"Ding, your level has been upgraded to F+!"

"Ding, your level has been upgraded to E-."

After devouring all the fruits on the tree, Ye Yang heard the system prompt sound twice again.

At the same time, it seemed as if there was a raging fire burning in his body!

The blood in his body was boiling, and the feathers kept falling off and growing. Pieces of feathers that were brighter, whiter and longer than before grew out and covered Ye Yang's swollen body.

The head also changed greatly, and the beak became narrower and longer, like the big mouth of an eagle, hard and powerful!

A pair of smart eyes were full of coldness, a full eagle look, and there was an eagle's own sense of oppression on his body.

Now Ye Yang's body is completely different from before, with a wingspan of one meter!

If it weren't for the conspicuous red feather on his forehead, no one would have known that he was the sparrow just now!

"The size has changed so much... Why do I feel like I have turned into a big eagle after this evolution?"

Although there is no mirror now, Ye Yang can still clearly feel the difference now.

Before, the center of his body was three-dimensional, in simple terms, it was an upright rectangle, but now it is a horizontal rectangle, and his body has expanded horizontally!

"One meter wingspan……"

"And there is a strong force!"

Ye Yang lowered his head and looked at his pair of golden claws. The sharpness of the claws made him feel palpitating!

Short and thick, very powerful!


With a sudden force, the branch more than ten centimeters thick held by the bird's claws broke into two pieces in an instant!

"What a powerful explosive power!"

"I don’t know how powerful it is now!"

Then he looked at the wolves and tigers on the ground with a pair of sharp eyes. Now he has the confidence to deal with them!

"Let you guys experiment with my surging power!"


The ground was now covered in blood, with several broken wolf corpses lying on the ground. These wolves had their necks bitten off by the tiger king, or their stomachs torn apart by the tiger's claws, their intestines spilling out, and they were barely alive on the ground.

The tiger king's body was also badly injured, with blood all over the black and yellow tiger skin, all caused by the wolf's bites, and there were even some wounds where you could see the bones.


At this time, the two sides fought for more than half an hour, and the wolves and tigers tacitly pulled a distance to take a short rest.

The wolf king led the wolves covered with scars and panted heavily on the spot, looking at the tiger king not far away with fierce and wild eyes, looking for the opportunity for the next wave of attack. The tiger king stood still, licked the meat on his paws, and stared at the wolf king opposite with a domineering and fierce look.

The appearance of spiritual energy has led to the increase of the IQ of some animals. Obviously, the wolf king and the tiger king are representatives of this.

They stared at each other fiercely. Both sides were seriously injured in the battle, but there was no fear at all, because they knew that one of them was destined to die here today and become food in the other's mouth!

That tempting red fruit, none of them could give up!

The fierce eyes of the wolf king and the tiger king collided with each other, and they looked up at the big tree not far away at the same time.

Suddenly, their bloody and fierce faces were full of astonishment and disbelief!

The red fruit on the big tree disappeared?!!!


A roar of extreme anger came out! The momentum of a volcanic eruption emanated from the tiger king!

How is this possible?!

His breath was everywhere, how could any animal dare to approach here! How could they steal those red fruits under his nose?!

At this moment... swoosh!!!

A sound of breaking through the air suddenly came from above, and a gray figure gradually enlarged in the tiger's yellow pupils.

The tiger king felt cold all over and was about to dodge, but the gray figure was faster!

In the blink of an eye, it came to the top of the tiger king's head!


With a crisp cracking sound, the tiger king's yellow-brown pupils lost focus instantly, and his body fell heavily to the ground uncontrollably. There was only surprise and fear in his pupils.

The wolf king watched the tiger king who was fighting with their wolf pack not far away die instantly, and his heart couldn't control the trembling. His fierce wolf eyes looked at the gray eagle standing on the head of the tiger king's body.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that the breath of this gray eagle was very familiar, and it seemed to be very similar to the sparrow before...

But now he was even more frightened!

This eagle could actually kill the giant tiger that was fighting with their wolf pack and was much larger than him with one blow! Then he would be killed by this eagle!


He let out a retreating howl! He took the lead and ran behind him first!

The wolves, who had long been frightened by the gray eagle, immediately turned around and jumped, following the wolf king and ran behind him!

Ye Yang raised his head and his cold eagle eyes scanned the fleeing wolves indifferently. The black-gold bird's beak was still covered with fragments of the tiger king's skull.

"Can you run away?"


A high-pitched cry resounded through the forest!

He waved his half-meter-long wings and pounced on the fleeing wolves!

Originally, the surrounding environment was a dense forest, which was not suitable for his flying hunting, but the wolves were seriously injured and slowed down their speed.

There is a rumor that wolves have a strong head and a weak waist, but the head, the hardest part of the wolf, was as fragile as tofu foam under Ye Yang's beak.

Almost one big gray wolf fell to the ground with one blow from the beak.


Finally, after the wolf king's desperate counterattack failed and he howled in despair, the group of more than 20 big gray wolves were finally wiped out.

"Ding, the host wins the battle, your supreme breath cells feel excited, the infection efficiency is improved, and 100 ordinary cells around you are successfully infected!"

"Ding, the host won the battle, you are proud of the basic breathing method, and the operating efficiency will be doubled within 72 hours!"

Ye Yang was delighted,"I didn't expect that there would be such a benefit after the battle!"

"coo coo……"

I felt a pang of hunger in my stomach, and then I looked at the corpses on the ground. There was no shortage of food here.

After I opened the tiger king's belly and ate the most nutritious internal organs, I was already full.

"The efficiency of the basic breathing method will be doubled within three days. We must find a good place!"

Then he glanced at the jungle not far away and flapped his wings to fly into the sky.

After he left, the jungle rustled and a mother wolf and several wolf cubs jumped out.


She howled at the wolf pack and walked away slowly with the wolf cubs.

From now on, she would have to raise the three wolf cubs in nature...

Soon after, a group of humans followed the wolf pack's trail and came here...

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