At the top of Shenfeng Mountain, inside a cave, there was a slight noise. Although the noise was much quieter than the breathing of the three animals nearby, Ye Yang, who had keen senses, still discovered it immediately.

Birds do not have facial expressions. His golden pupils changed, a golden light flashed, and he disappeared from the spot.

Coming into the cave, a pair of pupils containing golden lightning quickly found the thing that made the slight noise.

Since the white jade bamboo was transplanted out of the cave, there are not many things in the cave.

Ye Yang did not have the habit of leaving his excrement and food residues in the cave.

"Is this a glowing stone?"

"Could it be jade pearls? But when did I collect them?……"

I was a little confused and walked closer to take a look at the glowing stone.

The stone was very small, only the size of a football, and the light it emitted was a bit dazzling, but you could still see that the stone was gray.

"This inconspicuous stone does not look like a night-shining pearl……"

"Huh? Why does this stone look more and more familiar the more I look at it?"

Gradually, a familiar scene appeared in my mind.

"Hiss... Isn't this the stone I found in the huge cave in Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve?!"

He still remembered that if he hadn't upgraded his evolution level, he would not have been able to get this gray stone. He thought it was a treasure and brought it back.

But after bringing it back, it didn't show any difference. It was completely the characteristics of a stone. Ye Yang also threw it in the corner of the cave. After a long time, he forgot about this little thing.

Now the gray-brown inconspicuous stone is emitting a faint fluorescence, and the brightness of the fluorescence is gradually getting stronger. At the same time, Ye Yang feels a breath of life floating out...

This makes him have an idea in his mind.

"Could this stone be an egg?

He began to be alert, because he thought of the murals in the cave in Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve, which foreshadowed the changes brought by the red moon.

Then the stone obtained from the cave would not be ordinary...

A rare hesitation appeared in the golden pupils.

"Do you want to destroy this stone?……"

This stone came from the mysterious cave that recorded the red moon. Who knows what changes have occurred...

What's more, there is a breath of life in it!

Watching the brightness of the stone getting higher and higher, as if there is some mysterious and unknown creature, it reminded him of the science fiction movie"Alien" he watched in his previous life.

He shook his head and threw away the distracting thoughts in his mind.

"How could face huggers exist in this world... Besides, my speed can't even catch up with a missile, so there's no way I'll be hit by a face hugger.……"

At the same time, he calmed down and stared at the glowing stone in the cave.

He decided not to destroy this strange stone.

After all, he was now at the evolution level."D+"A creature with powerful lightning energy in its body, it is impossible for it to be afraid of a stone the size of a football.

However, this stone was found in the strange cave that predicted the red moon, so it disturbed his mind a little.

"I just don't believe that such a small stone can threaten me!"

The golden eyes flashed!

Just like that, time passed.

More than half an hour passed.

At this moment in the cave, a dazzling white light burst out from the stone!

It has reached its limit!

I don't know how long it has been washed. The gray-brown stone surface began to change. The gray-brown color quickly fell off, revealing the original appearance of the stone...

The surface of the stone is white like jade, and there are star-like marks on it, which bloom with colorful and dazzling light.

"so amazing……"

Along with the voice in Ye Yang's heart, a crisp sound appeared.

Cracks appeared on the surface of the white stone, and a white and tender little claw poked out from the crack of the stone!


As the tender little claw danced, the cracked stone quickly shattered, turned into dust and fell on the ground of the cave.

A small creature jumped out of the stone.

The colorful light all over its body gradually converged, and the white furry body, a cute and narrow face, and a pair of beautiful pink eyes that attracted attention.……

"This damn thing turned out to be a white fox!"


Ye Yang's golden pupils shrank, and he looked behind the white fox in the corner of the cave.……

"It turned out to be nine tails……"

"Nine-Tailed Fox……"

Just as Ye Yang was staring at the little fox in front of him, the little fox that had just jumped out of the stone was only the size of a child, and its body was bright white and white, looking like a plush doll made of snow.

It shook its nine slender plush tails behind it, opened its slender fox eyes, and looked up and down at the huge creature in front of it with two pink and smart eyeballs.

A cute and puzzled little white fox face suddenly became excited! It pounced towards Ye Yang!

Ye Yang, who was staring at the little fox, naturally noticed this action and wanted to dodge immediately. He didn't want this unknown little fox with nine tails to get close to him.

But before he could move, a white figure pounced on his golden claws.

"Very fast speed……"

His eyes narrowed, and a golden light was brewing on his golden wings...

Facing unknown creatures, it is better to destroy them.……

""Chirp! Daddy!"

Just as he was about to make a move, a soft and crisp sound came from below.

Ye Yang looked closely and saw the nine-tailed white fox. Its pink eyes were full of joy and intimacy. Its little body was hugging his paws and acting coquettishly. This made Ye Yang stop preparing to attack.

Looking at the nine-tailed white fox under his feet, which was so small compared to his body, he began to think in his heart.

"Nine-tailed fox... Such a familiar creature, but only in legends, myths and strange stories.……"

"This white nine-tailed fox must be related to the red moon, otherwise it would not appear from the stone at this time.……"

"Mysterious unknown……"

"Moreover, he is so young, yet he can sense the mind, which is obviously extraordinary.……"

He took a closer look at the tiny fox under his feet and retracted the golden light condensed in his body.

He believed that this nine-tailed fox recognized him as a relative, or else this nine-tailed fox's acting skills were too good.

The reason for staying was simple. Ye Yang felt that this extraordinary nine-tailed fox would be of great use to him in the future.

As for... the danger brought by the mysterious unknown, he was not so worried.

"It is said that the nine-tailed fox Daji brought disaster to the country and the people. That was because King Zhou was an old pervert. More importantly, he was a weak man who could not control the nine-tailed fox and fell into its charm.……"

"I just don't believe that this bird will be harmed by the nine-tailed fox.……"

What do you think?

"Gu! Call me boss!"

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