After deep thought, the White Snake Sage said:"Did the old fellow Gamamaru tell you?"

She could only think of this possibility. Naruto did not have the elements to see Hagoromo yet. The only people who knew about the past were the masters of the three great sage families.

The slug was introverted and would never mention these things on his own initiative, so Gamamaru was the only one left.

Naruto said:"It was not the Great Toad Sage. I have my own sources of information. For now, I can only say that I am an ally of the three great sage families, not an enemy. In the future, we will fight side by side to fight against the enemies from outer space, the Otsutsuki clan.……"

Hearing the word"Otsutsuki" from Naruto's mouth, the White Snake Immortal couldn't help but sigh:"You already know this much, then do you know that Gamamaru's ancestors created a magical treasure called"棃" that can travel through time?……"

Naruto nodded:"Junior knows."

The White Snake Sage said:"The ancestors of the toad had long predicted that the Otsutsuki would reign supreme and no one could resist their rule, so they created that treasure, leaving a ray of hope for the world. But the treasure fell into the hands of that clan, and its whereabouts are still unknown.……"

Jing has completed his mission, sent Naruto back to the past, and disappeared completely.

Naruto did not tell the White Snake Sage about this.

Because they are not related, and they just dealt with each other today, there is no need to go into too much detail...

Knowing that Jing is no longer here, the future created by him is the final solution and the only solution for the world!

Naruto said with a broad vision:"Instead of relying on variables that we don't know whether they exist or not, it is better to grasp the present!"

"snort……"The White Snake Immortal sighed,"This sounds like something Ashura would say. Several decades ago, your predecessor, Senju Hashirama, also came here. He was also very strong. In the future, you may be stronger than him, but you are human after all. As human beings, you cannot escape the cycle of birth, aging, sickness and death. Your deadline is a hundred years. Even if you try every possible means to prolong your life, you can only live for three hundred years at most."……"

Naruto was surprised:"Three hundred years? How can you say that?"

The White Snake Immortal said meaningfully:"Oh? You know so many secrets, but you don't know about 'year rings'? Trees have year rings, people have year rings, even if the body does not age, the time the soul can stay in the world is also limited. Three hundred years is the limit for humans.……"

"this……"Naruto's eyes were gloomy.

The White Snake Sage turned to look at Orochimaru:"Orochimaru, you developed the method of reincarnation, hoping to prolong your life and master all the truths in the world. This is not feasible! Each reincarnation can only last for three years. Even if everything goes well every time, after reincarnation a hundred times, it will end!"

Orochimaru clenched his palms.

He had just learned about the existence of the"Year Wheel". As a person who pursues truth, he could not accept this reality for a while!

But he was intelligent and soon let it go.

"The annual ring is also one of the truths. At least, with that kind of reincarnation method, I theoretically have three hundred years to explore more truths. By then, maybe I can find a new way to prolong my life until I can achieve true immortality.’!"

The White Snake Immortal sighed,"You are so naive. I have lived for a thousand years, and according to the cycle of life, I can live for thousands of years more, but I dare not say such big words. However, looking at history, it is people like you who can achieve something.……"

She changed the subject:"However, when it comes to the method of eternal life, there is only one recognized method...

that is the 'Chakra Fruit' nurtured by the sacred tree.

As long as you take it, you can break through the limitations of the age rings.

But the Chakra Fruit is not something that humans can take.

It is a sacred object created by the Otsutsuki clan, and only people from that clan can take it.

If you are not from that clan, no matter how strong you are, you will die the moment you take it!


"Forget it, it is useless to think about something that you are not lucky enough to enjoy...

Just forget what I just said, Naruto boy, you can go to the back mountain with Orochimaru and learn the immortal arts.

But I think with your ability, you should be able to comprehend the so-called"free immortal arts", right? Senju Hashirama absorbed the strengths of the three immortal arts and formed his own school.

Although it seems ordinary to us, it is undeniable that it is the strongest immortal art that humans can achieve.


Just like that, Naruto and Orochimaru came to the back mountain of Ryuchi Cave together.

Naruto and Orochimaru sat cross-legged facing each other.

The words of the White Snake Immortal lingered in his mind.

Orochimaru said worriedly:"Indeed, if the problem of life span is not solved, even if you get stronger power, you will not be able to compete with that clan.……"

Naruto said in a low voice:"I used to disdain immortality. The Will of Fire of Konoha is intended to pass on and cultivate successors. This is the right way and the most ideal state for humans to continue themselves. But reality does not allow us to do so. We can only find another way. If we can't find a solution, we can only find ways to get the 'Chakra Fruit'.……"

Orochimaru stroked his chin and said,"But it seems to be an iron rule that only Otsutsuki can take it.……"

"Maybe... I have a way." Naruto slowly closed his eyes:"But the road must be taken step by step. I must now master the 'Freedom Fairy Technique'.’"

Orochimaru stared at Naruto with his beautiful eyes, his mind flowing: Naruto-kun, up to now, you haven't told me anything about what you have experienced. Is it because you don't trust me enough, or do you trust me too much, trusting that I can find the answer by myself? In short, you really know my character too well. Instead of telling me directly, it's better to explore it yourself, which can better satisfy my desires.’~~!


Damn it! [Great!]"~~~Orochimaru licked his long tongue, his pupils glowing brightly.

"As expected, only you can do it~, no one else can give me the"happiness" I want, ah, ah~ I have been patient���I want to truly blend into your wind, even if it means destruction, I will always be with you until death.~~~~!"

"So, Naruto-kun, I will chase you until the moment the world is reborn or destroyed. Hehehe, it's wonderful to be alive.……!"


The entrance of Konoha Village.

The pupils that stared at the darkness welcomed the dawn!

Looking at the scene where everything was normal, Kabuto Yakushi couldn't help but sighed:"It seems that Konoha is really doomed this time, but we still have to pay attention to strategy. How do you want to attack, Sasuke?"

Sasuke said coldly:"Strategy? It's very simple. No matter the buildings, plants, people and animals, everything that is reflected in my eyes will be destroyed and killed. This is the supreme purification of the Uchiha clan!"

"Is that so?……"

Pah! Yakushi Kabuto put his hands together.

——Psychic·Edo World Reincarnation!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Coffins rose one after another, and the Impure World Reincarnationists, led by the Second Mizukage·Hiroyuki Hozuki, were awakened!

Kabuto Yakushi said earnestly:"I don't have many powerful chess pieces left, so I'll put them here. I'll help you fulfill your long-cherished wish. After this battle, you can settle down, Sasuke-kun……"

"Humph!" Uchiha Sasuke jumped on his horse and raised his sword:"Then it's up to you, follow me and conquer Konoha!!"


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