At the critical moment, the big black Husky rushed to the wolf king, wagging its tail and barking.

The wolf king, who was about to give orders, was stunned for a moment.

Is this the same kind of wolf in the pack?

No! The smell is wrong! And this wolf is a black wolf!


The wolf king called out to the other wolves nearby, and they looked at the black husky with unfriendly eyes and surrounded him. The black husky's hair stood up, and he was very scared, but he couldn't run away, because behind him was his dog owner and his family!

The other wolves slowly approached the crowd in tacit understanding...

A breath of death lingered in everyone's heart.

"I never thought that I, Zhang Xiaofei, would die young in the suburbs of Jianghai City... Goodbye, Mom……"

"Woohoo... I don't want to die yet……"

They didn't run away. How could a person escape from a wild wolf?

There were only a dozen of them, and there were more than 20 wolves in the wolf pack. They couldn't escape at all. Moreover, they were surrounded by dense forests and couldn't outrun the gray wolves.

The wolf pack's eyes were cold, as if they saw a delicious meal.

""Coo, coo, coo!"

A clear chirping sound was particularly clear in the deathly quiet environment!

The wolf pack and everyone else looked up and saw a bright gray sparrow dancing in the air like a butterfly.

"That is... the sparrows brought by Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue!"

"What is this sparrow doing? Why hasn't it run away yet?"

"Woohoo...I must be reluctant to part with Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue, it's so touching……"

But the next second, the beautiful smaller sparrow flew in another direction, causing the eyes of the girl who said she was reluctant to leave to widen.

Just when everyone was shocked, they also discovered the difference in the wolf pack!

All the big gray wolves looked up at the sparrow in the sky, including the wolf king of the wolf pack. There seemed to be a flame burning in the eyes of all the wild gray wolves, as if they saw something that had a strong attraction to them!

This weird scene shocked everyone!

Before they could think about it, they heard the wolf king howling to the sky, and all the big gray wolves ran in the direction where the sparrow flew away!

In less than a few seconds, many big gray wolves disappeared in front of everyone, as if everything was a dream.

Only a mother wolf with a few wolf cubs was slower and fell into their field of vision, and they were sure that the wolf pack that had just disappeared was not a dream!

"What the hell is going on here? Why did the big bad wolf abandon us to chase a tiny sparrow?"

"This is totally against the natural hunting rules of wolves!"

"Don’t think about it, just leave here quickly, it’s a good thing for us anyway!"

"Let's go, let's go...let's get out of here!"

Everyone quickly decided to go back the way they came.

When they were retreating, Professor Li looked at Ran Xiaoyue and Li Minmin who were looking back with worried faces, and comforted them.

"Don't worry, girls. We will definitely come back to find the sparrow in a while. After all, it was the sparrow that saved us."

"Besides, the sparrow can fly, so the wolves can't hurt it.……"

Hearing this, Ran Xiaoyue and Li Minmin nodded.

The group quickly evacuated down the mountain.


On the other side, a sparrow was flying in the woods, and there was a sound of branches breaking on the ground. A group of big gray wolves were following closely on the ground.

"Fortunately, the bird has mastered the flying technique, otherwise it would be difficult to lead the wolves away.……"

Since Ye Yang's body became stronger after evolution, not only has his body become bigger and stronger, but his facial features have also become more sensitive and sharper than before.

He had already discovered the wolves ambushing in the bushes before, but he did not remind them because the wolves were slowly approaching and it was too late to remind them.

At this time, he thought of Dahei, the Erha in Professor Li's house. He had the desire to devour him just by seeing him.

So other animals should also feel the same when they see him, right?

As for why he stepped forward to rescue this group of people, the reason is very simple. After all, Ran Xiaoyue and Li Minmin had taken care of him, and Ran Xiaoyue brought back the bird egg that he turned into, otherwise he might not have been born into this world.


There were faint wolf howls coming from the ground. Ye Yang looked down and saw more than 20 big gray wolves chasing him relentlessly as if they were in heat.

A trace of disdain flashed in Ye Yang's eyes.

"What a bunch of fools! Didn't you see that this bird can fly?! And you're still chasing me!"

If he didn't want Professor Li and his group to run away, he would have taken off immediately.

"But it's been more than half an hour, Professor Li and the others should be safe now."


Just when he was about to speed up and get rid of the wolves behind him, his heart suddenly jumped!

His smart eyes carefully looked ahead.

Under his sharp five senses, he could sense the breath of a powerful creature in the area ahead.

It was very dangerous...

Due to the animal's instinct to seek benefits and avoid harm, his body trembled slightly.

"What danger lies ahead?……"

The wings flapped less forcefully, the speed slowed down, and a pair of smart little eyes observed the front.

However, there was nothing unusual in this old forest, it was just strangely quiet.

"What are you afraid of? I'm just a bird! There won't be any large birds in the old forest!"

An idea flashed in Ye Yang's mind. Thinking of this, he immediately accelerated and rushed forward.

Seeing the tempting and delicious bird rushing forward, the wolf pack accelerated and ran in the direction of the bird without the command of the wolf king.

Only the wolf king stopped suddenly, with a pair of bright and rare wisdom lights flashing.

He also sensed that there was a dangerous breath in the woodland area ahead.

But the next second, he followed the wolf pack and sprinted forward.

Their wolf pack has more than 20 adult gray wolves. What else in the forest can face them?

He will never let go of the tempting bird... As long as he eats it, he can evolve and become stronger!


Just like that, Ye Yang flew forward, with more than 20 big grey wolves chasing him on the ground.

A very strong palpitation came from the dense forest ahead.



Suddenly, a huge roar went straight into the sky, and the animals in the forest were startled. Wild boars, honey badgers, foxes... even the almost extinct pangolins fled.

A large number of birds flew away from the trees in panic, and only a sparrow landed steadily on the dead branch of an old tree, its smart little eyes looking ahead.

"This is a tiger roar! There is a tiger!"

""Roar!!!" The roar of a tiger sounded like the roar of a sports car engine.

A big tiger with yellow and black stripes and white forehead jumped out from the grass in the forest. Its blue eyes were as big as copper bells, and it was full of murderous intent!

At this time, the wolves stopped moving forward and had given up the sparrows they were chasing.

Because they were locked in the fierce eyes of the tiger, a big battle was about to break out...

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