"Chirp! Boss?!"

Ye Yang saw the confusion in the eyes of the nine-tailed fox and began to explain.

"Gu! That means big brother!"


The little fox nodded excitedly, and then ran out.

Ye Yang also walked over and saw the nine-tailed little fox circling around his three little brothers like a curious baby.

"Be careful with this little nine-tailed fox next time.……"

After all, this was the first mysterious creature he had seen in this world.

Big brown bear Xiong Da, giant panda Xiong Er, and Monkey King Wukong were all startled when they saw a little white fox jumping out of the cave.

They knew that the top of the mountain had always been the boss’s territory, and no creature had ever set foot in this place except for the three of them.

Where did this little fox come from?

And... this fox was so fast, even their full-strength bursts were not as fast!

However, seeing the look in their boss’s eyes, they understood that this little fox had some relationship with the boss and was one of their own, so they put away their hostile looks.

Concentrate on practicing basic breathing techniques, continuously absorbing the spiritual energy on the top of the mountain.

The nine-tailed little fox looked at the three big guys ignoring her and felt a little bored.

Then she saw a magical little thing on the ground not far away, and walked over.


Looking at the little guy in front of her who was about the same size as her, a trace of contemplation appeared in her pair of pink fox eyes.……

"Chirp...I feel like I've seen this creature somewhere before.……"

"Woo woo woo……"

The Monkey King Wukong immediately protected the human cub in front of him.

At this time, Ye Yang moved his golden paws and asked the nine-tailed fox:

"Gugugugu...Have you seen this kind of creature?"

He had been watching the little nine-tailed fox, so he could naturally find out that the little fox was abnormal.

The little nine-tailed fox nodded and shook his head.

"Chirp...Brother, I have never seen this kind of creature...but I don't know how……"

"Chirp...When I saw this little guy, some vague shadows appeared in my mind.……"

Ye Yang nodded, and then realized that this nine-tailed fox, which had just come out of the stone, not only had a speed similar to his, but even its telepathic skill level was higher than that of the big brown bear next to it.

And it seemed to be very intelligent, so Ye Yang was facing this nine-tailed white fox as if he was facing a human.

Looking at the three brothers around him, he had an idea in his mind.

"Gu... Let me give you a name, little guy.……"

""Chirp! Great!"

The little fox made a happy sound and looked at him expectantly.

"Gu... There are two names... Daji and Ahri, which one do you like? Just pick one."

The little fox had a thoughtful look on his face, and silently recited the two names in his mind.

"Chuchu...both names sound good……"

"Chirp... I choose Ahri!"

Ye Yang nodded. From now on, he will have one more little brother, and this little brother is very mysterious.

"Even the nine-tailed fox from mythology has appeared... What other monsters will appear in the future?……"

There is some pressure in my heart


At the same time.

Just as Ye Yang was shocked by the white nine-tailed fox that emerged from the stone, the human world also underwent an earth-shaking change!

In the underground of a large state in the Lighthouse Country.

At the headquarters of the God Era, countless people walked out of high-tech hibernation capsules.

Everyone had more or less changed, but they all looked full of energy!

"Ding, welcome all the apocalypse seekers of the Age of Gods to awaken……"

"Ding, a total of 1,500 life signatures have been detected in the base. Congratulations to everyone for perfectly passing the trial of the Apocalypse Red Moon!"

A mechanical sound of light waves rang out in the base.

"Great! The potion we found in the ancient ruins really helped us survive the crisis of the Red Moon of Apocalypse!"

"Yes, there are a total of 1,500 members, and not a single one died in the Era of the Gods. This is too incredible!"

"Alas, fortunately, I was lucky enough to join the Age of Gods in this life, otherwise I would have died in the Red Moon of Apocalypse like the people outside.……"

"You tell me... why are the top leaders of the organization unwilling to share the medicine with the world's major powers? In this way, wouldn't all of us humans be able to safely survive this Red Moon of Apocalypse?"

"Are you stupid? The materials needed for this potion were all found from ancient ruins. The families of the organization members don’t have extra potions to share. How can we help the world?"

"oh oh……"

In the dim meeting room of the God Era Organization

"As expected, the Red Moon of Apocalypse really came after the Evolution Factor appeared.……"

"I just don't know how many humans are left in the world now.……"

"Don't feel sorry for the world, that's God's business!"

"Our only goal is to guide humanity towards the point of evolution!"

"Hehe... hurry up, now we humans finally have the key to becoming gods!"



At this moment, if you observe the azure blue planet from outer space, you will find that there is a different breath flowing on the blue planet now.

The forest has become increasingly covered by green forests due to the emergence of spiritual energy. Now, stimulated by the special energy contained in the red light of the crimson moon, not only plants, but even lifeless mountains, rivers and seas are changing their trends!

This means that the entire crust of the blue planet is changing!

The volume is slowly expanding!

If it were a society with a stable order, humans would definitely be able to detect the changes on the blue planet in a very short time with this obvious change.

But at this moment, human society is lifeless... unable to perceive the changes on the blue planet.

��The reason is that, out of the world's population of more than seven billion, there are only more than three billion people left!


The people who were attracted by the red moon recovered from their trance after half a day.

On the rooftop of Daxia, an astronomy enthusiast stumbled and accidentally sat on the ground.

"Ouch my butt……"

I sat on the ground, rubbed my sore legs, and then looked at the dazzling sunlight.

"How come it's already dawn... I clearly remember coming to the rooftop to watch the lunar eclipse……"

"Did I have a nightmare?……"

Then I saw the big guy next to me.

"Brother, why do you open your eyes when you sleep?……"

"Is your ancestor Zhang Fei?"

"Hiss... His eyes are so big, it's scary……"

Then he looked around and saw many people who had fainted, sitting on the ground like him, rubbing their sore legs.

But half of them were still lying on the ground, motionless... and like the big man next to him, they also stared with their eyes wide open!

The astronomy enthusiast had an ominous feeling in his heart.

He stretched out his right hand tremblingly and placed it on his philtrum... and immediately jumped up!

He looked panicked!

The big man in front of him was actually out of breath...

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