Professor Li and his group hurriedly ran to the side of the road, looking at the forest with lingering fear. At this moment, the quiet green mountains and green forests were no longer as beautiful as they had imagined. They were like a man-eating demon.

"Finally they came out. Damn it! How could such a group of wolves appear in this mountain?!"

"Yes! Fortunately, the wolves didn't chase us, otherwise we would have been dead!"

"Phew… It’s all thanks to the sparrow that Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue brought! If it weren’t for the sparrow that led the wolves away, we would have been eaten to the bone by the big bad wolves!"

"Hiss... Why did the wolves chase that sparrow?!"

Everyone was panting heavily, recalling what had just happened and was a little confused.

Li Minmin stroked the big black Husky and comforted Ran Xiaoyue,"Don't worry, the little phoenix will be fine.……"


Although they knew that the little phoenix could fly, and that the big bad wolves could not grow wings to hurt the little phoenix no matter how powerful they were, the little phoenix stood up to save them, which made them worry.

Professor Li sat on a rock beside the road and breathed heavily. Seeing the worried mood of the two girls, he smiled and said,"The little sparrow will be fine. I have called the city's investigation bureau. We will go into the mountains after the police come!"

"That's great!"

Ran Xiaoyue said happily.

Professor Li shook his head and looked at the forest with a heavy heart.

He thought more than most people. A group of big gray wolves appeared in the suburbs of Jianghai City. What was the reason?

"If it's because of spiritual energy, then... the entire human settlement in the wild will be in trouble!"


On the other side, where Ye Yang was.

A huge tiger with black and yellow spots and white forehead appeared dozens of meters away from the wolf pack. The aura of the king of the forest instantly made all the wolves feel like they were facing a great enemy.

In nature, wolves and tigers usually don't fight.

But today, the two sides did not retreat, but crawled on the ground, making low roars from their throats.

The leader of the wolf pack saw a tiger appear and organized their wolf pack, and looked at the tiger opposite with a pair of wild wolf eyes.

He was very wise and saw that the tiger was unwilling to leave here and didn't want them to move forward.


A huge tiger roar was heard, and dozens of wolves trembled, with fear in their eyes. Only the wolf king was not affected.

His eyes moved away from the tiger and swept to the other side.

Suddenly, a mountain breeze blew by, and an alluring breath drifted towards the wolf pack.

All the big gray wolves in the wolf pack had their black eyes widened! They all looked up at a big tree. The red fruits on the tree were very tempting!

The tempting fragrance came from the red fruit!

And this tempting breath is the same as that of the little bird!

It means that if you eat it, you can evolve and become stronger!


Just as the wolf pack raised their heads to look at the red fruit not far away, a yellow figure suddenly rushed over like lightning!

And it ran straight towards the position of the wolf king!


The wolf king instantly felt a strong sense of crisis and gave an order!

The battle between the wolves and the tigers broke out instantly!


On a big tree not far away, a sparrow with gray feathers and red feathers on its forehead, with a pair of smart eyes, looked down at the battlefield below.

The big tiger's fighting power was very strong. It pounced forward, and before the other big gray wolves could react, their companions were bitten off the neck by the tiger's fangs and big mouth.

At the same time, the big tiger gradually had more injuries on his body, and bloody wounds appeared on his yellow fur, but it aroused his bloodiness and his attack method became more brutal.

Seeing the big tiger fighting with the wolf pack, Ye Yang's heart trembled. It was the first time for him to come into contact with such a bloody scene at such a close distance.

At the same time, he had begun to re-evaluate his own fighting power in his heart.

He originally thought that his level had reached"F-",Nature has a certain ability to protect itself, but now it seems too early.

At the moment, let alone the powerful tiger and the cunning wolf king, even one of the big gray wolves in the wolf pack would not be a match.

"It seems that the sparrow is too weak... Even after upgrading its level, it is still at the bottom of the food chain.……"


Ye Yang raised his head and fixed his gaze on a red fruit on a tree with thick shade not far away.

This was the fruit that caused the tiger and the wolf to fight, and he also felt the strong spiritual energy from these fruits. His black eyes blinked, and he lowered his head to look at the increasingly fierce battlefield below, flapped his wings, and flew silently towards the tree with red fruits not far away.

"Such a rich aura……"

"Ding, your basic breathing method feels a lot of spiritual energy around you, your mood is good, and your operating efficiency is greatly improved!"

As soon as he landed on this big tree, Ye Yang suddenly felt the rich spiritual energy, and at the same time his body automatically ran the basic breathing method. A lot of spiritual energy poured into his body, making him feel very comfortable

"Even the breath has such a strong effect, then eating these red fruits will increase your level!"

The smart little eyes burst with excitement!

There are more than a dozen red fruits on the tree in front of him. The red fruits are about the same size as cherries, which is just enough for him to eat with his sparrow-sized body.

He opened his black beak and swallowed a few bites with the core. The red fruits entered his body and instantly turned into a strong heat flow that continued to nourish all parts of his body.

"The body is getting stronger rapidly!"


When Ye Yang took a few bites of the small red fruit, his body finally began to change when he took the third one!

"Ding, your level has been upgraded to F!"

At the same time, the body finally accumulated enough energy to evolve and upgrade, and the energy exploded!


The sound of bones crackling came from his body, and his body expanded rapidly, from the size of a human fist to the size of a palm.

The red feather on his head became even more���How gorgeous


Ye Yang opened his beak and exhaled, feeling the new and powerful force in his body, and was excited!

But when he lowered his head and saw the wolves and tigers fighting on the ground, his excited heart was like being poured with a basin of water, and he quickly calmed down.

"My physical strength is not enough to compare with wolves and tigers!"

"Fortunately, there are still a dozen small fruits.……"

So he continued to devour the small fruits on the big tree.

His body size had increased a lot after the evolution, so now he could eat the small red fruits one by one, and soon he finished all the small red fruits.

Ye Yang also heard the system prompt sound twice in succession...

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