
The medium-sized missile came straight towards here with a slight sound of breaking through the air, trailing white smoke in the air!

Ye Yang, who was originally trying to dodge, was suddenly stunned, because he felt that the target of this missile was not locked on him... but was in the sky!

Now there were only three black shadow fighters in the sky!

Could it be that the target of this missile was the black shadow fighter?!


Ten thousand meters in the sky.

Three black fighters activated their mimicry ability, hiding in the air, and quietly landed towards the golden figure...

The pilots were excited at this moment!

They had witnessed the tragic scenes of their comrades on the ground, and had wanted to help their teammates countless times. Now it was finally their chance to take action!

"Brothers! Try to end the battle with one strike! Avenge your comrades!"


"Am I seeing this right?! There is a missile approaching us!"


The distance from here to the missile launcher is only more than a hundred miles, such a short distance... plus the attention of several pilots is all on Ye Yang, when the fighter's radar warning sounded, they had no time to dodge!


There was a loud bang in the sky, and a black shadow fighter was engulfed by the fire wave, dropping a lot of ashes and debris to the ground...

This incident made everyone dumbfounded!

"What is the Daxia military doing?! Using missiles to attack their own people?!"

"Oh my God, could this giant golden bird have done this?"

"In the end what happened……"

"The Daxia army is so stupid!"

Not only did the audience around the world not know what happened, but the commander General Zhao on the scene also didn't understand what happened!

Looking at the explosion of the black shadow fighter, General Zhao roared into the communicator!

"Missile Force, what are you doing?! Do you want to be court-martialed?"

"If you don't give me an explanation immediately, this general will shoot your missile company right now!"

"General... Just now a group of people sneaked into our missile launcher and killed several of our comrades.……"

A voice came from the communicator,"Who launched the missile?"

"What?! Someone sneaked in?!"

General Zhao said angrily,"These people are really looking for death!"

But when he looked at the golden figure on the screen, his angry mind soon calmed down.

"Now our primary goal is to complete the mission and kill the ancient white-feathered eagle!"

"Black Shadow No. 1, No. 2! Continue the mission! Attack the target ancient creature, the White Feather Eagle!"



Outside Jianghai City, not far from the Daxia Military Headquarters, a group of people quietly lurked in a dense forest, hiding their figures.

This group of people was the same group that had sneaked into Jianghai City not long ago.

"Hahaha! Sukabulie!"

"It feels so good to see the people of Daxia get humiliated!"

"Hurrah! Prepare to evacuate, or else we'll be in danger once the Great Xia army is free!"

"But what about the specimen of the paleontological white-feathered eagle?……"

"It's too difficult to obtain. We have completed the mission goal and have obtained the paleontological experimental data. There is no need to stay here any longer at risk."

"Good! Retreat!"


The two black fighters in the sky received General Zhao's order.

Without saying a word, the dual-track missiles were fired at the golden figure below them!

The live broadcast room, which was originally noisy and arguing about the missile accidental injury, suddenly became quiet.

"The show has finally begun! Can this golden bird that emerged from the golden lightning survive the missiles of the Great Xia Army?!"

"That shouldn’t be the case. This is a dual-track tracking missile. Once it locks onto the target, it will hold on tightly like a shark and won’t let go!"

"Moreover, the explosive impact force of this dual-track missile may not be as huge as the conventional medium-sized missile just now, but the single-unit destructive power it causes is very astonishing!"

"I know this too. There is a video on the Internet testing the combat effectiveness of the Black Shadow fighter jet of the Lighthouse Country. A mountain can be flattened by a dual-track missile!"

"Ah... It's so powerful! The technology of the Lighthouse Country is really amazing!"

"Humph! Of course, our Lighthouse Nation's technology is at the top of the Blue Planet! This was only the combat power of the Black Shadow Fighter ten years ago. Now our Lighthouse Nation has even more powerful firepower!"

"Tsk... it's a pity that Daxia got it for free……"

Suddenly, some comments with unique opinions appeared in the live broadcast room.

"I don't think the fate of the paleontological white-feathered eagle is death.……"

"Oh why?"

"The reason is simple. The speed of the tracking dual-track missile is not as fast as that of the ancient white-feathered eagle!"

"How is this possible... The slowest missile speed is 100 meters per second, supersonic speed, or even several times the speed of supersonic speed!"

"Yes! Missiles are an important fulcrum of our modern scientific inventions. Is there any creature in the world that can be faster than the speed of a launcher?"

"The dark clouds have dispersed, stop talking in your sleep……"

"Hey... you all are probably not from Daxia Jianghai City, right? We city dwellers here all know that the ancient white-feathered eagle has supersonic speed.……"

"Although our Daxia military also knows this and must have made some preparations... But you just saw that the ancient creature, the white-feathered eagle, flew out of the golden lightning, which means that this creature has evolved and mutated again! It is very likely that the Daxia military's mission this time will fail!"



The scene returns to the present.

Ye Yang, who is golden and brilliant, spreads his wings and his entire huge body is suspended in the air.

A golden energy that seems to have life flows in his body, constantly strengthening his body.

As the golden energy flows in his body, the golden arcs on his body surface continue to shine. From a human perspective, there is no doubt that this is a"big boss" with a strong aura and appearance!


Looking up, his golden pupils shrank and he saw several missiles coming rapidly from the sky.

"too slow……"

"This speed is really slow……"

Ye Yang instinctively wanted to dodge, and he was confident that he could dodge the missile. After experiencing the baptism of thunder before, his physical fitness was much better than before. If he burst out with all his strength, his speed would be two or three times faster than before.

He raised his wings and prepared to dodge... but suddenly he froze, his eyes flashed...

"This is a good opportunity. I can try out the power in my body now!"

With a thought, the golden arcs surrounding the body suddenly lit up!

Like a light bulb suddenly loaded, emitting a dazzling light!

The golden energy in the body was driven, flowing rapidly, and gathered on the wings!

The wings flapped violently, and a golden lightning rushed towards the missile in the sky!


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