple and crude. In

Myoboku Mountain, toad oil is applied to the skin to passively absorb natural energy.

In the Wet Bone Forest, it is to soak in the slug immortal pool and actively absorb immortal power through"cultivating the mind". If the mind is not calm, the immortal will not move.

After Sasuke apologized sincerely, the White Snake Immortal no longer cared about him.

""Young man, come here!"

Sasuke took three steps forward.


The body of the White Snake Immortal, which was perched on the throne, reached forward and bit Sasuke's neck with its fangs!

Swish, swish, swish... As soon as the refined immortal power entered his body, Sasuke's skin immediately turned gray, his hair grew, and lines appeared near his nose, and strange wings like palms grew on his back!

Yakushi Kabuto stared:"That is, the curse seal that once disappeared for Sasuke-kun has been awakened by the white snake immortal power!"

"Oh?" The White Snake Immortal looked at the changes in Sasuke's body with his pupils vertical, thinking: Orochimaru had done something to him before, making him very sensitive to the White Snake's power. I'm very interested in how much he can bear...!

Kabuto Yakushi was even more nervous at the moment than when he accepted the power himself: what just happened was just the introduction, the next step is the key, can Sasuke withstand it?

Swish, swish, swish...!

With the injection of excessive power, the burden followed. First, blue veins bulged on Sasuke's face, and then a large number of polyps grew on his body, and the whole person became uneven!!

Kabuto Yakushi was shocked and said,"Sage, if this goes on! Sasuke will die!"

"If you can't even bear this, are you worthy of being the reincarnation of Indra?"

The White Snake Immortal still had no intention of stopping!!


Until Sasuke howled in pain and his body swelled up, the White Snake Sage finally pulled out his teeth, shrank back to the throne, and looked at the struggling Sasuke indifferently!

The latter had almost turned into a human-shaped python!

Yakushi Kabuto's face turned pale:"You have turned into a snake to this extent, Sasuke-kun, is this the end?……?"

"I can't lose, I can't lose. I have the lofty ambition of avenging my clan and reviving the Uchiha clan. How can I fall in a place like this? ? ?"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With this belief, one pore after another opened up on Sasuke's body!

Boom! Boom! The violent immortal power turned into white snakes in the form of spirits, venting out from the holes!

Seeing this, Kabuto Yakushi was thankful:"You control your immortal body and release immortal power that exceeds your own endurance. You really have a talent for 'form change', Sasuke-kun! Although you can't absorb all the immortal power in this way, at least you can save your life.……"

Sasuke's snake-like body gradually transitioned to a human form!

All the characteristics of the cursed seal disappeared!

The black dot in the center of the Sharingan gradually stretched into a"vertical line"!

A winding horn emerged from the forehead, and then a pair of symmetrical horns emerged from it!

The immortal transformation has been successful!

"call……"Yakushi Kabuto breathed a sigh of relief.

But the White Snake Immortal exhaled a puff of smoke without panic:"You only absorbed one third of the immortal power I injected into you, but... it's okay~"


Suddenly, the chakra of Susanoo ignited, and those immortal snakes that were escaping were forcibly bound inside Susanoo!

"Hmm?"The White Snake Immortal finally showed a surprised look!

Yakushi Kabuto's eyes suddenly lit up:"Sasuke-kun, he will use Susanoo to compress the immortal power that he can't bear after surpassing himself. Is he trying to……!?"

Uchiha Sasuke, with a gleaming look in his eyes, said,"White Snake Immortal, I will accept these powers without hesitation!"

Swish, swish, swish...!

After the integration of the powers, Susanoo's color remained unchanged, but its shape changed!

Several long horns emerged from the armor on its head!

Several purple pythons coiled around Susanoo's arms!

"This is Susanoo in Sage Mode. When it enters its full form, it will become more obvious.……!"

The White Snake Immortal smiled and said,"Hehehe... This is more like it~"

She thought to herself: However, there is still a big gap between you and 'Indra' himself. He used his own strength to bear several times the immortal power of you, and then used Susanoo to contain ten times the immortal power of his own. The difference in magnitude is too great. However, Uchiha Sasuke is still young at the moment, and it is hard to say what his future achievements will be. Perhaps it is worth focusing on training him...

The White Snake Immortal said in a deep voice:"Sasuke, you have already mastered the immortalization. The immortal power you have now is only a starting point. You can improve on this basis and enter the immortalization at will. Only then can you be considered successful in your practice. Go to the back mountain to practice. The rest of the things can be accomplished by your own thinking and the guidance of Kabuto Yakushi.……"

"Got it." Sasuke nodded, his attitude no longer arrogant.

Yakushi Kabuto stepped forward and said,"Sasuke-kun, please go to the back mountain first. I have something to discuss with the White Snake Immortal.……"

"Don't keep me waiting too long!" Sasuke turned around and walked out of the temple.

After Sasuke left, Kabuto Yakushi said respectfully:"Sage... I would like to ask you a question!"

The White Snake Sage said with a puff of smoke:"Tell me about it~"

Kabuto Yakushi pushed his glasses and said sharply:"You mentioned a name called 'Indra' several times just now."

The White Snake Sage looked deep:"Oh? You noticed it……"

Medicine Master Dou asked cautiously:"If you don't mind, you can tell me in detail, Indra���"

The White Snake Immortal looked subtle and said,"There are quite a lot of things you want to know.……"

Medicine Master Kabuto said earnestly:"Next time I come, I will bring you a valuable gift!"

The White Snake Immortal pondered and said:"Well, it's all old history anyway, it doesn't matter if you tell me.

Indra was the eldest son of the Six Paths Immortal Hagoromo.

He was the heir of the Shinobi Sect, but later he became the 'abandoned child' of the Six Paths Shinobi Sect.

After the death of the Six Paths Immortal Hagoromo, Indra led his own tribe to fight against the tribe led by his younger brother Ashura, but was at a disadvantage.

Later, he had no choice but to come to the Ryuchi Cave to seek the power of the immortal from me.


"In the past, there was a"Nine-headed Snake Fairy" in Longdi Cave, which was a great worry for me. Indra, to show his sincerity, he single-handedly eliminated the Nine-headed Snake Fairy and the snake demons it commanded for me. Indra is really very strong. He is one of the old people I admire.……"

After hearing the story, Yakushi Kabuto was shocked:"You mean... that Indra, his current reincarnation is Uchiha Sasuke’??"

"Yes, so Sasuke contradicted me, and I am willing to make an exception and give him a chance, so as to settle the past karma.……"

The White Snake Immortal looked back:

"By the way, speaking of cause and effect, Ashura’s reincarnation also came here decades ago. He left a deep impression on me."

"After passing the test, he kowtowed in front of me and asked me to pass on my power, saying that he wanted to use this power to protect the world.……"

"His name... Oh, was it 'Senju Hashirama'? Although he was very powerful, he was born with a short life span. As expected, he died early~, and I don't know who Ashura has been reincarnated into now. Anyway... he has nothing to do with me.~!"

Yakushi Kabuto kowtowed and said,"Thank you for telling me!" He lowered his head, but couldn't hide his excitement.

Indra, Ashura... So that's how it is. I finally understand why Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha are different... And the possibilities that Sasuke contains!

Humph... In this case, it's no longer just talk for Sasuke to grow up to defeat Naruto~, his future is determined by his birth, could it be that Naruto is the reincarnation of Ashura? How is this possible~ Humph.

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