"Ding, a cell in your body that contains the supreme aura has been awakened by the system.……"

"Ding, your supreme breath cells awaken and sense the host's despair. They are very angry and unwilling to give up. They decide to fight for it and start to upgrade automatically.……"

"Ding, your supreme breath cell has successfully infected an ordinary cell nearby after efforts.……"

Ye Yang, who was in despair, was shocked

"Is it hallucination?"

Before he could think about it, a warm current flowed from deep inside his body, making him feel as comfortable as if he were bathing in a hot spring.

And it seemed that there was something in his body that he could not see or explain.……

"This is... Could it be that I still have a system after traveling here!"

My mind was shocked, and a transparent screen appeared in my mind.

Host: Ye Yang

Race: Sparrow

Level: Ordinary

Bloodline: Unawakened

Skills: None

"It's really a system!"

Ye Yang was shocked! In his previous life, he had read online articles for a long time, so he was not unfamiliar with the emergence of the system.

At the same time, a piece of information appeared in his mind.

After a few seconds, he knew the information and function of the system.

The name of the system is the automatic upgrade system, which means that everything he has can be automatically upgraded!

"Automatic upgrade... I don't know what exactly can be upgraded……"

"Well! God has a way out, the days ahead will be very exciting!"

Although he is not familiar with the surrounding environment at all, he knows that his future life... no, bird life will be extremely exciting!

Suddenly, Ye Yang thought of the system prompt sound just now.

"Now there are cells of the Supreme Aura in this body, and it seems that there are two of them... What's the use of this?"

When he was puzzled, the system prompt sound in his mind sounded again.

"Ding, your supreme breath cell looked down on you who looked like a white host, then turned around and closed your eyes to rest and recuperate.……"

"Ding, your supreme breath fell into a deep sleep and stopped absorbing energy."

"This... the Supreme Breath Cells in the body have become spirits?"

I quickly realized that this was the effect of the automatic upgrade system, so I felt relieved.

Then I thought to myself

"Currently, only the Supreme Breath Cell is an extraordinary existence.……"

The human body is made up of 40 trillion cells, and even birds have at least 1 trillion cells.

Although he didn't know what the Supreme Breath Cells were, an increase in their number would definitely be a good thing for him.

However, the system in his mind only told him simple information without any sound, and it seemed that it was a system without intelligence.

"How can I increase the number of Supreme Breath Cells?"

As soon as this thought came out, the system prompt sound in my mind sounded again.

"Ding, the Supreme Breath Cells in your body that are resting are dissatisfied with your words. There is no energy in the body, making it very tired.……"


Ye Yang whispered in his heart, as if he understood something.

"It seems that the automatic upgrade system only gives some things in the body the power of personality... These personalized little guys also need energy to operate."

"Where to find energy?"


In the girls' dormitory.

When Ye Yang's system was activated and he was in shock and thinking, Ran Xiaoyue had been staring at him quietly.

A hint of curiosity and surprise flashed in her bright and lively eyes.

She naturally did not see the system in Ye Yang's mind, but was puzzled by the fiery red chick in front of her.

Why did this fiery red chick give her an unusual feeling...

Ran Xiaoyue, staring at the motionless chick on the table, felt a little nervous.

"Is there something wrong with this chick?……"

Then he took out his phone and started searching for details that the chicks noticed.

"Newly born chicks are fragile, so pay more attention to food, ambient temperature, and ventilation.……"

"Right! Ventilation!"

Ran Xiaoyue's black and white eyes lit up, and she carefully held the wooden nest with the chicks and placed it on the windowsill.

At this time, it was afternoon, the weather was fine, and a ray of warm sunlight shone on the windowsill, and a ray of warm sunlight happened to shine on Ye Yang.

"Ding, the tired supreme breath cells feel the energy of the warm sunshine, which means they are excited! Efficiency is improved! They start to cheer up and quickly accumulate energy.……"

"Ding, the powerful Supreme Breath Cell made a concerted effort and successfully infected 5 surrounding ordinary cells!"

"Hmm... this is... sunlight is actually energy!"

Although Ye Yang was just born and couldn't open his eyes and couldn't know the environment in front of him, he knew that he was taken to a sunny place by a girl.

His body was warm, and after the system sounded a prompt, he clearly felt that his body had become stronger!

Although the increase was only a little bit, it was indeed stronger. If he was not still a weak fledgling, he would not be able to feel this change.

A ray of warm sunlight shone on his fiery red and transparent body. There was no change in his appearance, but if someone looked at his body with a high-power microscope, they would find that there was a strange red energy constantly nourishing his body.

Ye Yang felt that his body was getting stronger and stronger, and his whole body felt like he was bathing in a hot spring, very comfortable

"Ding, the warm sunlight cheered up the Supreme Breath Cell! It infected 10 surrounding ordinary cells again!"

"There are now more than a dozen Supreme Breath Cells in my body."

Although I don't know what Supreme Breath Cells are, the more the better.

"I never thought that one day I could become like Krypton, getting stronger by basking in the sun... That's great!"


The door of the dormitory suddenly opened, and Li Minmin returned to the dormitory with a bag.

"That pet store actually has bird food, this is a bag of mealworms." He took the mealworms out of the bag and said,"Luckily I remembered that the chicks can eat worms when they are born.……"

"Come on...little bird, open your mouth.……"

Ye Yang, who was bathing in the warm sunshine, heard another female voice coaxing a child, and felt ashamed.

He was even more speechless,"You want me to eat bugs? Are you kidding me?"……"

Ye Yang turned his head and refused decisively, but after smelling a very tempting smell, he couldn't help but open his mouth

"Hey, Xiaoyue, this baby bird is so smart that it can open its beak by itself!"

Before Ye Yang could make any move, he felt something in his mouth. It was the little guy with the alluring smell!

The little guy in his mouth was moving!

Ye Yang knew it was a mealworm, so he could only swallow it whole into his stomach.

After a few seconds, the feeling of weakness disappeared a little.

Only then did he realize that the feeling of weakness was the hunger of birds.

Then, a few more mealworms entered his stomach. After eating, Ye Yang was soon swept by a strong feeling of fatigue and fell into a dream.

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