"This is……"

Mayor Lin in the conference room was shocked. In the video, the brilliance emitted from the middle-aged Taoist priest’s eyes made everyone present feel as if their hearts were hit by a big hammer.

Many people had difficulty breathing and felt suffocated, and their faces flushed.

But Mayor Lin felt very familiar with this kind of psychological pressure...

This was the sense of pressure brought by the gaze of the ancient creature from Jianghai City!

Although the sense of pressure brought by the middle-aged Taoist priest in the video was far less than the sense of mountain oppression brought by the ancient creature white-feathered eagle, it might be only one percent...

But this kind of magical sense of oppression appeared on humans, which is already a miracle!

You must know that those in this conference hall are the top leaders of the Great Xia Kingdom. They have experienced many storms, and the things they have seen and known are difficult for ordinary people to match in their lifetime. They have a strong psychological endurance.

But they were still affected by the middle-aged man’s gaze...

After a few breaths, many leaders in the conference hall recovered from their shocked state.

"Was that middle-aged Taoist priest absorbing spiritual energy just now?"

"It should be that the concentration of spiritual energy in the mountains is much higher than that in the city. The spiritual energy condensed into a white mist. The middle-aged Taoist priest was absorbing the spiritual energy mist just now.——"

"If that's the case, it's amazing! The efficiency of that middle-aged Taoist priest in absorbing spiritual energy must be at least five or six times faster than that of an ordinary person, right?!"

"This is still the realization in the video, the actual situation may be more than……"

"Terrible, the look in the middle-aged Taoist priest's eyes must have been the influence of spiritual energy. I didn't expect that we humans could have such a strong eye pressure."

"Huh? There's a video?"

In the conference hall, the projection on the wall did not end, but the scene changed.

It was also in a deep forest, a sparsely populated place.

An ancient temple was located in an open area. On the black, simple, and paint-chipped plaque, there were three large gilded characters - Shaolin Temple.

After knocking on the door, a young monk in monk's robes opened the ancient temple door.

Finally, with the fast forward, the visitor did not know what to communicate, and the ancient temple door was completely opened, allowing the person filming the video to walk in.

In this way, this ancient temple, which has been passed down for hundreds or even thousands of years, was opened to outsiders for the first time.

What came to the face was a heavy sense of history. There was no magnificent hall in the TV series, only independent courtyards, and the largest room in the middle enshrined several clay statues.

The largest place in the ancient temple is The big square in the center of the ancient temple.

At this time, dozens of monks in gray monk robes were practicing some boxing and kicking martial arts in the square. They fought slowly and vigorously, with simple movements, and they all looked very skilled.

Finally, the abbot in a cassock invited a dark-skinned monk to come to a rock that was one meter high.

Crouch, bend over... punch!


With a violent explosion, the one-meter-high rock exploded like tofu, turning into small fragments and falling to the ground.

At this time, the picture stopped abruptly.

Everyone in the conference hall took a breath of cold air, their pupils dilated a little, and their faces were filled with shock!

Because they were shocked by the middle-aged Taoist priest in the video before, the upper echelons of Daxia were mentally prepared this time.

But despite this, they were still shocked.

"This stone is quartzite, right?……"

"At least one and a half meters, and the density is too hard... Even if boxing champion Tyson comes and punches him, not to mention the quality of the quartzite, his hand will be broken!"

"But you see that dark-skinned monk, he broke such a big piece of quartzite, and his fist was not hurt at all! It didn't even turn red!"

"Wow! Why do I feel like this isn't the monk's full strength?!"

"Can we humans really possess such powerful strength?!"

"Minister of Research, is this also due to the effect of spiritual energy?"

The Minister of Research put down the remote control in his hand and exhaled.

He said to the many Daxia upper echelons

"That's right, the middle-aged Taoist priest in the video and the monk who broke the rock were all due to the effect of spiritual energy."

I looked at the burning eyes of everyone in the conference hall with satisfaction.

"It's not just the effect of spiritual energy, the transcendental state of mind and physical fitness of the middle-aged Taoist priests and monks themselves are also key, because their efficiency in absorbing spiritual energy is several times that of ordinary people!"

Hearing this, some of the upper echelons of Daxia looked distressed. They did not have these characteristics possessed by the middle-aged Taoist priests and monks. If they did not have these characteristics, then it did not represent the ordinary people. Then isn't the plan to use spiritual energy to evolve the nation just talk?

The Minister of Scientific Research smiled and said,"Do you think our scientific research department has done nothing in the past half month?"

"After more than half a month of uninterrupted efforts, our scientific research department has finally developed a set of special exercise methods suitable for ordinary people."

"If you use this set of training methods, your efficiency in absorbing spiritual energy will be five times that of an average person!"

"Moreover, this training method does not have any special conditions or restrictions, nor is it dangerous at all!"

This sentence was like a bomb that exploded in the conference hall in an instant!

"What?! How is this possible!"

"Is there really such a magical exercise method in the world...really?!"

"Am I dreaming?!"

Many Jianghaicheng leaders in the conference hall stood up and exclaimed!

PS: I would like to apologize to all the readers here. I just saw your suggestions to me. The most serious problem is that I am lazy to update. I update twice a day...

How can I say this? I am a newbie who is writing a novel for the first time. I heard from the big authors in the group that Tomato only needs to update 4,000 words and update twice a day, so I did that...

Actually, although the work is...���I am busy, but I can still find time to write. It's just that I am too used to being at ease. There is also the game"King of Glory"... meow...

Then I am practicing double spelling, reading"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and preparing to write a historical theme at the end of the year. The most time-consuming thing is preparing a new book of evolutionary style...

To be honest, I read some readers' comments before this book and wrote it a little crooked, that is, too fast, which is completely beyond my outline, so I have to customize a set of outlines again...

This also makes me a little afraid to read the comments of readers, and I want to write a good story.

Don't worry, the outline has been written, with a minimum of one million words and a maximum of two million!

Then I have to deal with the problem of less updates, which is very simple... that is to add more updates!

Today is July 18th. From now on, I will update at least three times!

I apologize again to all the big guys who support me. I was too comfortable before and didn't realize that there were so many readers chasing the book!


I set a FLAG here. If I can't do three updates in the future, I, a newbie, will be a puppy, single for three years and can't find a girlfriend!!! Bang! Bang! Bang! He kowtowed (his head was broken and bleeding)!!!


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