Daxia Kingdom, Jianghai City, No. 3 Middle School

"Xiaoyue! Let's go! The weather is so nice, let's go shopping! I heard that a new Hanfu store has opened on the street next to the school! The clothes inside are so beautiful!"

"No, Minmin……"

""Xiaoyue, don't be so fond of that bird egg. People who don't know would think you found a gem!"

In the girls' dormitory, two young and beautiful girls were chatting.

They were wearing school uniforms, with fair skin, delicate features, and full of youth.

The core of their discussion was a wooden nest on the table, or more precisely, an inconspicuous gray-brown bird egg in the nest.

"It's okay, Xiaoyue. Today is a holiday and there are only two of us in the dormitory. The bird egg will be safe in the dormitory. We will go out for a while... nothing will happen!" Faced with her bestie's repeated requests, another young and beautiful female student looked at the bird egg lying motionless in the wooden nest, her eyes hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded.

"Oh well……"


The door slammed... Two female students left the dormitory and the room returned to silence.


Just after they left, after an unknown amount of time, a faint and harsh sound appeared in the silent room.

Ding... Ding... Ding...

It was as if something sharp was scratching glass.

The gray-brown bird eggs in the wooden nest began to shake slightly, and soon the slight shaking became very violent!


With a crisp sound, the gray-brown bird egg cracked!

The smaller creature with red skin crawled out of the cracked egg with difficulty.

""Gaga, ga!"

The slightly shrill voice of the chick echoed in the room.

"Oh my god! I feel so uncomfortable! Where on earth is this place?!"

"Why is it so dark all around... I feel so weak……"

The red creature that hatched from the bird egg was naturally a fledgling. The fledgling's body had just been born, and its underdeveloped skin was red, and even the heart and blood vessels could be seen from the surface.

But Ye Yang naturally didn't know all this, because his eyes were dark!

That's because the fledgling that had just broken out of the shell couldn't open its eyes...

But Ye Yang didn't know all this! He didn't know that he had become a fledgling that had just broken out of the shell!

"Strange... this nightmare is really real……"

Gradually Ye Yang calmed down and thought he was having a"real" nightmare

"No! If this is a dream! The dreamer will never realize that he is dreaming!"

Fortunately, he can still feel his body and control his"left hand" to touch his body...


"Did someone take off my clothes?"

From top to bottom, until Ye Yang touched his feet……


He gasped inwardly. This could not possibly be a human foot!

How could a human foot have sharp claws?

He was horrified to find that his hand also felt wrong. It did not look like a human hand!

"What the hell is going on! What the hell have I become?!"

"How can I do……"

A huge fear arose in his heart!

The surroundings were pitch black, and strange changes had occurred to him, so Ye Yang did not make any other moves. He decided to stay where he was and not move.

In this way, time passed by minute by minute, and Ye Yang spent an unknown amount of time in the dark environment.

"Ha! I'm finally back to the dorm! The weather outside is really nice!……"

"Xiaoyue, am I right? The clothes in that newly opened Hanfu shop are really beautiful!"

Suddenly, a clear and pleasant girl's voice came.

Bang... the sound of the door closing.

His body trembled, and he heard a clear and sharp voice. He was sure it was the girl's voice.

After returning to the dormitory, Ran Xiaoyue and Li Minmin put down the large and small bags of Hanfu in their hands, and their eyes inadvertently swept to the table. When they saw the brown bird eggs on the wooden nest cracked, the two girls immediately flashed to the table.

""Wow! Is this what a baby bird looks like?"

Li Minmin exclaimed when she saw the bright red baby bird. It was the first time she had seen a baby bird up close.

Soon her shocked expression disappeared, replaced by confusion.

"Strange... This is not an incubator. Don't bird eggs need an incubation environment to hatch?"

"What's going on?"

The two girls looked at each other in confusion.

Li Minmin smiled and said,"Xiaoyue, it's actually okay this way. You don't have to worry about hatching the eggs anymore.……"

Ran Xiaoyue nodded her pretty head. She had indeed looked up information about the bird egg she had picked up before, wanting to ensure that the life inside the egg would hatch.

Now that the little life inside the bird egg was born, she felt relieved.

"Hmm... Why is this baby bird so motionless? Is it dead?"

"There is breath, maybe it's hungry……"

"I see... I remember now! There's a pet food store outside the school, they should have food for baby birds!"

"Okay! Minmin, go buy it. I'll stay and look after this little guy."

With Li Minmin's departure, only Ran Xiaoyue was left in the dormitory, along with Ye Yang, the fledgling who had just broken out of its shell.

"Please be alright, little guy.……"

Ye Yang ignored the pleasant-sounding female voice. He was completely shocked by what the two girls had just said!

"I turned into a baby bird!"

"Oh my god! God is kidding me!"

"At least let me reincarnate as a giant panda!!!"

Not to mention how big the gap is between birds and other creatures, the simplest and most direct point is that most birds only have a lifespan of ten years!

And 90% of birds do not have a good end, which is not only due to threats from humans, but also countless crises from nature!

Therefore, if Ye Yang really turned into a bird, even if he had human wisdom, it would be a miserable life!


"How could I turn into a bird?! God must be joking with me!"

His heart was in turmoil, and his petite fiery red body was trembling slightly.

""Eh? What's wrong with this little bird? Is it cold?"

Ran Xiaoyue looked at Ye Yang trembling all over, and carefully took out a small sheet from the side and put it on Ye Yang.

"That's much better.……"

Ye Yang felt his body sink, knowing that it was the girl beside him who had put on a layer of clothes. He was in no mood to care about this at the moment.


Just when he was feeling desperate, a mechanical reminder sounded in his mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the automatic upgrade system is being activated……"

"Ding, activation successful!"

"Ding, a cell in your body that contains the highest breath is awakened……"

"Ding, your Supreme Breath Cell senses the host's inner despair, is very angry and unwilling, decides to fight for it, and starts to upgrade automatically.……"

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