Wet Bone Forest.

Naruto exposed his torso and sat cross-legged in the Slug Immortal Pond, entering a state of stillness.

The immortal power in the Slug Immortal Pond was purified by the Slug Immortal over the years. How much can be obtained by injecting it depends entirely on the practitioner's own potential and luck.

Whoosh! A layer of light blue fluorescence covered Naruto's body.

Obviously, as meditation deepened, immortal power began to flow in.

On the Guanmiao Terrace next to the Immortal Pond, Mito was watching with emotion.

"Naruto is a very gifted child. Logically speaking, the purer one's heart is, the better he or she will be at grasping the secrets of the Silent Immortal Art. This mentality is also called"the pure heart".’"

"Back then, Hashirama relied on his innocent heart to quickly enter the sect. Although they pursue power, they cannot have expectations and ambitions for the power itself. I don't know how many people cannot pass this hurdle and end up in failure."

"Naruto has experienced such a heavy future. I thought he would be too eager for quick success and thus suffer setbacks in his training. But he turned out to be so smooth. Why is that?"

The experienced Mito thought about it and got some ideas.

"Perhaps, he had experienced and possessed a stronger power than this before, and with a"high-rise building" mentality, the increase in power would not cause too much ripples in his heart. It is just as the saying goes,"Once you have seen the sea, you will never be impressed by the water again!"

Mito's guess was the correct answer.

Orochimaru stepped forward.

"By the way, the slug's silent magic is the most difficult of the three magics to practice. So far, the only people who have mastered it perfectly are you and the first Hokage. There are also some people who have not mastered it perfectly.——‘The First Water Shadow: White Lotus’!"

Looking at Naruto who was getting better and better, Mito sighed:"From today on, there will be one more perfect master.……"


Naruto's tightly closed eyes opened, and his Sharingan was as bright as a mirror!

Orochimaru asked,"How do you feel... Naruto-kun?"

Naruto said calmly,"The world in my eyes seems to be much clearer." Mito said,"The Silent Immortal Art of the Wet Bone Forest focuses on 'spiritual energy', and pupil power is the main manifestation of spiritual energy. Strictly speaking, the Slug Immortal Art is the most suitable Immortal Art for Uchiha, but Uchiha is often unable to cultivate this Immortal Art because of their excessive pursuit of power. It's a bit ironic.……"

"Naruto...test your current eye power!"


Sizzle! Naruto's eyes turned into a kaleidoscope!


The silver-gray Susanoo chakra rose up, dozens of meters high, and after it stabilized, it grew lower limbs and stood up. Naruto was at the chest of Susanoo! Orochimaru's eyes trembled:"That is..."……"

Although it is not the complete form of Susanoo, it is the 'full body form' of Susanoo, and it is also a form that can only be used in the Eternal Mangekyō stage.

After entering the Silent Senjutsu, Naruto's pupil power increased, and he was able to use the Mangekyō to open this 'full body form' [once again, full body form, not the complete form].

Mito nodded:"Yes, this form of Susanoo does not have the weakness under the feet, and the chakra consumption is also small. Madara once called it the 'energy-saving form'."


Susanoo was released, and Naruto landed on the Guanmiao Terrace. He said gratefully:"Thank you, grandma. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't even have the opportunity to learn the Slug Senjutsu."……"

Mito smiled:"No need to thank me, just use this power to protect the future world.

Since I am your guarantor, I believe that you will do what you say, so don't let grandma down!

" Naruto patted his chest and said,"Of course!

" Mito said:"Take this opportunity to let grandma teach you the 'Kagura Heart's Eye' of the Uzumaki clan.

That is the innate perception ability of the Uzumaki clan.

In this way, even if you are not in the Sage Mode, you can still perceive the chakra of the outside world on a large scale!


Just like that, Naruto learned the 'Kagura Heart' taught by Mito, and his perception ability was improved to a higher level.

That night, he said goodbye to the slug, left the Wet Bone Forest, and returned to the Hidden Rain Village.

Mito said:"Naruto, I can help you in the Wet Bone Forest, but I can't help you in the Ryuchi Cave.……"

Orochimaru said:"I will let the younger generation take care of the White Snake Sage... By the way, Mito-sama, where are you going?"

This question is also what Naruto is concerned about at the moment.

After careful consideration, Mito said:"I am already dead, and I should not interfere with the progress of the world, but since I know that there will be such terrible enemies in the future, how can I stay out of it? It has been the long-cherished wish of me and my husband to entrust the future to those who come after us, but in the end, it went against our wishes."

Choosing to stay is Mito's choice.

Then, she will face another problem.

The body of the Impure World Reincarnation cannot increase chakra through practice.

Mito has her own opinions on the future path.

"Although he cannot train chakra, he can develop fighting methods that match it. Impure World Reincarnation is a trick to drag the enemy down with him. In this body, many terrible ninjutsu that he could not use when alive are now available.……"

"Naruto, prepare a separate room for grandma. She will practice forbidden techniques there. Do not let anyone get close to her to avoid hurting innocent people.……"

"Got it, leave it to me!"

This is the origin of the 'white room' in the Hidden Rain Village... many unrevealed terrible forbidden techniques are fully extended here!

After the placement

"Let's go, it's almost time for us to go to Longdi Cave……"

Naruto and Orochimaru set out on a journey to Ryuchi Cave.

Sasuke, who had finished his training at Ryuchi Cave, returned to the Ninja World with Kabuto Yakushi.

Due to the time difference, they did not meet on the way.

Later, Kabuto Yakushi got the information from somewhere:"Naruto, who had just returned from the Wet Bone Forest, went to Ryuchi Cave.……"

Hearing this, Sasuke frowned and said,"Hasn't he already learned the magic of Myoboku Mountain? Why is he still going to the Wet Bone Forest and the Ryuchi Cave?"

Kabuto Yakushi's eyes were deep: His ambition is really not to think about it. Hashirama's cells alone are not enough, he also wants to get the same magic as Hashirama.……

"Humph, well, let him be, it's just what I want.……"Uchiha Sasuke, a frivolous smile appeared on his lips. Yakushi

Kabuto asked:"Sasuke, what are you going to do?"

Sasuke said with high spirits:"That Might Guy who knows the Eight Gates is dead, and Naruto is no longer in this ninja world. This means that there is no one who can stop me. If I don't start a rebellion now, when can I? The opportunity to wipe out Konoha Village is now!!"

Yakushi Kabuto pushed his glasses and said cautiously:"When Naruto comes back and knows that Konoha Village has been destroyed by you, I'm afraid he will come to settle accounts with you. You have become stronger, but you are still not Naruto's opponent.……"


Uchiha Sasuke's eyes turned into the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. He covered his eyes with his hands, peeking through the gaps at the dark night clouds, and said in a loud voice:

——"It doesn't matter, I have already mastered the power, enough to kill Naruto!"


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