On the top of a mountain surrounded by mountains outside Jianghai City,

Ye Yang stood in the air, looking in the direction of the golden eagle's escape with a pair of cold eagle eyes.

"It's quite fast in escaping, quite smart."

He didn't choose to chase, probably because they were both birds, and more importantly, he had just had a full meal not long ago and was not very hungry.

He waved the golden eagle's talons with the golden eagle feathers scattered on them, and looked down at the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain was not big, only about a hundred square meters in size. What surprised Ye Yang was that there was a large cave several meters high on the top of the mountain. It was dark inside, but it seemed to have a large capacity.

"This should be the nest of the golden eagle just now."

Sure enough, when Ye Yang folded his wings and walked into the cave, he smelled a smell, which was the smell of the golden eagle just now.

At the same time, these smells were mixed with some inexplicable stench, and the dark cave made Ye Yang's golden pupils reflect green light.

Most birds have the ability of night vision. Now that Ye Yang has upgraded and evolved his body, he naturally has this ability.

Finally, when he saw not only a large number of animal bones at the bottom of the cave, but also a bunch of black excrement, he realized that the stench came from here.

"This cave is several dozen meters in size. It is a good place to grow up in peace.……"

"Let's settle down here from now on. Let's do some spring cleaning first.……"

Ye Yang did not say anything and cleaned up the debris and feces. He also found a lot of volatile and pungent herbs from the forest below the mountain and placed them in the cave to cover up the smell.

In this way, time came to night.

The sun set and the full moon rose.

A piece of white jade-like moonlight floated on the earth. The 500-meter mountain where Ye Yang was located looked like a silver mountain from a distance, and the whole mountain was emitting fluorescent light.

"Ding, your supreme breath cells lose the energy of sunlight, automatically stop functioning, and fall into a deep sleep.……"

"Ding, your basic breathing method feels the emergence of moonlight energy, your mood is happy, and your operating efficiency is greatly improved.……"

At the entrance of the cave on the mountain top, the moonlight was attracted and fell on Ye Yang's body with a wingspan of one meter.

The gray and shiny body was stained with a layer of holy aura.


Ye Yang, who was in a deep sleep, suddenly opened his golden eyes, emitting a cold light, and looked at the small creature hiding in the darkness not far ahead.

"I'll settle the score with you little guys tomorrow.……"

Slowly falling asleep


Nothing happened that night.

The next day,

Ye Yang woke up in the cave and slowly flapped his gray-white wings.

"Ding, your supreme breath cells sense the energy of the sun, wake up and start to operate, with average efficiency"

"Ding, your basic breathing method has improved after a night of hard work!"

After running the basic breathing method for 24 hours, the proficiency will increase. Ye Yang felt that the proficiency level of the basic breathing method was about to increase.

Hearing the second half of the system prompt, doubts arose in his heart.

"Hmm... the Supreme Breath Cells are running at average efficiency?"

Ye Yang looked up and saw that it was cloudy today and there was no sun in the sky, so the Supreme Breath Cells were running at average efficiency.

""It's just so-so."

Leaving the cave, he took short and powerful steps to the corner of the mountain top, which was the intersection connecting the bottom of the mountain to the top.

At this time, the intersection was filled with a large number of animal hoof prints.

Needless to say, Ye Yang instantly understood that these animals living around were attracted by the rich spiritual energy on the top of the mountain.

"These animals that left hoof prints were all the little guys from last night."

Looking at the time of these hoof prints, it is very clear that no animal dared to set foot here before.

They must have been afraid of the breath of the golden eagle on the top of the mountain. The reason why they didn't dare to approach the intersection at the top of the mountain last night may be that they felt the breath emitted by Ye Yang's body. The instinct of these animals to seek benefits and avoid harm saved their lives.

"But I can't let these little guys step into my territory in the future!"

Ye Yang's golden eyes narrowed. After reincarnating as a sparrow and evolving to possess powers far beyond ordinary creatures, his mentality gradually changed.

For example, now he began to have the territorial awareness of powerful animals.

Territorial awareness is not only common in nature, but also appears in humans. This is a very natural phenomenon.

Ye Yang was aware of the slight changes in his heart, but he didn't care about it. As long as it didn't affect his subjective judgment, he could follow his instincts. He immediately flapped his wings and flew into the sky!

He breathed heavily, his chest rose and fell slowly, and he opened his shiny black beak.……


A long cry that resounded through the sky came from the top of the mountain!

The cry spread very widely, spreading throughout the mountains and ridges for a hundred miles!

Until a small echo appeared in the distance of the sky, the huge cry slowly disappeared...

Although the sky was motionless, there were earth-shaking changes on the ground!

The cry was like thunder, and it accurately fell into the ears of animals living within a hundred miles around in just a dozen seconds. After a short second of hesitation, all the beasts felt unprecedented panic and uneasiness in their hearts!

It was as if a huge disaster was about to come, and they all fled quickly to the distance!

The quiet forest seemed to be awakened, and the earth was rumbled by the trampling of the fleeing beasts, and the birds were startled and flew away, as if some terrible crisis was about to come!


On the top of the mountain, a gray figure lingered in the air

"It seems that I underestimated my current strength. I thought some beast would come to challenge me.……"

Ye Yang's golden eyes have very good vision. Generally, eagles have vision dozens of times better than humans, which can help them swoop down from high altitudes to capture prey."E-"Although he is not an eagle, his physical fitness is far superior to that of an eagle, and his eyesight is not bad either!

With his superhuman eyesight, he saw countless wild animals fleeing.

Among them were wolves, leopards, tigers, elks, wild boars, yellow-faced monkeys...all the animals in the forest were fleeing.

At the same time, he also vaguely guessed his current position in the natural world.

"According to the information we have obtained so far, spiritual energy has just appeared in this world. This is the beginning of the spiritual energy revival.……"

"That means I have enough time to grow."


Ye Yang's pair of golden eyes, which were colder than a cold knife, flashed!

"I will be the fastest evolving creature, stronger than any other creature!"


Just as Ye Yang soared over the mountain and let out a loud cry, not only were the animals running away, but there were also many humans living in the city...

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