Conference hall.

Hundreds of people looked at the old man on the first seat with solemn expressions. They were all the upper echelons of the Great Xia Kingdom, and they were a little nervous.

Although the Great Xia Kingdom was not a one-man show, if the leader made a decision, they would definitely set an example and cooperate...

The Xia leader on the first seat, with cloudy but bright eyes, glanced at everyone in the conference hall as if nothing had happened, and only spoke after taking in everyone's expressions.

"‘After the Super Red Moon appeared, the bright moon has been a red moon. We still don't know the reason for this.……"

"Mysterious and unknown things are always the most terrifying... No one knows whether there will be supernatural events like the"Super Red Moon" in the future, leading to even more terrifying disasters.……"

"So the matter is very clear. Either we study the spiritual energy in the air, the strange substances brought by the red moon, and prevent the supernatural mysterious phenomena that may appear in the future.……"

The leader of Daxia paused for a moment and continued,"But it is obvious that the aura has suddenly appeared in the air of Blue Star for more than three months, but until now we have not been able to analyze the reason for the appearance of the aura. We only know that the aura can make creatures evolve.……"

"If something supernatural appears in the future, it is highly likely that we will not be able to explain it with our current technological civilization.……"

"Therefore, there is only one way out for us, that is to actively accept the evolutionary effect of spiritual energy and strengthen the physical fitness of all people in the country! In this way, in the face of unknown crises in the future, the hope of survival of the people will be greatly increased.……"

If this statement was made by the head of the scientific research department, it would definitely be refuted by people with different opinions or political opponents. However, this was said by the powerful leader of the Great Xia Kingdom himself, and all the upper echelons of the Great Xia Kingdom in the conference hall began to weigh their opinions...

Mayor Lin of Jianghai City was the first to stand up and speak,"I agree with the proposal to let the spiritual energy evolve our Great Xia citizens!"

"Aura can only make living things more powerful. Now after experiencing the 'Super Red Moon', we humans can also accept the evolutionary effects of aura, which is a good thing for us!"

"If we don’t catch up with the first echelon of evolution now, we humans will definitely become food for powerful creatures in the future!"

Mayor Lin stood up and couldn't help but recall the golden figure in his mind.

He continued

"Facts have proved that the second message from the mysterious organization is correct, so the first one should also be correct... In the future, there will be giant beasts that can destroy cities, and they are more likely to be mysterious creatures that are beyond the reach of our modern technology, so I support the suggestion of encouraging the people of Daxia to use spiritual energy to evolve!"

His words were like a thunderbolt falling into the hearts of the leaders of Daxia who were weighing the pros and cons. Looking at Mayor Lin's serious look, he didn't look like he was flattering the leader...

Then more and more leaders of Jianghai City chose to support this suggestion.

Because of this supernatural red moon lunar eclipse, more than 600 million people in Daxia died inexplicably. Not only were the masses panicked, but even these big men who had experienced great storms were also worried. If there were a few more such supernatural phenomena, their Daxia country might be destroyed!

No, it is humans who will disappear from the planet of Blue Star!

Then the leader of Daxia, who was sitting in the first seat, was very satisfied with the cooperation of the leaders of various cities in the conference hall, and nodded to the Minister of Scientific Research sitting in a seat next to him without leaving a trace.

After receiving the signal, the Minister of Scientific Research stood up again.

"Since I see that most people agree with this proposal, I will explain it in detail.……"

"I just said that there are some special people who absorb spiritual energy much more efficiently than ordinary people.……"

"These people are either in a detached state of mind or have undergone years of physical exercise. The most obvious examples are the Taoists and monks in the mountains.……"

"What?! Minister of Research, stop joking. We are discussing national affairs now, and you are talking to me about Taoist priests? Monks?"

Someone said in surprise, and almost everyone looked at the Minister of Research with doubt.

After nearly a hundred years of modern life, who still believes in those metaphysical traditional things?!

Moreover, in recent years, news related to Taoist priests and monks is not good news, but usually negative.

Those Taoist priests and monks are definitely charlatans, swindling people under unknown banners, and even some traditional martial arts"masters" are the same.

The Minister of Research shook his head,"These Taoist priests and monks I'm talking about are ascetics who don't care about worldly affairs and live in deep mountains and old forests……"

"Let me show you a video……"

He pressed the remote control in his hand, and with a"ding" sound, a video was projected on the wall in front of the conference hall.

In the video, the mountains were surrounded by white mist, and the towering mountains rose from the ground and connected to the sky, which made people feel insignificant.

Seeing this, some old men in the conference hall spoke up!

"This is Mount Zhongnan in the ancient Anxi land!"

""Mt. Zhongnan?!"

No one in Daxia is unfamiliar with this name, which is a mountain name that often appears in various strange novels and stories.

In modern times, there are also some ascetic Taoists who practice in the mountain. Many tourists have gone up the mountain to look for those ascetic monks out of curiosity, but Mt. Zhongnan is very large and has a high altitude, and most people do not persist to the mountainside.

Even if some people rely on luck to find Taoists who practice, those Taoists who do not care about worldly affairs refuse to communicate with this group of second-year babies.

In short, Mt. Zhongnan is a Taoist holy land with a mysterious color.

As the camera moves, the mountain becomes steeper and steeper, and then the picture starts to fast forward...

Finally, in a corner of the mountain, a few wooden houses appear.

The empty On the ground, a middle-aged Taoist priest in a gray Taoist robe sat cross-legged.

The middle-aged Taoist priest's chest rose and fell rhythmically, and the white mist in the air seemed to be drawn into his mouth and nose...

As time passed, the middle-aged Taoist priest exuded a slight aura, and the white mist was all around his body, so his face could not be seen clearly. At the same time, the middle-aged Taoist priest's aura showed a subtle change, full of the feeling of being out of the world and entering the immortal world, making him look like he was about to ascend to heaven!


The middle-aged Taoist priest opened his eyes, and a dazzling light shot out between his eyes!


A sound like muffled thunder rang out in the conference hall.

Anyone who looked at this dazzling light couldn't help but feel their hearts beating strongly...

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