In the dense forest.

A group of soldiers wearing camouflage uniforms and fully armed, led the student team just now, following the footprints left by the wolf pack on the ground. After more than an hour, they finally arrived here. Before they got close, a mountain breeze blew, and the strong smell of blood made everyone feel terrified.

"There is a strong smell of blood! Everyone beware! Wolves in the wild are very dangerous!"


But as they approached, they heard no sound. The air was surprisingly quiet except for the increasingly strong smell of blood. There was no other sound except the sound of the wind.

This made the soldiers more alert.

Finally, they arrived at the scene...

There was a large wolf corpse, broken limbs, blood and sausage scattered all over the ground. Not far away, there was a big tiger that had been gutted and died with its eyes wide open!

A strong sense of fear rose in everyone's heart!

The pale-faced students retreated involuntarily, and only the soldiers with strong psychological qualities did not move away.

"Be careful, check the situation.……"

After the soldiers gradually explored and confirmed that the surrounding dangers were eliminated, the students dared to approach this place.

"Oh my god! What happened here? Why did the wolves die? There is even a giant tiger!"

"If I'm not mistaken, this giant tiger is an adult Siberian tiger! And this size is definitely the king of tigers!"

"What animal can hunt wolves and tigers?"


Seeing the wolf corpses and the death of the Siberian tiger king, everyone was sure that it was a powerful animal that killed the wolf and tiger king. Otherwise, if humans hunted the wolf and tiger king, they would not leave these corpses.

Moreover, the wounds on these wolf corpses and tigers did not seem to be caused by human weapons.

The soldier in camouflage uniform came to Professor Li and asked in a deep voice,"Professor Li, were these wolf corpses and tigers really killed by other animals?"

He squatted in front of the tiger and carefully observed the fist-sized hole on the tiger's head.

"The density of a tiger's skull is almost as high as that of steel. What kind of creature can possess such powerful strength?"

"This is simply unbelievable!"

"Professor Li……"

"oh oh……"

The soldier's shout interrupted Professor Li's thoughts, and he slowly spoke,"These wolves and this Siberian tiger were indeed killed by animals, and they were hunted by an animal.……"


After hearing Professor Li's confirmation, the soldier took a deep breath. Although he had prepared himself mentally, he was still shocked when he heard the confirmation! Is there a beast in this world that can kill wolves and Siberian tigers?

What kind of terrifying beast is this?

"Judging from the wolf carcass and the broken skull of the Siberian tiger at the scene...they were killed by the same beast.……"

Professor Li looked up and around, his eyes full of horror.

After a while, he said,"Such a terrifying beast definitely does not exist in modern nature... I think there is only one answer.……"


This sentence immediately attracted the attention of everyone around.

"Because the extra energy in the air on Blue Star, which we named spiritual energy, allows nature to give birth to more unique existences!"

Professor Li looked deeply at the military captain in front of him,"I think we should report everything that happened here to the upper level as soon as possible. This is definitely not an accidental incident, but a major event that affects the entire country and even the entire Blue Star!" The camouflage uniform captain was shocked when he heard it!

"Professor Li, are you saying that this kind of ferocious beast will appear all over the blue planet in the future?"

"No! I'm afraid this beast is just the beginning, and there will definitely be more terrifying monsters in the future!"


The soldiers quickly cleaned up the traces at the scene and took photos to record the data.

Ran Xiaoyue and Li Minmin, who were standing in the student team on the other side, began to worry.

"I don't know how the little phoenix is doing.……"

"Little Phoenix, please don't be in any trouble.……"


At the same time, a gray eagle flew across the sky and rushed into the distance.

Relying on his body's sensitivity to spiritual energy, Ye Yang spent half a day and finally found the mountain with the most abundant spiritual energy among the mountains.

Flutter, flutter.

He landed steadily on the top of the mountain.

This mountain is about four or five hundred meters high, which is considered the tallest among the surrounding mountains. The top of the mountain is the place with the most abundant spiritual energy!

"Ding, the concentration of surrounding spiritual energy is detected to be high. The basic breathing method is very happy and the operating efficiency has been greatly improved!"

Originally, after the battle just now, the operating efficiency of the basic breathing method was doubled. Now the operating efficiency is much faster again. With the spiritual energy on the top of the mountain, the spiritual energy is constantly pouring into the body, making Ye Yang feel like he is always soaking in a warm hot spring.

Host: Ye Yang

Race: Sparrow

Level: E-

Bloodline: Unawakened (100 Supreme Breath Cells)

Skills: Basic Breathing Method (Mastery)

Upgrading from F level to E level is what makes Ye Yang, a sparrow, reborn and have the power to tear tigers and wolves with his claws.

"If you keep going like won't be long before you can reach the next level!"

"I am really looking forward to what I will become after upgrading and evolving to the next level."


Suddenly, a hurricane came with a huge cry!

Ye Yang was suddenly interrupted in his thinking, and instinctively flapped his wings to rise into the sky and leave the place.


There was a loud bang at the place, stirring up a cloud of dust, from which a golden figure could be seen. After a few breaths, the smoke dissipated with the mountain wind.

Ye Yang's sharp eyes flashed a cold light.

"It turned out to be a golden eagle!"

At the same time, he was puzzled. He naturally recognized the identity of this golden eagle. It was praised by humans as the king of the sky. It was the largest and most powerful bird of prey in modern times.

But... he knew���I remember that golden eagles live in alpine grasslands, deserts, river valleys and forests. Although Jianghai City is surrounded by mountains, it does not conform to the living habits of golden eagles.

"Could it be because of spiritual energy?"

This thought suddenly came to Ye Yang's mind, and he understood. If the Siberian tigers and wolves could run here because of spiritual energy, then it was not surprising that this golden eagle appeared here.


The golden eagle, whose attack missed, immediately launched an attack after sizing up the guy who had just appeared in his territory!

The little guy in front of him would definitely not be his opponent!

Indeed, judging by the size, the golden eagle's wingspan reached more than two meters, far exceeding Ye Yang.

However, in nature, the difference in size often means the difference in strength, which is not the case with Ye Yang.

A cold light shot out from Ye Yang's cold eyes, and he swooped down towards the rapidly approaching golden eagle!


The two figures quickly collided with each other, without any pause, the golden figure screamed, and then rushed away...

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