Three days later, another participant came to Longdi Cave and passed the test with overwhelming force. He came to the temple and sat under the seat of the White Snake Immortal.

The White Snake Immortal looked at the old acquaintance in front of him and said jokingly,"Orochimaru, I thought you were dead, but you showed up again. You only learned the basics of my fighting skills, but you really learned the skills of saving your life."……"

Orochimaru said modestly:"You are too kind. My life was really hanging by a thread this time. I almost couldn't see you.……"

"Hehehe... your ability to talk has improved a lot." The White Snake Sage looked at Orochimaru's empty hands and asked in a deep voice,"Why, you came here empty-handed?"

Orochimaru spread his hands, a little helpless.

He wanted to bring some living people's hearts and livers as 'souvenirs', but he didn't get Naruto's permission.

Of course, he couldn't mention this in front of the White Snake Sage.

He said a little embarrassedly,"Oh, this is really, I came in a hurry and didn't take care of it, but I think you, an old man, have countless natural treasures, and you can't lack a little bit from my juniors.……"

"Humph."The White Snake Immortal said in a deep voice:"Whether it is almost the same or not is one thing, and whether you put your heart into it is another. Orochimaru, after you escaped from death, you won't forget even the etiquette of being a human being, right? How about this, the boy who cleans the alchemy room under my knees has gone home to visit his relatives. During his absence, you will replace him!"

Orochimaru asked:"How long will it take?"

The White Snake Immortal blew a puff of smoke and said:"Not long... maybe ten years!"

Hearing this, Orochimaru shrugged helplessly:"The junior wants to serve, but I can't help it, because I am the indispensable assistant of this Uzumaki Naruto!"

"Oh? Whirlpool……"

The White Snake Sage turned his gaze to Orochimaru's side. Naruto, who had no sense of existence, turned around. It didn't matter. His expression suddenly became wonderful:"I was wondering what's going on recently. The reincarnation of Indra just left, and the reincarnation of Ashura is here!"……"

Hearing this, Naruto said calmly:"Sasuke, you really have been here……"

"Yoho?" The White Snake Immortal was surprised, and said with interest:"It seems that the Asuras of this generation are very advanced in cognition~, much smarter than your predecessors... Then you should know the rules here, right?"

"I know, isn't it just kneeling down to pay respect~"

Naruto said lightly, pulling over the"cushion" not far away, raising his skirt, and slowly sitting down.

The White Snake Immortal stared:"I asked you to kneel, not sit!"

But Naruto said calmly:"White Snake Immortal, you have been practicing for thousands of years, and you are highly respected. I respect you as the old lady!"

The White Snake Immortal exhaled smoke:"No matter how much you flatter me, you can't avoid kneeling, otherwise you can't expect to receive the immortal power~"

Naruto said calmly:"Old lady, why are you kneeling? Let's discuss it in depth"

"Kneeling, also known as kneeling, is a gesture of respect from a subordinate to a superior, from a junior to an elder. It is also performed when asking for help!"

The White Snake Immortal heard this and said,"That's it, you are not a junior, and I am not an elder? Aren't you asking for help?"

Naruto said sincerely,"To be exact, that's right~ I can kneel, it's not difficult at all, but after I kneel, you will impart your immortal power to me, and we will have nothing to do with each other, and the 'bond' between us will end in a formal way."……"

Hearing this, the White Snake Immortal narrowed his eyes slightly and said,"That's interesting. Go on.……"

Naruto said calmly and gently,"But if you don't have to kneel, I will remember your kindness for helping me this time. In the future, if you encounter something that is inconvenient for you to do personally, I can do it for you. It is much more useful for us to reciprocate and establish a long-term cooperative relationship than simply kneeling. What do you think?"

The White Snake Immortal laughed and said,"Hehehe... Interesting, very interesting. If the guy named Sasuke before had half the knowledge of you, he wouldn't have been so embarrassed."

Naruto pretended to kneel down,"Then tell me, should I kneel or not?"

The White Snake Immortal said frankly,"You are exempted from kneeling. Come forward!"

"Many thanks……"Naruto stood up, bowed slightly, and walked forward.

Orochimaru couldn't help but be pleased: Naruto-kun, you are really experienced in dealing with people. I am not good at dealing with the White Snake Sage, but he just made peace with him. Moreover, if both sides really exchange courtesy, it will be beneficial to Naruto-kun... swish!

The body of the White Snake Sage perched on the throne, leaned forward, and bit Naruto's neck with fangs!

Her vertical pupils flashed, and the immortal power was injected! But Naruto's body did not change at all, and his expression did not fluctuate at all!


The White Snake Immortal was surprised, so she increased the amount of power she injected, but Naruto still showed no abnormality!

She thought to herself: So far, who among those who have received my power has not been able to bear it? Why does he look so calm?

After living for a long time, it is inevitable that he cares about his face. The power poured in like a broken dam!

But Naruto's seven-foot body is like a bottomless pit. If it is injected, it will not move at all!

"This kid is well prepared. Humph, I want to test his limits.……!"

Swoosh! Simply, the immortal power poured into Naruto's body like a river pouring back! Boom...!!

In the temple, a strong wind suddenly rose, Naruto's robes fluttered, his face was bright and dark, and he clenched his fists. Finally, at a certain moment, the vertical pupils of the snake appeared in Naruto's eyes, and six horns also emerged from Naruto's hair!!


"call……"The White Snake Immortal retracted his body to the throne and sighed,"It is finally filled. I have spent 'one percent' of my immortal power. Among all the immortals, you are the only one. You are more perfect than your predecessor, Senju Hashirama!"

One percent may not sound like much, but it is one percent accumulated over a thousand years, which is equivalent to ten years of work for the White Snake Immortal!

Naruto said modestly,"No... I can only bear it with difficulty!"

The White Snake Immortal smiled and said,"Looking at the way you are talking and laughing, it doesn't seem like you are just barely able to bear it. Well, if you can bear it, it is your blessing.……"

Naruto bowed again:"I thank you very much!"

At this time, the White Snake Sage restrained his expression:"You know about Indra and Ashura, and even know that you and Sasuke are their reincarnations. You have also been to Myoboku Mountain and the Wet Bone Forest, right? Let me ask you, how much do you know about the secrets of this world?"

The temple was silent, with only smoke.

Orochimaru couldn't help but hold his breath.

After a long time, Naruto said:"Everything, including the fact that you are from 'Takamagahara'!"


The vertical pupils of the White Snake Sage suddenly shrank!

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