At this moment.

The dark clouds in the sky within a radius of dozens of miles have dissipated, including the smoke caused by the previous medium-sized missiles, which also drifted away with the mountain wind.

A burst of golden light suddenly appeared, illuminating the still somewhat dim sky.


As the golden arc jumped, bursts of electric currents came from the air!


The golden energy gathered on Ye Yang's wings, with a sudden swing, condensed into a golden lightning more than one meter thick and shot towards the incoming missile!

The time from Ye Yang mobilizing energy to launching it was no more than three seconds, so it was completely in time!

Before everyone could react, the golden lightning had already collided with several missiles approaching rapidly!

Without the slightest delay, several missiles came into contact with the huge energy squeeze and exploded instantly!


Above the sky, it was like a huge black and red firework, gorgeous and brilliant!

However, the shooting target of the golden lightning did not stop because of the shock wave generated by the missile explosion...

The dazzling golden lightning, straight through the explosion shock wave in the air, shot towards the sky!

"What is this!"

"Ah! So dazzling!"

In just a few seconds, even the fighter pilots couldn't react at all. They didn't know what was happening yet!

When they saw the rapidly enlarged golden light on the screen, the two pilots felt a stinging pain in their eyes and closed their eyes.

The early warning radar turned red, and the alarm sounded frantically!


A black shadow fighter exploded!

After the golden light completed the destruction target, it still didn't give up and still shot towards the sky. Finally, after shaking off a piece of high-altitude clouds, it dissipated in the air...

Ye Yang's huge golden pupils were stunned for a moment, and then he blinked.

"This force is too strong.……"

He muttered to himself, full of shock!

Although he knew that his evolution level had been raised this time, the power of his bloodline had been activated, and he could control the golden lightning energy in his body, he never expected that the golden energy in his body would be so amazing!

The golden lightning not only blocked the trajectory of the missile, but also penetrated the explosion shock wave of the missile, destroying a fighter jet in the sky.

Looking up at the explosion fire wave of the fighter jet in the sky

"This altitude is at least 5,000 meters……"

"This evolution is terrifying.……"


Just when Ye Yang was shocked, the live helicopter in the distance also clearly captured the scene.

The effect of the golden lightning shocked even the person involved, not to mention the audience.

At this moment!

The tens of millions of live viewers in the live broadcast room did not make a single comment!

Because they were all shocked by the scene before them!

Finally, a few comments appeared.……

"Oh my God! Jesus please tell me... this can't be true!"

"This big golden bird actually possesses the power of thunder!"

"Fake! Unscientific!"

"The giant golden bird just now flew out from a golden lightning!"

"The ancient creature White Feather Eagle's abnormal evolution this time can actually emit golden lightning... What on earth happened?!"

"Is lightning really a power that living things can control?……"

After a brief shock, countless people had to believe this fact: this ancient white-feathered eagle possessed the power of lightning!

"I suggest that Daxia capture this ancient white-feathered eagle alive and hand it over to our Lighthouse Country!"

"That's right! As we all know, our Lighthouse Country's biotechnology is the most advanced on the Blue Planet, and we will definitely be able to unlock the mystery of the evolution factor from this golden giant bird!"

"Hehe... that sounds good! If you have the guts, come and catch it from the Lighthouse Nation! Don't forget, the speed of this golden giant bird has not yet been revealed, but judging from its performance just now, it is at least supersonic!"

"If this ancient creature appeared in our Lighthouse Country, it would have been captured alive by our military! Your Great Xia Country is really too weak!"

"It's easy to talk without any backache! The Lighthouse Country is just dreaming!"


If Ye Yang knew that there were millions of people arguing for him in the live broadcast room with tens of millions of people, he would definitely show a sarcastic look.

Ye Yang, who was suspended in the air, looked up at a vague figure in the sky.

Although the figure was very faint, he still knew it was another fighter with his outstanding vision. He used the same trick again.

Gathering the energy in his body, a golden lightning shot towards the sky!

""Black Shadow No. 1! Get out of here! Execute the order to evacuate!"

Inside the fighter, the pilot, whose mind went blank after being shocked by the scene just now, was startled by the communicator and came to his senses. He looked at the screen and saw a golden light coming!



Following the explosion of the other two fighters,

Ye Yang retracted his gaze and nodded with satisfaction.

"The golden lightning has great power and its speed is also amazing, at least a thousand meters per second.……"

Then he looked at the helicopter that was rapidly leaving in the distance. In his eyes, the speed was just like the speed of a tortoise on land.

On the helicopter, the white and delicate face of the female reporter Wang Xiaoli was originally very pale. Suddenly, a huge pressure like a mountain appeared in her heart.


A mouthful of hot blood spurted out of her cherry mouth!

The young reporter and the driver beside her looked at her in horror, not knowing what had happened.

Wang Xiaoli naturally knew what had happened, this was her sixth sense of crisis at work.

Looking at the camera screen, she saw the golden ancient creature, the white-feathered eagle, staring at the helicopter.

Using all her strength, she said to the driver:

"Don't leave here, just stay where you are……"

The driver said in panic,"But if we stay here, that monster bird will kill us!"

Wang Xiaoli shook her head and smiled bitterly.

"If it wanted to kill us, we would have been dead……"

"My instinct tells me that we are safer if we stay where we are.……"

"Oh well……"

Ye Yang, who was standing far away, looked at the helicopter parked in the air, his golden eyes froze.

He had just wanted to destroy the helicopter, but now the helicopter did not escape, but it had some effect on him.


"Foolish humans... From now on, the hundreds of miles of forests around Shenfeng Mountain will all be my territory!"

"Anyone who enters!!! Die!!!"

He knew that this helicopter was for civilian use, and seeing that someone was holding a camera and a microphone, it must be broadcasting live.

This would allow him to pass messages to humans. His current power was no longer afraid of humans.

Regardless of the human's reaction, a pair of golden pupils flickered, looking into the distance...

That direction was the suburbs of Jianghai City, the Daxia military headquarters...

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